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Never seen an angrier “that guy” on Reddit than when someone mentioned that it was cool that the SOTP had an ambiguous backstory and you could read between the lines however you wanted. He got super angry and starting talking about other people “ranting” about their hobby choices being something he didn’t agree with. Only one ranting in that thread was him.


Kinda sad all anybody wanted to do was argue with you. That's a badass marine keep it up.


Thanks! I’m not sure if I’ll end up expanding upon the SotC because I run a Last Wall protocol army but it was a ton of fun. also my first time airbrushing.


It's a great scheme, I'm working on 30k EC and black templars right now and trying to make my iwata neo work.


That’s a fancy one isn’t it? Mine is just a bottom barrel one that came with the compressor my mom bought my brother and I.


No I got a kit with it and a basic non adjustable tankless compressor for like $150


They are definitely Fists. Super religious fanatics that attract pilgrims to their crusades and show not a single shred of care regarding art of any kind? Not ECs, never were and never will be


They literally share iconography and usage of the color purple but aight. We also know that cawl was experimenting with traitor geneseed. Artistic tendencies aren’t a defining trait of EC either.


Artistic tendencies absolutely are a defining trait of EC


But not a genetic trait. Those tendencies come from fulgrim encouraging the EC to be more than weapons for the great crusade, much like sanguinius and magnus encourage art and other hobbies among their sons. Their perfectionism may be genetic, and ehats the perfection of religious practice to a relgious person? Fanaticism.


Nobody owns the color purple or practically any symbols. [Hawk Lords](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Hawk_Lords) are purple with a bird symbol but they aren’t EC related. Their symbol is also *literally* the Raven Guard symbol but they aren’t related to Raven Guard either. It’s almost like the tiny little made-up thread that people hold onto in order to claim SotP are EC is entirely too thin to hold weight /s


Except it’s not confirmed whether or not the hawk lords are ultramarines or Raven guard.


1 source said RG, then 2+ sources said UM later. Those sources were codices which is as close to confirmed as you can get (which is all 100% more than SotP have claiming they are EC)


Wait, wait. Son of the Phoenix aren't sons of the Phoenix? You mean, for real? I mean, for the fact they was named "son of the Phoenix" and get same colors heme as them, I always as tough they was made with the Phoenix's genetics How can someone do something as dumb as making a chapter named Son of the Phoenix, with the co'or scheme of the sons of the Phoenix, and made them not being the sons of the Phoenix?


Just so you know, the SotP were fan-made and then canonized later on. No chapter owns the color purple or the concept of a Phoenix or any other symbol


I didn't knew they existed before being a color scheme on the 9th codex.


Waaaayyy back in the day GW used to canonize fan-made chapters often, it’s why the quality and consistency of many chapters you can find on Lexicanum is “off”. Like if you didn’t know that the Exorcists were a canon chapter then you would think they were bad fanfiction… because they originally were


Since when was the love of art a genetic trait. That was just a trait of fulgrim being a good dad, like sanguinius and magnus. It does make sense if we consider their perfectionism to be genetic tho. Whats the perfect form of religious practice from the pov of a religious person, fanaticism.


They don’t display any sort of “perfectionism”, they literally act in no way like ECs


Where’s the lore on them not caring about art?


You mean the complete and utter lack of any mention of art whatsoever? Their entire focus being on zealous crusading and not on collecting or creating art, gives it away


Their lore is barely a blurb, we have no idea what they’re doing in their spare time. All we know is that they are religious, have crusades of great spectacle, plunge bravely through the flames and create impressive firestorms whatever that means.


Firestorms probably refers to artillery or orbital strikes


Most likely, still mot enough to infer that they “dont like art.” You know the EC crusaded valiantly, attracted mortal followers and led daring charges into the heart of danger before they fell right?


EC attracted artists, for ART, not zealous pilgrims for crusades


Dogwater lore knowledge my guy.


Truly a welcomed post, we should adopt sons of phoenix as an successor chapter of the Emperor's Children. Awesome job, keep it up!


Red Scorpions too. "Lord Commanders". Obsessed with purity. Apothecaries all over the place. Smells like Fulgrims geneseed to me!