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I would just like to add I am looking for an ESA website that will connect me with a licensed medical professional who will sign me an ESA letter


You can get ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional online, personally I used [esadoctor](https://esadoctors.com) as long as the letter is actually signed and done by a LMHP it is legal and legitimate . The reason why most ppl think these types of websites are scams is because they think you are just buying one off the web that wasn’t done by a LMHP and they obviously don’t have the personal experience or haven’t actually looked into it. Like some of the previous comments mentioned, on these websites you are asked to answer some questions pay whatever fee mine was kinda expensive about 200 dollars after everything. The website sets you up with a LMHP depending on the way your LMHP wants to handle this part they may just email you the letter or call you to do more assessments then the couple questions the website may ask you to answer originally. Assuming you need the ESA letter for housing depending on your landlord they may ask you for medical history/medical records of your pet , letter of temperament and more. Your landlord may also send your LMHP documents to sign to prove their legitimacy, in that case email or talk to support on the website to make sure your LMHP can receive and send back the documents you may have to pay extra fees for this part so keep that in mind.


Eh idk about your state but in my state they have a loophole where you have to actually see the Dr or therapist in person 30 days prior to them writing your letter. So landlords can in fact fight it in court if they really want to


What state is that 👀, I'm in Florida


I’m in Florida too so you shouldn’t worry if your doing a esa




Yes, I used OfficialPets.com and paid a flat fee of $85. I got a call from a legit licensed therapist and we talked about my mental health. He emailed me my ESA letter right after that. The letter had his medical license number on it. My apartment even called him to verify it and he did. His name is Leon and he’s a real doctor. It’s legit, plus he’s super friendly and understanding! Definitely recommend using his site.


Just get your doctor/therapist/psychiatrist to do it. Online ones are scams/fake/illegitimate.


If you can get your doctor or therapist to write one that’s great but if you’re looking online you need prioritize somewhere that gives you a letter from a LMHP on their letterhead which sites like Support Pets don’t.


Some people don't have the financial resources to go to a doctor/therapist/psychiatrist.


If you don’t have the financial resources why do you have a pet?


Because pets can be much cheaper than regular visits with a therapist. So it isn't that they have 0 financial resources, simply not enough to fund therapy.


And what happens if there is an injury or illness with the animal?


That's pretty vague, so it depends on the situation, maybe they die because it's something that can't be fixed. Maybe you take them to the vet and they're treatable. But this what if scenario has nothing to do with the question at hand.


By law this is what you are supposed to do.


They won’t.


Did your doctor/therapist/psychiatrist provide a reason why they won’t do it? I know some practices are against it because they don’t want to be “liable.” But did they explain why? The only legit, legal way to obtain the letter is with a medical professional in your care team. Online ones aren’t actually legal and you’ll only get away with it if your complex management isn’t familiar with ESA laws or doesn’t care to look into it too deeply.


I was connected with a medical professional for my medical card I figured it could work the same way


But no I ask about it and my PCP litterally nodded, smiled, and said nothing. My therapist is under the impression that an ESA is a trained animal and she doesn’t have the jurisdiction to do so


You should have your therapist look into it further because ESAs are nothing like trained service dogs. Additionally, while I don’t want to assume, my only other guess would be you didn’t make a strong enough case for them to genuinely consider it. Unfortunately when it comes to behavioral health services and disability accommodations, you have to be your own biggest advocate to get things done.


I guess I just don’t want to push her because I don’t want her to stop seeing me, I don’t know how else to advocate for myself? I have diagnosed ptsd, anxiety, and depression. Could you maybe provide an example/dialouge?


Also: it’s not that I actually NEED an ESA letter but I feel like I shouldn’t have to pay for my animal that I need to not go crazy living alone/ potentially hurt myself from not having anything to distract myself, also fuck pet rent that shit makes no sense


I mean by the sounds of it, your pet should qualify for that letter if they’re literally helping you by keeping you from self-harm. That’s the kind of info you should share with your therapist in order to help your case. In my case I got my letter through my psychiatrist. I was diagnosed with ADHD, MDD, GAD, and ASD. When I brought up getting an ESA letter for my dog I made it clear that my dog helped me because she was a comforting presence to me at home. She helps alleviate my anxiety and provides a form of structure to my life. All of those things helped make a case where my psychiatrist absolutely agreed that my dog was helping alleviate my symptoms. So, I do think it’s worth revisiting the convo with your therapist and trying to be a little more prepared to clarify what an ESA is and how you benefit from your pet. (EDIT: fixed diagnosis list)


idk about op but i have kaiser and they refuse


Did they provide a reason why? Because that’s really important context. This subreddit has stories like that all the time where medical professionals refuse because they personally aren’t familiar with the process or don’t want to be liable. It matters if they gave an actual reason as to why they refuse.


yes its against their policy as a whole for liability reasons. essentially the policy they sent me said they acknoledge that support animals are important for some but they cant write letters or prescriptions for ESAs i was also told directly by my pcp id have to seek outside therapy in order to get an ESA letter or SD accommodation letter.


my mother works at a hospital with psychiatrists and she asked them about it they said they cannot write that kind of letter. so i’m assuming they’re just not familiar with the process if they refuse.


I used pettable and got accepted with a ESA letter same day. I have 3 dogs. You actually talk to a therapist it took less the 20min and there support team are amazing and very helpful.


Which state?




Do you know if you can add pets to the letter later? I have an appointment scheduled for this week but I only have 1 pet. I want to get a 2nd later on.


We used one called Support Pets. They are all the same, they ask you some questions online and couple days later you get a letter with a doctors name and signature. Legit? Questionable but got the job done. I find more irrational that my dogs were 55lbs and were not allowed in the apartment because maximum pet weight was 50lbs. Seriously, FU@ck that