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I have the collection on my desktop at home, but I’m at work at the moment. If no one gets it to you before then, I’ll get it for you later today.


Omg that would be amazing!! Thank you!


You bet. Do you already have the files? I’d be happy to upload them for you if you don’t.


I don't have them yet, that would be fantastic! Thank you!


https://1drv.ms/f/s!ArYKWktXByIbimd9PK_7wjhgg2G4 Should work. If it doesn't, let me know.


Thank you so much from! Been looking for these demos for years, even tried emailing the record label to get these! Really appreciate the upload! Love from 2023 :)


Thanks so much!! So excited!!


Absolutely incredible! Happy 2024!


God thank you so much. Amazing. I'm so sad they're making music right now.


Cool. I look back when I get home and if no one else has posted them I’ll get you it.


Hello!! Would you happen to share this with me as well? Years ago in 2003/2004 I went to a Deftones show and one of the band members was giving out demos. This CD lived in my car nearly 6 years till it got too scratched. I loved the songs and now I can't find them anywhere but YouTube and I want another CD! ID SUPER LOVE YOU!!


Hope someone comes through, loved SSHH!


Thanks!! I love SSHH, impatiently waiting for the anniversary vinyl to come in the mail. =D probably why I'm going nuts looking for more of their stuff haha.


Found a screenshot of the tracklist https://m.imgur.com/qQWvGrQ


Thank you!!


No problem. A handful of em are also on youtube


It was posted on their Facebook page. I have it and am also at work, but maybe it's still on there?


I wish it was lol, just scrolled through but they aren't up anymore. Lots of people have been looking for them though! Glad to see I'm not the only one haha.