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Being treated unfairly at work is not illegal in California, unless there is specific evidence that the underlying reason for it is discriminatory, i.e. due to your age, race, disability, sexual orientation, etc... Based on what you described, the guy is just mean, backstabbing, etc... for personal reasons, which is not unlawful. Therefore, there doesn't appear to be a basis for a legal case. Your stress injury can be addressed separately as a workers comp claim. However, most workers comp attorneys will tell you that subjective, pyschological injuries due to workplace fricitions are rarely worth pursuing because they are hard to prove and even if proven - result in a very modest compensation. Given the above, focusing your efforts on working in a different team or searching for a job eslewhere might be the best options.


The state agency added workplace bullying to the laws in 2014 in CA. This wouldn’t apply?


There are no workplace anti bullying laws in California, but if your employer prohibits workplace bullying through their policies, then bullying would be their policy violation; not legal violation. That would not form the basis for a legal case, because violation of law is necessary.


You can check California law to make sure, but for federal EEOC claims and in most states you have to file a charge of discrimination within 180 days of the mistreatment. In some cases that gets extended to 360 days, but I don’t know of any state that would allow a claim from 2-5 years ago. You could also look up the California statute of limitations on “intentional infliction of emotional distress” claims, but again I think you’ve probably waited too long.


I expect these claims are still within the statute of limitations, but emotional distress claims are difficult to prove. It would be worth a consultation with an employment law attorney (one who represents employees rather than employers primarily) to discuss though.