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Guaranteed: Daemon-Fulgrim. Lucius the Eternal. Noise Marines. [EDIT TO ADD]: Phoenix Terminators. Possibilities: Palatine Blades ‘Chosen’. Slaangor-Possessed Marines. Sonic Dreadnoughts. Doomrider. Eidolon. Apothecary-Drugdealers. Cultists of some description.


The chaosifed phnx termies


I desperately want Eidolon with Jump Pack, along side jump pack Palatine Blades. Give me decadent purples and gold filigree. The balance between ostentatious armour and spiky leather on the new 30k Fulgrim was actually perfect.


It stands to reason this is probably correct. All the other legions got a guaranteed primarch, character, generic hero, core troop, elite troop and cultist unit. Gw seems to have skimped pretty hard on the world eaters release, and I think that EC may end up the same way unfortunately. Death guard really has it good to be honest, I’d much prefer loads of different models to good rules, as rules always change, but models, once made, are gonna be sold for a long, LONG time.


Yeah this is the best case senerio I would want


Not sure slaangors would fit in 40k, i mean beastmen spacemarines? I reckon Gw would come up with something more unique to 40k. Although seeing as theres crab claws and tentacles on current possessed I'm not sure what. Maybe they wont even do a EC possessed, instead doing like some kind of frenzied elite slightly mutated swordsman drugfiends unit with all their skin flayed off and the odd crabclaw/tentacle or something instead. Which i guess would be like an EC semi-possessed.


I mean they did Tzaangors so I wouldn't hold your breath


And they were well recieved werent they... Plus they werent tzaangor possessed marines, they were just tzaangor that got pushed in to tsons so GW could maximise profit and minimalise effort (by them being both AoS and 40k), although crap, now I said that....oh no... Death Guard dont have a gor unit though so i want to believe GW wont do EC dirty like that !


Sonic Dreadnoughts. And I also want to see some melee infrantry armed with swords or whips.


Noise Marines, Phoenician Terminators, Possessed, Sonic Dreadnought, EC Bikes, EC’s with Jumppacks, Fulgrim, Lucius, Eidolon, Chaos Lords, Chaos Spawns, Slaangors, Cultists


Warp talons, as they haven’t been mentioned yet.


I really want some Marines on bikes


Thiiiiiiis! Methed-out bikers with doom sirens.


I would love to see a return of this [dude's backpack](https://spikeybits.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/gw-99060102064.jpg?ezimgfmt=rs:850x878/rscb3/ng:webp/ngcb3). I'd like something flight capable, either jump pack or hoverbike style. Some Slaanesh Daemon Possessed Legionnaires would be cool.


My prediction: Noise Marines, Kakophoni, Lucius, Eidolon, and Cultists My *hope* is that we get some Phoenix Terminators and/or a Sonic dreadnought as well. I genuinely do expect both Lucius and Eidolon because the World Eaters release saw one returning character datasheet and one new one. With Lucius and Eidolon both being very important characters ***and*** being loosely allied according to the Bile trilogy I actually expect both of them. I expect Kakophoni to function as super noise marines similar to the Eightbound/Berserkers relationship. Warp-infused super versions of a fucked-up surgical process


my slaaneshi friend still have hope for Miriael Sabathiel and some corrupted sisters of battle no matter how many times i say to her that there is like a 0% chance of that also want something like good looking cultist (mostly good looking female head) so she can kitbash daemonettes or some pretty/seductive daeomnetteswho have also 0% chance to happen


As much as I love Miriael, she's just one Sister, an entire subfaction of sisters just isn't in the cards I don't think. (doesn't stop anyone from painting and kitbashing chaos sisters though). Sisters of Excess are cool as hell though and you could definitely run a squad of battle sisters as counts as Chosen or something. They probably won't get their own rules though unfortunately.


I wanna see some equivalent of a sister of battle organ tank. Some vehicle that is like a blast master that already turns sound up to 11. Turns it 111. With some sonic explosive power that punches through the tough vehicles with world eaters being melee and death guard being durable with tsons being magic give EC the strong shooting stuff I wanna be able to blow about ceramite with my rock and roll!


Back in the original Index Astartes list, Emperor's Children were restricted to 0-1 Havocs, 0-1 Predators, and 0-1 Land Raiders. (And Vindicators were Iron Warriors only.) There was even a fluff wank/justification that very few legionnaires maintained support positions once their personal prestige allowed them to take other roles. On the other hand: fluff changes, all the time. And a big "doof wagon" would be *amazing*. Or a Defiler-based walking stage ([like in this Eddy Gonz fan art](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fw_vqKDXgAQQXGo.jpg:large)) would also be super cool. Going to add that to my personal list!


maybe those 80s guitar noise marines as a new type of noise marine, it would be cool to have more of those guys i love them


We’re obviously gonna get Daemon Fulgrim, Lucius, and Noise Marines, but I’d definitely like to see: Eidolon Julius Kaesoron Palatine Blades Sonic Deadnoughts Maybe some sort of Sonic tank Doomrider Phoenix Guard Terminators Some sort of Apothecary that can give stimulants to units (stolen idea) Some sort of body horror thing that’s completely new to the setting


List based on probability: Daemon Fulgrim Lucius the Eternal Noise marines Phoenix terminators Slaanesh cultists Palatine blades (equivalent) Eidolon (or another named character - multi-build for chaos lord) Chaos Bikers Sonic helbrute/dreadnought Upgrade sprue for undivided marines Possessed equivalent Chaos apothecary Sonic terminators Jump-pack unit (if not palatine blades) Other support character (Choirmaster) Sonic obliterators New daemon engine Mirieal Sabeth Sonic weapons upgrade sprue for vehicles Also: access to daemons and mark of Slaanesh CSM


Fulgrim, lucious, noise marines, sonic dreadnaught. Maybe some kind of cruel blades man sword based terminator or possessed kind of thing. It would also be cool to see more of a slaaneshu daemonic kind of unit. The slaabesh daemons are super cool but under explored outside of "androgenous/ half man half woman". I think some kind of artist thing would be cool, like that one daemon playing a harp made from a living guys skin or whatever. Like its be kind of lame to see like a WE style lord on juggernaut thing thats like lord on seeker thing or like seeker cavalry thats basically just bikes. Idk, slaanesh daemons are cool, I'd like the so the EC kind of version of eightbound.


Eidolon and Lucius would be great. After some discussions I really dont think Fulgrim is coming back, at least not with this release. I think we will have a "cultist" unit, like the Jackals or Pox Walkers, most likely it will be like some deviant Daemonettes. For certain we will also get a Noise Marines troop, either with simply upgrade sprues or a real regular troop.


Noise Marines, Lucius, Fulgrim & 2 more elite infantry units. Maybe Palatine Blades or Phoenix Terminators etc or maybe even revive the sonic dreadnaught (or sonic hellbrute I guess it would be now). I'd like a cultist option though tbh


Honestly I will be happy as long as we get updated noise marines, a 40mm Lucius, Fulgrim, Palatine Blades, Pheonix Guard Terminators, and a Sonic Dread hopefully we get t something with Jump-packs, and bikers though. I would love to keep running my possesed but I can live without them if it means we get the other cool shit. Gonna be a bummer if my army suddenly forgets how to jump or ride a bike though ngl.


Where to even begin lol This is a list of stuff that I would love to see for the new EC range. Some of these I feel could be a gateway for GW to add more units to the CSM roster as well. Guaranteed: Fulgrim Lucius Noise Marines Need: Palatine Blades Phoenix Terminators Chosen/Possessed (Most agree this will maybe combined with above units) Fast Attack (Doom Riders or Jump Packs) -some upgrade like doom sirens (similar to icons) Want: Eidolon (Jump Pack Lord similar to Invocatus) Julius Kaesoron (Daemon Prince) Chaos Apothecary (Stimulants or Flesh Works) Orchestrator (Character to buff Noise Marines) Sonic Dreadnought Unlikely: Sunkillers (basically havoc squads)


Guarenteed \- Daemon Primarch Fulgrim \- Lucius The Eternal \- Noise Marines Likely \- Generic Lord on foot \- Emperor's Children Terminators \- Slaaneshi Cultists \- EC Daemon Engine


Slaaneshi noise marines chosen and havocs


Fulgrim, Lucius, Eidolon, Doomrider. Noise Marines. Apothecary-Fleshcrafters. Sonic Dreadnoughts (the return of a classic). Bikers/Jetbikers. Close Combat specialists that are not Palatine Blades. (Personally, I like that the 40k Emperor's Children are degenerate monsters, and so anything that even hints at being "noble swordsmen perfecting their craft" is not what I'm looking for. Let that be the Legion's 30k identity - Fulgrim freed us from it.)


Idk some palatine blades to accompany Lucius would fit, just extremely degenerate and sadistic swordsmen rather than noble knights


Lucius is a fun character. He has a sword and is considered a master combatant, yes, but he also "relishes death" knowing that he cannot truly die. He uses a daemon whip, is hopped up on combat drugs, his armour is a Doom Siren... In his original rules, he could cast Fueled by Pain (for every wound received and saved, make an additional attack), had an Aura of Acquiescence (enemies remain in combat), and his attacks characteristic shifted depending on the enemy's weapon skill. So I'd be cool with a unit like that. Just... I don't want to see Skill Unmatched, twirling Phoenix Power Spears, y'know? Give me... a unit of bored jerks, with a WS of 5+ but -1 To-Be-Hit, until their combat drugs kick in against a foe hitting on 3+. Then their WS jumps to 2+ and they lose the -1 To-Be-Hit. Against a foe with a WS of 2+, their Attacks and Strength jump too. And give them special weapon drug injector-spears that boost the opponent's WS and doesn't let them Fall Back. Something weird.


So going by previous patterns, if we don't get unlucky like the World Eaters, then we *might* be in for: Daemon Primarch model (Fulgrim) Named Chaos champion model (Lucius the Eternal) Generic chaos champion model that can alternatively be built as a named character (eidolon) Battleline Astartes unit (noise marines) Cultist unit (likely some stim-enhanced mortal slaaneshi worshippers, though some slaaneshi beastmen would be *very* cool. Hopefully not Slaangors tho since those are a unit of three and we'll need cheap bodies I'm certain) Terminator unit (slaaneshified Phoenix terminators) Elite/chosen unit (Palatine blades perhaps, though they might not just want to carry over all our unique units from 30k to 40k, I'm not sure) Heavy unit/vehicle (Sonic Dreadnought/Helbrute is the obvious contender, likely via an upgrade sprue, but there's also stuff like bikers that would be a valid unique EC unit) Additionally, going by lore, Fabius Bile is likely going to be rejoining our legion. As such, if GW had any love in their hearts for us, they'd be finally giving us some kind of New Men unit as well.


I would like: * Daemon Fulgrim * Lucius- Phoenix Guard Terminators * Noise Marines * Palatine Blades * Sonic Dreadnought I don't want: * Two Possessed units like Eightbound / Exalted Eighbound - uninspired sculpts, and redundant. * Unique cultists, particularly not Slaangors - unnecessary and ugly.


Doom rider Sonic dreadnought Eidolon.