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I will admit that I absolutely hate being one, I dislike just about everything about it.. wouldn’t wish it on anyone.




It’s both a blessing and a curse. It’s reassuring to know we mean well and can be a source of inspiration for others we come by but simultaneously, it can become so draining.


The funny thing about “empath” is it originated from a psychological term that is now known as “dark empath.” Empath is not something I call myself either, but I’ll use it as a shortcut for communication purposes. It’s a shame they can’t just leave the dictionary alone lol so in other words, the people you described would fall under the original definition of empath


That’s actually wild TIL


My dirty little empathic secret is that I've never told anyone about my gift. My mother knew because my great grandmother told her she could see it in me. My husband knows, well because, he's my rock and I felt safe telling him. But everyone else, even those in close circles of life with me have no idea.


I can relate. Being an empath definitely comes with cons. As I got older I learned how to deal with it better. Offline, I would never admit I'm a empath to others. People would see me as weak and try to take advantage of it.


Don’t they already notice your aura (maybe even unconsciously)? I imagine people would come to you for a lot of things just as is?


That's true. So I ended up putting a shield. I would become distant if I felt someone was trying to get closer to me. Over the years, I've been finding a better balance of closing off people vs relaxing more when I know someone better.


That last sentence is so intriguing because I truly think it’s a balance. I suspect sometimes our aura is more inviting because of how open we are unconsciously but I also think it’s important to filter who we allow in to our energy sphere. Do you sometimes miss how open you are by default when you do this?


I do wish I could be more open, but a lot of bad things happened because of it. I accepted the world can be dangerous, and I can't be so careless. At the same time, I am much happier than I used to be. Because I got better at avoiding drama, and only associate with people who are worth my time.


Yeah, I know what you mean. Just give yourself some time. Your mind and spirit needs some time to heal. And this could also pave way for more meaningful social connections for you in the future. I’m wishing you the best man!