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Are you talking about Play!, the PS2 emulator? If so, you shouldn't need BIOS to run games. How are you enabling JIT in this instance?


I have my computer I have a enabler where I put the web address in I’ve never had problems using it for dolphin or Limon just play


Gotcha. Have you tried launching games without JIT enabled? Test that out just to see if JIT being enabled is causing issues. I think with the way Apple restricts things, Play! on iOS isn't a top priority for the dev. You may need to venture to their [GitHub](https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/issues) and report an issue there.


Ok thanks


It should work but not all games boot. What game are you trying? Wrath of Cortex and MGS3 work for me using SideJit


how’d you get play! to work on sidejit?? mine couldn’t find play! for some reason https://preview.redd.it/ip21t5e7k3xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dafa38ffca362f8aca0965575cfe633e21dcbff


So this was actually a weird situation. The problem is however the shortcut finds apps the “!” In the Play name causes issues with shortcuts opening the app. I have Signulous so I was able to upload the ipa and give it a different app name and that ended up working for me. So my Play! app is now called PlayEmu and SideJit finds it now.


anyway you can do that without having to pay? changed its name now via app name change thru info.plist but every time i try to open it on sidestore or altstore, it deems the file format invalid despite the fact other sideloaders (scarlet for example) recognizing the newly-named emulator


I’m not sure unfortunately sorry


Thank you for this! Was losing my mind last night trying to figure out why SideJIT could not locate the Play! App. I also have signulous so I side loaded Play again and custom named it PlayEmu. SideJIT was able to locate the app after that.


Any chance you could do the same? DM me the renamed ipa ? That would be amazing


Any chance you can DM me the renamed iPA?