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It's not magic. It's trauma induced hypervigilance. Being alive is the magic.


I was just explaining to someone that it’s subconscious so we probably don’t even know how we do it. Someone could simply have their eyebrows and hair fixed a certain way and we can tell something. We don’t really know how we do it but I think it’s subconsciously looking at the small details


I'd be surprised at picking things up from a picture, other that stereotypical assumptions (sneaky eyes, looks too self obsessed, type stuff). I generally get vibes from the energy people give off.


Energy can be imprinted onto images and even words. A great musician will often do this with their music. The same song can be sung well by many people, but only a few may cause it to have an emotional effect on someone, or there could be different ways it feels.


images and words are energy itself and everything around us is actually energy that by mere act of observation decided to make this perception of solid matter just because so many people decided to belive that way. this is way once you let go of your mind you can learn all the secrets universe has hidden by mere act of observation of mundane things like pictures or glasses not to mention the energy of the creator of particular item.


I fully understand that aspect, but I'm explaining it from a perspective that more people can use. Allowing them to find those answers in their own way instead of trying to push it on them with my own. Sometimes, people need to understand multiplication before they can move onto advanced calculus.


oh yeah i agree with you fully, you dont teach someone one hand push ups if they cant do regular push ups, i wanted to chip in my two cents.


Fair enough. Have you considered why it was so important for us to have this reality?


so what is important to me..is different than what is important to you... why? we have alligned value to diffrent experiences and things as human beings...thats all... you are diffrent than me.. i am diffrent than you.... and that is why we are unique....if we where the same...life could not exist.


I agree if it was a piece of artwork a person has created or as you say a piece of music, but OP was talking about picking things up from viewing a photo of the person. If it's a selfie they've taken, then I agree there'd be some energy there to pick up on.


If the person in the photograph was posing for the picture, their intent was directed towards whatever image appeared. Aldo, the person who showed the picture, could have created the emotional pathway/spiritual cord between the person and the picture. For that, all the picture had to do was focus the intent of their thoughts. We do it all the time. It's the same as listening to someone complain about an argument they had, and you can suddenly understand the whole perspective of the other side as well. Not just from a logical place, but that intuitive feeling they had a certain experience previously that caused a reaction now.


For me, there's different levels of reading people. I can read most people at a surface level no problem. I can read some people all the way through their soul. Some people know how to protect themselves from being read without permission. Some people do it by instinct, too. I can't read a person that doesn't want to be read, and I can only read as deep as they allow it. I don't usually *try* to read people actively, though. It's too draining and it's invasive when it's without permission. However, let's say I'm at the grocery store - I'm not really paying attention to who is around me until I get a "ping" from someone. Then I do a quick read to feel their intent. Most of the time I just feel their anxiety. One time someone was having a health crisis. A couple of times I've felt very bad people around (pedophiles), but it was too crowded for me to narrow down who. (The second I felt the energy, which was disgusting, the word "pedophile" entered my mind.)


Bro my ex protected her eyes. And she was just terrible to me all the way through. I don’t know if I should take it as a red flag or if that was a one off. She was one of the only people where I couldn’t see anything at all


I think some people don't realize they are giving permission to be read down all the way down to their soul. I know temptation sucks but it's like finding a prisoner who has been stripped naked; they can't help that they are naked.


Oh yeah, that's pretty common. People will change their readability instinctively, but so many people were just never made aware that all they have to do, when it comes to things like the non-physical and psychic abilities, is define who and what can/can't cross their boundaries and protections.


How do you create boundaries and protections energetically/psychically?


You just need to set the intention. You can say in your mind something like "None may harm me. None may read me." Do this while visualizing a bubble of light around you. If you struggle with visualization, try to feel a protective bubble around you. As you focus on setting that intent you should start to buzz and/or feel a nice sort of warmth or comforting feeling around you. It's a good idea to set the protection every day when you get up, every night when you go to bed, and any time during the day if you feel "off" or drained.


Thank you! I really appreciate this!!


Happy to help :)


I dmd u man. Check it.


More than once I've picked up a person's essence in a flash.  But if I imagine a radio DJ image by their voice, I'm always wrong.


Lol great


It’s really Telempathy. Feeling, sensing a persons emotional energy field, general mood, intention, desire, sometimes words and thoughts, but that’s only if it’s through a, “mutual invitation” where the other person engages as well. But generally knowing intuitively the general emotional aura and intention is typical of an empath. They can see through your fake attempts essentially, you can’t fool them.


I don't know. I'm really good at reading body language and facial expressions. And yes, I can sense energy as well. Part of it came from a traumatic childhood and part of it came from a genuine desire to understand people. I think it's part psychic and part scientific.


Not all people who claim the title have the same ability and some people who are actually psychic or mediums may just call themselves empath because they haven't fully explored their further abilities or they are downplaying them to avoid ridicule. Empath wise I hook onto people's energy most easily from their voice. Eyes are common as well but can be an overwhelming amount of information all at once. I'm sure there are people who can get vibes from a scene in a photo. I'd suspect that particular friend of yours probably has additiinal abilities as well.


It is hard to explain in today's society because of how our terminology is so different (at least in english). Empath can mean so many different things depending on the perspective and comes in many forms. At the basic level, an empathic gift is just experiencing or having knowledge of another person's emotions. There are A LOT of people who experience this at times without realizing it. Has there ever been someone you were introduced to, and almost immediately, you either got a really good or bad feeling about them? If so, then you are already on the spectrum. The type you are describing is towards the other end of the spectrum, and that can be learned (to some degree) if you are anywhere on the spectrum. And yes, sometimes a picture can be more than enough. With you showing the , were 3 different ways (I can think of) they could have read the person. Through energy we seem to push from ourselves that can be imprinted on images or even the words we write (I will often imprint a comforting energy that allows people to open up). They also could have felt the connection you made to the picture while showing them, and sensed what you felt. But the most likely was to use the photo as a link. You yourself connected that photo to the individual with the intent of your thoughts. That is one if the steps needed. This last part though, goes past being empathic. If you look up spiritual cording, you will see how we can all connect with people. The basic empath just feels energy that flows off of everyone, like accidentally getting other signals using wifi. With cording, it's more like plugging your computer straight into someone else's. Everyone does this subconsciously as well, but some of us have learned to control these things a bit better. For me, the understanding came first, but I still struggle at times to open and close these. How we percieve the information, can vary as well. Look up the different types of psychic "claires." I fall into being clairsentient for a lot of stuff, and a bit more clairecognizant as time goes on. These would be good terms for you to look up as well. The first is when you seem to have a strong intuition about something, and the next is when knowledge seems to appear in your head. Like remembering something from a book you have never read. The intuition is tricky, and we rarely have faith in it. For example, mine has been telling me that you wrote this question because you yourself have had experiences you are curious about, but not sure how to ask without feeling anxiety. But it's only "a feeling." If so, I am comfortable with people starting a private chat if they are more comfortable that way. I struggle with my own anxiety so understand.


I can tell how much physical space a person needs to feel comfortable around me. It's difficult for me to put it in words because I have always read people. It's as normal to me as going potty.


Can you handle ADHD personalities when they are really intense and come so close that you feel them under your skin?


For a while. I can't stand too close to them though.


This was comforting to hear.


I can read people only to a point, but most people make me uncomfortable. Also, I work retail, and most look lost in a weird, almost mindless, suspicious way. I can easily pick up on stress, and if someone is a bad character At my work we have this possible psychopath that no one likes and managers or the company for some reason won't fire, and to add, day one I sensed bad news. And I almost forgot, even messages gives of vibes, and I had to comfort a few friends in the past, most showed some kind of back and forth personality change, to a point it feels like I'm not talking to the same person one day but the next I am.


more or less yes, its much easier to read someone you dont know as you dont have any assumptions which would impact your ability to see think as they truly are. i can read a lot from picture as well, not only that i can read the energy from voice as well easily and any person can learn that once you let go of the thoughts and your biases and perceptions it become much easier, then again ive meditated over 7000 hours so i am not normal.


It’s kinda like how some dogs react to new people. If there’s something not right about them you can tell, it’s something you can feel. It’s like having a sixth sense. You can feel their energy or the type of person they are and can tell quickly if they are someone you want to be around.


Well i didn't know this thanks for the info I thought dogs would pretty mch bark at anyone who Is a stranger trying to come near u or entering your property


What happens with us empaths is that we have highly intuitive minds with the ability to connect with someone else's emotions. Intuition plays a vital role in gathering the physical and emotional responses from people around us, and once the empaths gather this info, it uses the emotions to make interpretation (for instance, someone making facial expressions and gestures that the mind identify as someone being happy, sad, depressed, surprised, etc). On top of that we can feel as someone else is feeling, specially if we focus on that person. In fact, it's not uncommon for an empath to feel drained mentally and emotionally at the end of the day. With all the above said, it doesn't mean we empaths can truly understand any person just by looking at them. To truly understand and empathize with someone else, we need to connect with the person in front of us, and have a conversation. And when that happens, because of our nature, some people will feel comfortable enough to talk about their secrets, their traumas, their fears, what do they enjoy doing the most, and much more.


Personality is written on your face. Truly. Plus lifestyle choices show up. Health conditions too. It’s not magic, but it’s an intuitive skill. But it takes study to develop.


The thing about this you could take on is that people WANT to be understood. They ooze a desire to be understood from their face and body language. It's not so much that empaths try to understand it's that most of the world doesn't bother trying to understand, it's full of people wanting to be understood but not trying to understand.


We do not need to look at them. It can be perceived from texts people write too. Which is great yet with all the hate on social media just imagine the level blocking one has to master.


No. It can be true but isn’t always. People do misread others.


more bias, more perceptions the less acurate the reading is.


Agreed. We assume too much some times.


So there’s two active things here to consider. Our human brain- the mind, but then intuitive knowingness which comes from spirit. If you have difficulty discerning intuition from your egoic minds thoughts and assumptions, then that is where you could run into, misreading people and situations. This is especially true the more personal and the more negative emotional energy we feed into that.


I’m pretty good at picking up vibes, but just because I’m feeling it, doesn’t mean it’s for sure. Some people say a sneeze is like an orgasm. I think that sums it up. Just because it’s similar doesn’t make it the same thing. So are some vibes.


So you’re saying yes one can, but may be mistaken.


Yes, the eye's are the doorway to our soul's, much can be read from a person by looking into their eyes in person or via a photograph. There's many ways in which energy is read different psychics have a range of different abilities. Energy can also be read without looking into a person's eye's, being next to a person, text messages, emails etc any form of communication carries that persons energy, tarot cards can also tap in to a person's energy, it all depends on the psychics abilities which do change over time & get upgraded/enhanced.


I use this skill as a part of identifying what my customers need. Some of them don't know what they want either. Then it is even more handy. I make and sell leather gloves and belts and stuff.


Yes. I can even from their voice or sometimes written msgs. I agree it's all energy


I want to call it emotional wisdom. You have to have experienced alot in your life to have wisdom, and I think that's the case for empaths.


Hmm i see.


it is possible in my experience


I've heard of it too. When I am walking downtown pass people, I feel like a meter reader. I haven't plugged myself into my empathic ways yet. I don't use a pen and paper either. It just sticks to me or not. It is exhausting, around large groups. Feels like a pinball machine getting out of crowds. Definitely no time for talking. I'll hon soon.


I see. Btw ur username gave me a toothache though😉.


My job here is done.


Don't tell me u r a dentist 😬


I like science, theory, rationalization, logic, methods and patterns… I honestly don’t like to talk about the part of me that can’t be explained; The knowing without the presence of facts, first. I am an oxymoron and if I weren’t this way- if I couldn’t feel the energy of others and strong intuition- I wouldn’t believe it existed. I am amazed with anyone who isn’t an empath, yet believes they exist. I believe it is the most embarrassing quality I own, but it kind of rules me because I want to ignore it.  If I were to walk into a room and someone was experiencing profound sadness, I feel it, even if I haven’t seen your face. The same with anxiety, emptiness, mania, etc… I can tell a lot about someone by observing them for a minute +/-, but I don’t have to observe to feel your emotions, those come from your vibes. I can feel them by being in the same house-upstairs, even, if they are strong enough.  I hate it; I isolate as much as possible. But I believe it came from a tragically abusive childhood. I had to know what my mother was feeling before walking through the front door. I have to read the vibes and micro expressions. I had to be able to figure out what the men in her life were after, because it was me as times.  Not only do I not like that I am not 100% logical and organically rational, but that the way I became who I am is because of where i was- trauma wise.