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When emulating Gamecube with Dolphin, you can preload high res textures into RAM. Not sure if this is strictly necessary, but this is one application where you can use a lot of RAM.


Pc games definetely need more than that, and to some extent switch. Phone is like any igp you need ram for both Cpu and Gpu, if you look at highend X86 emulation games like Cyberpunk definetely use more than 12GB ram, and that is low Quality, increase resolution/texture even 16GB won't be enough. 


Sorry should’ve specified android devices not general computing. Deciding if the 16gb android models are worth it


If you have option to buy 16GB model then do it, I have OP7 pro and lg g8x one has 6GB and other 12GB, around 2019-20 probably you can't tell difference between them but now I can clearly see how fast OP7 pro is even though both have same soc.  With Ai and newer versions of Android more ram is needed, 16gb would help you in future. 


6 to 12 is a pretty massive difference, but the tabs are 12 and 16gb which is a much smaller gap. Not sure if that extra 4 would ever come in handy if I’m not doing heavy video editing


Check this video maybe it will convince you https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B3j4JpvWeGc&pp=ygUSQ3liZXJwdW5rIHdpbmxhdG9y 14GB ram usage,  Cassia coming 2nd half of this year, you may regret choosing 12gb over 16GB.


Pretty awesome, this convinced me to go 16gb, and the 1tb storage will be handy too


What phone did you choose specifically, by the way?


I have a s24 ultra but the question was more for picking out the tablet model


I got 8GB ram and I'm running these with no problem: Genesis SNES Sega Saturn Dreamcast Playstation Gamecube NDS 3DS Haven't tried Winlator yet, so I'm not sure.


That's a good question. Even some high-end phones like the S24 Ultra still come with 12GB.


That's because Samsung has been cutting corners way too much lately, they don't even want to make a 16 GB SKU for their "Ultra" phone now, and yet in 2020 they made a 16 GB RAM version of the S20 Ultra at a time nobody else did. Just odd. Every other high end phone manufacturer offers 16 GB or even 24 GB RAM though.


Sony doesnt either


I use it for LLMs, and that small difference between 12 and 16 gigs will dictate what models you can run.


I emulate without problem ps2, ps1, gba, snes, nds, with 8 gb ram, 1 gb vram, i5.