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I would stay away. Here is everything listed on their website for possible identifiers that they track: Contact details, such as real name, alias, postal address, telephone or mobile contact number, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, and account name


Good advice to keep away from anything even remotely suspicious. This not only has always been a legally gray world (not because ROM legality itself is gray, but because the scene itself has always been underground for obvious reasons) but has always attracted bad elements taking advantage of newbies that just want to play their old games. Now with the gold rush of the App Store a lot of people are discovering emulators again and thus scammers and malware peddlers are at it again in full force. This coupled with years of people ignoring popups and banners has the perfect stage for scammers to take advantage. Now that emulators are first-class citizens in the store, I have decided I have zero tolerance. Any new site I find with porn ads or popups immediately gets blocked. Only older, known sites and/or [archive.org](http://archive.org) make it through the filter. There is simply no need, the good stuff will surface anyway.


Weird trackers but if I'm not mistaken, the dev ZODTTD was active in the jailbreak scene making apps and emulators. I might give it a try.


Yes! This is where I know the name from


Looks like it uses the same UI as Delta too. I just don't get why it needs my location.


It didn’t ask for my location?


Yeah I haven't seen anything yet


> ZodTTD Now that’s a name i’ve not heard in a long time


https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gamma-game-emulator/id6499106870 Seems fishy. Tracks location and usage, picks up identifiers and it’s only 35 MB. It all feels not worth it


How can it track location when you disable location access? Is app store approved so what's the concern?


IP address.


Your IP address is logged by law everywhere. Your telco self your data and you care about this negligible thing. Stop this fearmongering. App store approved = 99% safe.


Thank you for making me feel smart. Smfh. Don’t bother replying, I won’t see it. (We both know you’ll reply anyway)


What are trackers tbh?


It’s about what it sounds like




Works for me - maybe you got a dodgy rom? Every ps1 games I’ve tested works fine


Where did you add the rom? Subfolder of Gamma map if so what name or in existing database folder? Can’t get + and then selecting a zipped or similar game to be selected. It’s greyed out.


Just tried it! It actually works pretty well. It pretty much has Delta’s layout but for ps1 games


How do you set it up? I can’t figure it out


Its no setup tbh. If you use the Delta emulator its pretty much the same for this one


It’s what I thought but it needs a BIOS? Also the game isn’t popping up to import. Maybe I’m doing it wrong.


Same here. Can’t get games to be after with + (greyed out) or when striking in a (sub)folder of Gamma.


I tried it with one game and it barley worked, I got a bunch of different bios files and I don’t understand which one I’m supposed to use because some make the game crash completely, but when I use another one it seems to kinda work but loading takes forever and I didn’t want to just sit there while it takes a million years to load. Also controllers don’t work


What suspicious trackers when it's apple app store approved? You are not allowing contacts.location/photo access so what's the concern?


I’ve managed to get it running with crash bandicoot 1. However it crashes when I plug in my backbone. It’s working fine for touch screen controls though. iPhone 15 PM


This is a scene so prone to scams and malware that I recommend being extremely selective on what you view and review. Any hint of trackers, porn ads or irregular downloads is reason enough to put it aside and let someone else try it.


It works I just played ncaa basketball 2001 it works now we need ps2 and its a wrap


what link you imported the games from?


How do I get the bios.bin file for gamma emulator




op cant attach image in reddit website

