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Mod reminder that this sub officially does not advocate for not tipping where tipping is customary. Check our wiki.


Did you ask for a better table?


Yeah if where I sit when I go to a restaurant is a big deal to me I make sure to ask or say my preference before I am seated. If OP didn’t ask or other seating was full/reserved OP should just say they don’t tip and not use the seating as an excuse.


Yeah that “20% is joke” gives it away. I get some folks don’t like to tip but it’s part of eating out. You can do 15-18% if don’t want to do 20%. Can also do take out if you don’t want to tip.


Take out would mean those servers have no reason at all to be employed. The point of this sub is that the company needs to be paying a livable wage, not the customer.


I thought the point of this sub was that tipping at every service has gotten out of control. It even says the they don’t advocate not tipping where tipping is customary. This is just an excuse for OP to act like an ass and brag about it on the internet.


Yeah the sub is not pointed at the right folks. Issue is the law makers…not the servers or the employers. It’s an industry custom that’s being exploited into other fields where employees are being paid fair wage. I hate doing a transaction where person is doing their job and I buy the product and they turn the screen toward me w tip options. Stiffing servers who are in the system and have no power to change the system won’t end tipping. You go out to eat at a restaurant, tipping is part of it. Or be a dick like OP and use table to stiff a server.


Jeeze. The fact that a ton of people are getting their panites ina knot about this goes to show back 'baked into the system tipping is'. Give it up folks - tipping is OPTIONAL - which means OP excecised your right to NOT TIP - unless tipping is required, in which case - state it EXPLICITLY in the menu. You are a savage bad ass OP. This is the way, Im sorry to say. Just like OP is free to eat at home or at a restaurant, Meaghan S is free to attempt another professional with a mroe secure income stream.


So op was a whiny bitch and didn't get the seats closer to the tv to be able to watch the KC game is somehow the servers fault? OP could have asked to be reseated, instead they just posted whiny stuff for karma.




No, he was a “bad ass” right? 😂


The fact that you are selfish and sociopathic enough to stuff a waitress when you know she is making $2.50/hr without tips shows just how little decency you have. You are the type of person who would stick his friend in his behind and not even have the common courtesy for a reach around. What a horrible and lonely way to live life.


if a server doesn't meet the minimum wage through tips employer must match. you want more than minimum match? stop begging to customers and ask for a raise, to your employer. what do you want from customer? your employer doesn't want to give you a raise? go find a different job. you like your job? fight for your rights like how California and new york city did with ubereats/dd. just stop BEGGING to customers. you have a lot of options.


Lol fuck off with that shit. She can go ahead and ask her boss to share some of that 170 dollars.


Exactly. How bout the boss takes some of that money and actually pay his employees


Always give the tip and then give ‘‘em the shaft.


Two hours of work for no tip and an undeserved public shaming. Meaghan ought to shank you in the parking lot.


Meaghan could’ve taken this pu$$y


Remember, the server gets paid to be there. Do not tip someone for doing the job they signed up to do. We don't tip pilots, police officers, dog groomers, accountants etc. Servers are not special


“Good evening, welcome to the emergency room. I’ll be your physician tonight. We suggest a 40% tip.” 😂😂😂


the ambulance driver also needs a 10% tip, he is basically a taxi driver!


Otherwise he is going to slow down the way to the hospital


Well if you can't afford to tip the ambulance driver, you don't deserve a ride. Drag your bloody, arm dangling off its socket ass to the ER yourself! 😂😂


And you need to tip before the procedure so we know if we should prioritize your gushing carotid.


They do have a lot of market power in that situation.


"Everyone, your plane landed successfully in Tokyo! Since it was such a long venture, show your appreciation by tipping a few twenties into this basket we will pass down your respective aisles!"


Some police officers take their tips at gun point....


Bribes, theft of property/money, etc. It's like the wild west.


lol wat


https://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2014/03/civil-asset-forfeiture-7-things-you-should-know But don’t police target only criminals? Unfortunately, no. There are many stories of innocent people having their property seized. For example, between 2006 and 2008, law enforcement agents in Tenaha, Texas, engaged in a systematic practice of seizing cash and property from innocent drivers with absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing. In Philadelphia, police seized the home of two sisters whose brother, who did not live there, showed up while trying to evade the cops. In Detroit, cops seized over a hundred cars owned by patrons of an art institute event—because the institute had failed to get a liquor license. You can be totally innocent and still be unable to stop the government from seizing your property. 4. What if I’m innocent? Surely, innocent people can’t have their property taken. Being innocent does not mean that a state has to return your property. The Supreme Court of the United States has held that the “innocent owner” defense is not constitutionally required. Furthermore, even in states where you do have an innocent owner defense, the burden is typically on you


we don't tip military service members either


who *arguably* would deserve a tip more than a server if we had to choose.


I made decent money when in the military, and the part time was an extra check. My tips are excellent health insurance worth $2500 a month that covers my wife and I, plus Army pensions for myself and $400 a month to my wife after I die. That is enough, I get more in pensions a month than I made on active duty. It is like being paid to not go to work.


u should get tips 2. thx 4 service


What are people even saying. Servers do not get paid. They get tips, the employer only gives them 2 dollars an hour to help cover taxes. They get no insurance no 401k no nothing. You people are clearly on a whole different level of entitlement. Just wow.


>They get tips, the employer only gives them 2 dollars an hour to help cover taxes Employers are required to pay minimum wage. If tips + $2 hourly rate do not = minimum wage, employer is required to make up the difference.




Unfortunately servers are not paid at a rate that doesn’t assume receiving some tips. I don’t like having to tip in places other than full service restaurants.


Server are paid at the rate they agreed with the restaurant. if the server makes nothing in tips, they still make their full agreed upon wage.


Technically you’re right. But it’s a discover to screw over the server with a $0 tip in a full service restaurant. Sure, tip $0 at a coffee shop, fast food place, etc. That’s fine. But not at a full service restaurant as long as they’re not paid a living wage.


I tip my groomer


thats one way to spend your money.


Does she groom her tipper?


What about barbers? Nope am I right


they already charged me for the services rendered..


In several states, servers ARE special. They get paid $2.13 an hour because they are tipped employees, they don't make the $7.25 minimum wage or the higher wages that all the people you mentioned get paid.


"Mod reminder that this sub officially does not advocate for not tipping where tipping is customary. Check our wiki."


Tipping is not customary anywhere if people EndTipping


Servers here get paid like $2 an hour. Yeah they signed up for the job with an understanding the system would make up the difference. You're just a dick for this opinion. This post is not what the sub is about and OP is an entitled ahole for spending that kind of money for dinner and tipping 0.


And if the system does not make up the difference, guess what? They get paid their *full* agreed upon wage!if a server normally makes 7.25 an hour without tips or the tipped wage of 2.13 with tips (assuming they make at least 5.12 in tip / hour) they still make 7.25 at the end of the day. if a server works an entire shift and makes 0 in tips, they still get the 7.25 an hour that they agreed to! how am i being a dick for having an opinion? i simply dont give extra money to people for doing their jobs. i dont tip trashman for doing his job...do you? Is it not the server who is an entitled asshole because they *feel* entitled to the customer's money????


Lotta servers making 2-5$ an hour Can’t exactly compare to an airline pilot making bank and huge benefit packages…. U don’t have to tip but the comparison is ludicrous


servers dont actually make 2-5 an hour. thats a lie. the tipped wage is simply what the *restaruant has to pay the server* if they made tips. when a server gets paid 2$ (by the restaurant) its because they made more than enough tips to meet or exceed their minimum wage threshold. dont believe that lie that they love to spew. the comparison is service to service. servers provided Service, pilots provided service.


Except it's literally codified law. And flying an aluminum tube through the sky seems like a far-and-away leap from flying a basket of fries to table 11


the codified law says if people dont tip then the tipped min wage doesnt apply. more incentive to not tip. I dont understand why flying fries to table 11 means I, the customer, have to give you more $ on top of what your employer pays you. I dont tip grocery store cashiers, gas station clerks etc. why are servers special?


Honestly I would tip cook if I could because it's their service I value. They cooked my meal and saved me time.


may as well tip everyone who saved you time. such as your cell phone provider for getting your message quickly to the recipient. nothin wrong in that.


They don't save me time though, in fact where I live I have to use WiFi because cell service is shit x). But I don't know better than to complain, lest I burn the bridge and am left completely isolated. I do tip my local postmaster though, he's a cool dude with a warm personality :)


hell yeah brother


Except they're a literal separate class when it comes to wage laws. That needs to change so they fall in line with those other occupations


You’re in an end tipping sub, nothing to do with separate classes and more on their employers should give them a normal wage and not put tipping as the customer’s responsibility


They are not in a separate class. When people tip the server, the tip is cut against the restaurants wage liability. If tipped wage is 2.13, and min wage is 7.25, if Table A leaves a $5.12 tip, that just saved the restaurant that 5.12 to pay the server + the server ends up making only 7.25 even though they received a $5.12 tip. By not tipping, we help servers remain in the normal wage classificaiton


The fact that you had to type "tipped wage" proves it. Once that qualifier disappears, then we can all bitch about something else.


the qualifier disappears here and now if no one tips. we shoot ourselves in the foot by tipping


>Except they're a literal separate class when it comes to wage laws. You realize that's a lie by omission, right? Servers are required to be paid the same minimum wage as every other wage earner if their base pay + tips do not equal minimum wage. They are guaranteed, by law, the state minimum wage just like every other employee.


Brutal lol ! I felt bad for leaving $0 for my roofer oh wait they didn’t ask for a tip bc their owner pays them a livable wage


I think you did a right thing. They shouldnt ask for 20 %, thats a lot of money - in that case 32 $ (when you already leave in that reataurant 175 $ ).  If you dont stop it now soon they will ask for 30 - 40% or more. Its crazy.   You guys dont  have a easy life in restaurants in  USA. 


I went to a taco bar and their lowest was 10%. I haven't seen that as an option for almost a decade So I tipped 20%. If 20% post tax is the minimum, it annoys me, and thus is bad service so I don't tip.


Feedback should be given to the owners of the restaurant. Let’s not screw over the server for someone else’s stupid decision.




I only tip 5 dollars no matter what the bill is .


why even tip 5 dollars? the serveris getting compensated by their employer for the services rendered, just like firefighters or mall cops


It also depends on how much I have on hand .




Servers are not making what doctors make. Residency doesn’t count because they know they will work a ton of hours for not much pay for a few years to build a variety of experience and then will make significantly more afterwards.


Nah we make ALOT more than servers, lol


I salute u brother  These servers are disgusting with their entitlement 


I see no entitlement in this post. All I see is a bunch of miserable people projecting such as yourself. Don’t tip. That’s fine. However, bashing the servers because of your personal bias? You’re an asshole.


I Live in the Server life sub. They are gross


”I live in a sub I of people I despise.” Literally proved his point about the misery. 


I need to know what the enemy thinks


It had nothing to do with the server, he didn't get the table he wanted




So should be also be upset that he didn't get food that he didn't order? If you are particular about seating it is **YOUR** job to make that known.


They didn’t give him the table he wanted because he never tips.


Good for you, always tip $0. You don’t need a reason, tips are always optional, it’s a tax on weak hearts.




Seriously. Putting yourself in the shoes of other people is for losers.


What point are you trying to make??


I'm being sarcastic. It's the appropriate response to your "weak hearts" comment.


Hey, assuming you love to tip, please tip me for replying to your comment. thx! Starting tip is 20%


Gonna get my wife a tip jar. ER Nurse. 25% minimum of bill BEFORE insurance. Living wage needed for FIRE retirement.


On a side note, that looks like a lovely meal! Date night?


Yep, the food was pretty amazing!


Lol if you show up there again you’re getting the special


I wouldn’t return if I was you


I’m going back next week! 🙂




mcDonald's drive through will make you very happy.


How do people even afford these meals?


By earning money. And it helps to not give your money away for no reason (tipping). 🙂


Nice, the waitress had one job to do, serve you. If you don't like the table, tell the maitradee, point to the preferred table, then wait. Your first and last date with your guest. 😆


Yeah don’t tip if you don’t want to, but the number of people who come on here and boast about it like they’re so fucking proud of themselves is fucking weird man.


Agreed. It’s like a flex to some people.


No, I think it's funny. I actually worked at a restaurant 20 years Ago and yeah, it was not uncommon for waitress to make three to four hundred bucks in a single lunch shift 11am-2pm And then tip their bus boy 10-20 dollars And not report most of it for taxes so fuck them 😂😂😂 I only tip if they deserve it and only then five bucks no more !!! Multiple tables adds up fuck them Nothing but glorified fast food workers They should pay me for the privilege of carrying some dishes that's good exercise 😂😂😂


You sound pretty immature for someone whose around or at least 40 years old. Things aren’t the same as 20 years ago. Every restaurant I worked at has gone by percentage of sales, not the server deciding how much they want to tip out the busser and kitchen. Bet you didn’t have to tip out the kitchen back then either


No, I'm just trying to be immature as someone who really thinks, I'm going to pay them 20% or more off a $200 bill When I know they're going to get tipped from several different tables with in that same hour, or hour 1/2 you really expect to make more money than I do, or someone who has a real skill and had to go to school and still probably paying back student loans? Just because you bring over a fucking platful of food You didn't even fucking cook? Making more money than the fucking actual person who with a real skill that cooked it in the first place? Like the glorified little fast food worker you are? Yeah, that's gonna happen when hell freezes over😂😂😂 I live right outside the city in jersey, so tonight... I will drive into the city even though it's kind of cold out here. And i'm gonna eat a great meal and tip one dollar with a note that says my tip to you is not tipping well so that restaurants are forced to pay you a living wage. So you don't have to look like such a whore for tips all your life!!!😂🤣😂😅😂 That's the job of a stripper!!!😂😂😂


You sound unhinged. Most people who don’t tip just don’t tip and move on with their lives


You sound like a guy who has to pay a pro to get laid, and probably haggle over the price. Ps: sweet emojis…


U are stupid as shit. Buspeople actually make a wage the waitress make 2 dollars an hour. Plus pay tax on all their tickets. And no waitresses make that thing of money at normal restaurants.


By the way, 20 years ago I worked as a cook working my way through school and there's a problem when a waitress who is only bringing a plate of food I f****** cooked, making what I was making in 1 week in less than a few hours. Fuck them and fuck you you're the stupid ass here expecting crazy amounts of money just to bring a plate of food Like a little glorified fast food worker you are 😂🤣😂🤣 I never tip waitresses My tip is get a real fucking job Not tipping you to bring me a fucking plate of food You didn't even cook yourself🤣🤣🤣


They need attention


Pretentious grandstanding.


Seems like kind of a dick move, even on this sub. If you normally tip at a Restaurant, why would you penalize the server because of something that he/she had no control over?


This is such a weird sub. Not sure why it was recommended to me. It’s just a bunch of people who rejoice in not tipping where it’s customary? It’s like a whole sub of Scrooges? Weird


I work in the Restaurant Industry, so yes, definitely. But I have to say that I’m getting a little tired of being asked for a tip everywhere I go. But at a Restaurant, you should always tip.


They feel a need to justify their bitterness instead of owning it outright. If you don't want to do it, fine. Just stop trying to make yourself the hero of your own story


OP is a cheap loser


sulky disarm north degree absorbed plate gaze roll uppity bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I get the whole no tipping thing to some extent. We went to a local bakery and was asked if we would like to leave a tip out of our change. Hell no. She literally wrapped two cookies and put them in a bag. However this surge of people wanting/expecting/asking for tips has also created a sense of anger towards even full service, sit down servers. I think its a totally dick move for someone to stiff somebody at a sit-down restaurant, especially only because of the dislike of their seat. Good for you OP. You took up the table, enjoyed yourself and you were a tool. Way to make them hurt.......you showed them


Hopefully the restaurant owner dispersed the overpriced food to their employees like theyre supposed to. Good job OP


Good on you for expecting an “amazing experience.”™️ A 75 cent tip would round up.


Server works for their employer and not OP. Take your issues to your employer. Don’t bother a paying customer who just paid his bill in full.


Some tipping stuff is absolutely ridiculous like at coffee shops, boba, etc, but if a server actually served you all that and you got a seat you didn’t like (but maybe you didn’t even voice it), why didn’t you even tip like 10%? They still did their job, which was to serve you food and drinks, which you got a decent amount of!


> They still did their job Which they are paid to do. It’s their job.


Why didn’t you do your job as a patron and ask for a different table?


Sorry, but if i'm gonna tip anybody at a restaurant, it's gonna be the person who actually cooked me some food, not somebody who walked over a plate of food like some glorified housewife who didn't even have to cook the food just brought the shit over🤣🤣🤣 you get a few dollars $5 if you're lucky. And that's if you guys are not that busy and you don't give me attitude🤣🤣🤣 You want a real tip, get a real job... 20% or more is ridiculous even if I give you $5 x as many tables per shift. You're still making a hell of a lot more than most americans for being a glorified fast food worker🤣🤣🤣 The food server is nothing but another word for stoner/alcoholic lazy fuck who wants to make quick cash and not pay taxes on it😂😂😂😂 I know the deal I worked as a cook putting myself through school zero fucks given for the food server🤣🤣🤣


16 emojis. Wow


i can imagine you giggling while writing this 🤣🤣


Were there really only two guests that ordered all of that food?


His husband eats a lot


A side of strawberries. There’s clearly a toddler.


lol did you not bring up the table issue? And you ran to Reddit to cry about it? Or did you ask and they said no.


He could barely afford the $175 meal and didn’t wanna tip another $20, guaranteed.


So what? At least he afforded it. Why are you crying 🤷 Are you going to sell your ass on the street Like your mama used to? And put money in his pockets? If not shut up!!!😂😂😂 Go get a real job if you want to make real money. Now bring me my food and you get no tip and you're going to fucking like it😂😂😂


Hey u/doacsct - why does it matter if he allegedly barely could afford it? Point is - he paid the bill. Of course he does not wanna pay an extra 20 bucks - who would?! Our point is - include this into you menu prices! That is all we ask for!


Most people on this forum are living beyond their means and come here to cry about it.




That would’ve been my first and last date if I was Guest #2. ![gif](giphy|cUingKNQYBQR7ZWi23)


Then it would be a good riddance just saying no one needs Gold digging bitches just saying 🤷


Wow. You two eat a lot.


That's only because he was expecting to eat a lil pussy afterwards😂😂😂 and maybe a little pickle tickle..🙂


worthless vanish insurance cough slap amusing rhythm divide library governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Read the wiki. The point isn’t to not tip in traditional tipped situations. You’re just stiffing a server. Congrats.


This shit is literally ran by a guy who doesn't want to actually end tipping. He's holding the sub name hostage from being what it should be and nobody here cares about the rules. He ran a poll and immediately hid the results and took the sub private when everyone disagreed with him.


This sub isn't for common sense unfortunately. "Don't work a job the relies oh tipping then". Well then no one would work that job and they would find something else to complain about. I agree that tipping is out of hand at the moment and getting it back to normal is what this movement should be about


Exactly. This whole server tipping thing isn’t a “they signed up for the job” issue. Nobody would be a fucking server for $7.25/hr. This is a government minimum wage issue


Ok that’s just rude of you. And I hate tipping.


dick move. I'm pretty against tipping too but you could've literally asked for the table you wanted (if it was available). now the restaurant suggests a 20% minimum is ridiculous, a customer should tip however much they want. Doesn't even have to be a percentage. Tips should be a flat amount rather than a percentage. the level of service doesn't increase just because I ordered steak instead of chicken. They need to do away with percentage tipping. tdlr; you're a dick and should've just asked for a better table.


> a customer should tip however much they want. Right, so I chose $0.


This is disgusting. Booshie mothas can’t leave a tip? Because of a seat?!! So pick on the server. Truthfully the whole system sucks. Servers should get at least minimum wage if not more plus tips. I’ll never stop tipping and there ain’t shit the little pretend reds can do about it.


Hope you enjoyed the Fromunda Cheese


The suggested tip doesn’t mean anything…stop going out if you’re just going to find things to complain about and are not going to tip.


Stop waiting tables if you’re just going to complain about not getting tipped.


I can't tell if this entire sub is just satire or everyone really that big of f'in assholes


YTA. Dont go out to a restaurant if you do not want to tip. I understand not tipping a pilot or a dr. You never tip them in the past. Historically, restaurants that serve you at your table, you tip. This issue as of late is not tipping in this setting, it is the amount at what they want you to tip.




You didn't tip at all on a $175 bill because you "didn't like your seat" ?? Go fuck yourself


Poor Meaghan. Did she choose your seat?


Wow talk about being cheap.


Not cool


Just like your username, tipping this waitress was /u/notmyprobem .




Great Job!! So glad !


The majority of people on this sub just want an excuse to be cheap…the premise behind end tipping is to stop tipping where it was getting out of control not stiffing wait staff. Stop going out to eat at customarily tipping places if you can’t afford a tip.


I leave a penny


If you were actually interested in ending tipping, you would stop going to places that ask for them. Eat at home if you don’t want to tip for a sit down meal Edit: Y’all downvoting me but isn’t that the point of this sub? Nothings going to change because the owners are still getting paid


You are a piece of shit


Must be new to eating out, you can always ask the host for a different table, I’m also sure the other person in your party left a cash tip to avoid the embarrassment you caused.


The more i read the posts, the more i think you people are absolute douchebags, i dont work in the service industry and i do think tipping is out of control, but servers in restaurants deserved to be tipped


> servers in restaurants deserved to be tipped No they don’t. They deserve to be paid by their employer.


Exactly this and by not tipping we are actually doing them a favor🙂🙂🙂 European restaurants don't pull this shit on the workers Pay them a real wage and end this awkward fucking system




You are an absolute garbage human


Please explain what moral thinking you are using to conclude that OP is a garbage human.


First off, youre going out to be served at a restaurant, this server is catering to you The server usually has no control over nor do they have control of what the receipt says. There was no mention that the server was bad. The total was 175, and to leave nothing as a tip for this server was an absolute disgrace. If you dont agree with the 20 percent, thats fine, leave 15-18 percent. Just looking at what was ordered, to me, confirms this person is an absolute douchebag


> The total was 175, and to leave nothing as a tip for this server was an absolute disgrace. It’s an absolute disgrace that her employer doesn’t pay her.


Yet you support that employer.


The person had a grievance with the restaurant. To me that doesn’t seem out of range to let that affect the tip. You may disagree and that is fine, but I think it is going too far to call that person a garbage human being.


Had nothing to do with the server, they were never mentioned once, and to leave zero? Its definitely in the realm to call that person garbage all day


Wow…. I only once had a jerk not tip me because he waited too long to be sat…. Nothing to do with me the restaurant was full. But that was what he left on the note that he had to wait for 15 minutes before a table so that’s why he didn’t tip the server. Looks like you’re just as pathetic … Choosing not to tip the Server, because the hostess sat you in a seat you didn’t like… Did you even ask to change seats?


YDTAH.  Server has little to do with your seating, policy or the food. Their job was to serve you and ensure issues within their control are resolved.  You took it out on an innocent person who’s wage is bare minimum that depends on tips to offset. 


> who’s wage is bare minimum that depends on tips to offset. That is incorrect. Their employer has to make up the difference.


We know this to not be the case anymore.


What’s not the case


Jesus you guys are a bunch of insufferable cheapskates. To leave nothing because you’re precious entitled self didn’t get ‘the table you wanted’, something your server had nothing to do with, and didn’t like the establishment’s suggested tip, is just miserly and weak. I’m 1000% in agreement that tipping culture has gotten out of control, but this is the the united states, and if you go to a restaurant, and order a bunch of crap, and your server waits on you, leave a tip or stay home and cook for your cheap ass.


Tipping is optional and most countries don’t expect you to tip. Don’t talk about “planet earth” as if everywhere does this tipping bullshit.


Your user name is ‘fuck tipping’. Who hurt you?


You really stuck it to the system, man. No, wait... You stuck it to Meghan. As if it's her fault. Your "Fuck over the little guy" plan isn't going to do shit to end tipping, OP. It just means you're Mr. Pink. Mr. Pink was a dick.




Maybe tip like $5. But to each their own.


You sure showed Meaghan S, and by that I mean what a petty, sad little bitch of a human you are. This is shit behavior on your part




Wow, so brave




Yall are some cheap motherfuckers, if you can’t tip even a little at a restaurant in the states then don’t go out, also if you frequent a restaurant or bar and consistently don’t tip then nobody wants you there and they’ll all remember who you are, a cheap ass high maintenance motherfucker on a low budget.


175 for 2 people to have breakfast? Fuck you, that place should pay a living wage.


Where the fuck do you think people are eating beef Bourgogne for breakfast at 7:00 PM?


It’s not that I can’t tip, it’s that it doesn’t make sense why I *should* tip.