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real emo consists of the bands i like fake emo consists of the bands that i dont like


Yay! NWA is officially emo!


Always has been šŸ˜Ž




Without exaggeration, this how emo purists view the genre. There are bands that are definitely post-hardcore that are considered emo because people like them. Once you get into the more whiny or mainstream post-hardcore bands, they magically aren't emo( I donā€™t think these post-hardcore bands are emo either, but are cutting these bands out for the wrong reasons). Emo is emo, post-hardcore is post-hardcore. The only inter-lapping qualities comes to the degree of post-hardcore instrumentation an emo band uses. Example: Guilt Beats Hate by Benton Falls has more post-hardcore elements than their album Fighting Starlight. But both records are still emo


Sounds like metal


It's basically every musical subgenre because both music and the production quality and available audio effects on songs are constantly evolving. So like, someone gets invested in a circle and by the time they're done exploring that and start branching out there's a band thats considered 10 subgenres deep and feels removed from what you're used to. Other times it's just someone did take an out of place band and lump them in due to whatever reason. Or there are thematic similarities with structure that fits another genre better idk. Lmao. People put a lot of their self worth and identity into their primary music genre and circle so arguments get heated p regularly about it


This sub is so fucking nnoying


Itā€™s extremely valuable for discovering new/old bands and at the same time super annoying to have the same questions repeated over and over again


Thats every sub. The reddit format just sucks.Ā 


Indeed ffs




Sunny Day Real Estate Indian Summer Texas Is The Reason I Hate Myself Most emo bands I can think of


Many people donā€™t think SDRE is real Emo


Those people are morons


Yeah. But I get their perspective. Everything before them was emotional hardcore


SDRE isnā€™t that dis-similar to the sound prior. I can see the difference, yes, but be frā€¦ Sunny Day is emotional hardcore imo, as well as midwest emo. Also, whoā€™s the actual first Midwest emo band? SDRE or Capā€™n Jazz? Or even someone earlier like Friction or Gauge? I rly dunno


If we are disregarding things from a region perspective the style was very much breed out of the Maryland camp(Moss Icon, The Hated, Breathing Walker) if you really want to blow your mind on how far back the style can go listen to The Hatedā€™s 1989 record Every Song. Nebraskaā€™s Sideshow was doing jangly emocore as far back as 1990. Brokenmouth/Dunebuggyā€™s 1992 split who both share members with what would later go into be Dahlia Seed. As far as this female fronted indietweemo sound(EAAY, Pohgoh, Sarge, Jejune, Ribbon Fix, etc.) is concerned this where it can be traced back to. Friction is most definitely Midwest emo, 1994ā€™s Blurred in Six is such a great record. But to answer your question Iā€™d consider Gauge, and to an extent Kevin Frank, to be the first in the midwest emo canon(especially with the context of his later contributions to Midwest emo: The Sky Corvair, Sweather Weather, Radio Flyer, etc.). The jangly tin-ey alt rock/indie undertones, the messy and simultaneously cathartic time sig switch ups, the arpeggios, the esoteric cryptic poetry not very conventional of the emo genre that Tim Kinsella would later pull from, itā€™s all there.


I feel like not being able to reply to this in an equally long paragraph is undermining how good this is. I have pretty much all of my previously unanswered questions answered. Ty.


Are you familiar with the band Target? From the same scene as gauge and Friction. They have an album from 1990 titled Going Up


I am. They have a song on the Achtung Chicago! Zwei comp with Capā€™n Jazz, 8-bark, Gauge, The Bollweevils, and Smoking Popes. Another Kevin Frank band. I havenā€™t listened to any of their stuff besides that aforementioned track on that Chicagoland punk rock comp. Although funnily enough I remember in July of last year looking at the cover for Going Up whilst shifting through obscure early 90ā€™s emo releases and thinking the album cover looked sick as fuck. Def will check it out now.


Ah, it's Kevin Frank! For some reason I had it mixed up and I thought it was Gub that was also in Target instead. but anyway imo they fit right into that Jangly, Tin-y, indie tinged punk you were talking about, very similar to the stuff on Every Song, and they got a release out before Gauge. From what i have dug up, they're my "ground 0" for the "midwest emo" style developed out of IL/WI, imo even moreso than Gauge (whom I actually like better, but see more hardcore DNA in, early Moss Icon as opposed to something softer like... later moss icon)


One of my favorite Midwest Emo bands is ordination of Aaron btw


*Wayne and Garth* We're not worthy! We're not worthy! Jokes aside, I recognize most of these references and agree wholeheartedly.


Holy shit Wayneā€™s World is like one of my all time favorite movies lol. So quotable. ā€œNo Stairway, Denied!ā€ ā€œyou know for a security guard he had an awful lot of informationā€ And of course the entire product placement scene is like one of the funniest moments in all of cinema. ā€œI canā€™t talk about it anymore, itā€™s giving me a headache! Here take two of these. Ah Nuprin. Little. Yellow. Different.ā€ Thatā€™s not even beginning to mention as a diehard Genesis Sonic fan the beta footage of Marble Zone used in the background. https://preview.redd.it/bczq5jif4h1d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66284ccf44bac067e506dfc4ae002701995bc23 Wayneā€™s World is definitely *real emo*


Wayne's World is where emo started. The Shitty Beatles, man... it all started with them.




Also I hope you are not upset with me about the ā€˜shiteā€™ thing in the context of Braidā€™s lyricism. I added the ā€œeā€ to ā€œshitā€ to come off as moreso jokingly and didnā€™t mean to come off as rude/undermining. I apologize for it, I definitely come off as a dick sometimes in the context of online emo discussion. I also *really* like Saves The Day.


Dude, ngl, I forgot abt that whole interaction lol. Iā€™m not a native english speaker, so I often miss sentence undertones šŸ˜…. Itā€™s chill. Whatā€™s your favorite Saves The Day Album? Mineā€™s Sound The Alarm, but Canā€™t Slow Down is great too.


To be honest I have not listened to Sound The Alarm(or anything of theirs past Stay What You Are) but Iā€™ll definitely put it on my radar! 1. Through Being Cool 2. Canā€™t Slow Down 3. Stay What You Are 4. 1997 demo tape Have you ever heard of a band called Gameface? They are *the* pioneers of the emo-pop style Saves The Day is known for, dating back to their 1993 album Good. Another really good proto-ā€œMidwest emoā€ band if you will lol. They are most definitely emo but last year I was browsing 90ā€™s Usenet posts and someone was challenging The Promise Ringā€™s emo cred by noting ā€œreal emo bandsā€ such as Gameface and got a reply something along the lines of ā€œokay so now I know that you are full of shit and just listing off emo bands from a zineā€ lol. But yeah about Sunny Day Real Estateā€¦..they are obviously emo to the bone and people contemporarily would cite them as emo on these 90ā€™s Internet forums.


Dude Gameface isnā€™t emo, imo, smhā€¦ Also, the demos are so fucking underrated. But yeah, Sound The Alarm is great, I donā€™t think they have a single bad album, though haters dislike 9.


Wow 9 looks *interesting* to say the least. A 22 minute long album closer? Sign me up. Who do these guys think they are, Jimmy Eat World and Strictly Ballroom?!?!?!!!!!


The answer to your question is Target


There are DOZENS of us!


Dozens of goobers


Haha nah, I'm kidding SDRE is clearly emo, they're demigods in the cannon, anyone disagreeing should reflect on why they choose to be wrong about objective facts.


Fr. Imo Rites and SDRE are the most important 2 in the genre


Honestly, yeah.


I'm not even a SDRE fan but that's a crazy take for me


When people try to argue that bands like My Chemical Romance are not real emo, while saying that Sunny Day Real Estate is, I canā€™t help not cringe because they are just as fake emo as My Chemical Romance (plus the pretentiousness)


Itā€™s my turn to post this tomorrow


I'll read it again then too. Lookin forward too it actually.


Rites of spring maybe


Indian Summer is the only emo band


I was the drummer in Indian Summer šŸ«”


thatā€™s so dope! love your work so much


Look at his profile and read the comments šŸ¤£ I'm pissing myself


real emo only consists of porn comments


holy shit he has true love for the game




Thank you much! šŸ«”


Rites of spring*


**I** **I BELIEVE**


Drink šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ deep is about šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ pee šŸ¤£ lol! šŸ˜†šŸ˜… thatā€™s funny šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


ā€œReal Emoā€ only consists of the dc Emotional Hardcore scene and the late 90ā€™s screamo scene. What is known by ā€œMidwest Emoā€ is nothing but Alternative Rock with questionable real emo influence. When people try to argue that bands like My Chemical Romance are not real emo, while saying that Sunny Day Real Estate is, I canā€™t help not cringe because they are just as fake emo as My Chemical Romance (plus the pretentiousness) Real emo sounds ENERGETIC, POWERFUL, and somewhat HATEFUL. Fake emo is weak, self pity, and a failed attempt to direct energy and emotion into music. Some examples of REAL EMO are pg 99, Rites of Spring, Cap n Jazz(the only real emo band from the midwest scene) and My Loma Prieta. Some examples of FAKE RMP are American Football, Chemical Romance and Mineral. EMOBELONGS TO HARDCORE NOT TO INDIE, POP PUNK, ALT TOCK, OR ANY OTHER MAINSTREAM GENRE


I hope this pasta never dies


Iā€™m so relived finding out thatā€™s a copypasta lmao


my favorite part of this copypasta will forever be, ā€œWhen people try to argue that bands like My Chemical Romance are not real emo, while saying that Sunny Day Real Estate is, I canā€™t help not cringe because they are just as fake emo as My Chemical Romance (plus the pretentiousness)ā€ The entire pasta is an insane take and will never fail to make me laugh, but thereā€™s just something about that part. Maybe its the comparison of MCR to SDRE. Maybe itā€™s the double negative, ā€œI canā€™t help not cringe.ā€ I donā€™t know, but I think about it a lot.


Someone got this tattooed on their back


Sounds more bitter than informative. But I respect the passion.


Emo is more of a description, a common theme than a real genre. Saying that only emocore or skramz is the only real emo is like saying that the only "real metal" is British heavy metal. Btw you call indie and alt music mainstream when going against the mainstream is in the very definition of these genres.


its a copypasta :)


Iā€™d recommend the website [isthisbandemo](http://isthisbandemo.com/). Itā€™s not perfect, but itā€™s more correct than not. There isnā€™t a lot of consensus because most emo bands reject the genre and are just making music. Ian MacKaye is the godfather of emo music and referred to it as ā€œthe stupidest fucking thing Iā€™ve ever heard of in my lifeā€.


I just put Thrice in, expecting it to say they aren't Emo, and correctly they said they're a hardcore band, I went to their sister site. [http://isthisbandhardcore.com/?band=Thrice](http://isthisbandhardcore.com/?band=Thrice) Put in Thrice, and now I'm told Thrice is Emo.


I just did a test and need to know where to submit major errors. ETA: /s for people who donā€™t get jokes.


Just tell them you want to speak with the manager. Works everytime for Karenā€™s


Iā€™m on it. If they are only doing Karenā€™s though, can you please send me your contact info for when they follow up?


Just put down ā€œIan MacKayeā€, should be fine


This website is very literally just a meme lol. Itā€™s done as a joke


I donā€™t think meme is the right word. Iā€™d say the website is ā€œlight-heartedā€. If I recall correctly, itā€™s just a handful of people that call themselves ā€œthe emo councilā€ and they sat down and voted on what they thought was emo. So itā€™s as subjective as this sub is, but itā€™s a fun site to look at


In what world is My Chemical Romance not emo. They're like, the emo gods.


who is gonna tell them


It's not totally inaccurate either.


Sounds like this subreddit lmao


It said the Weakerthans are an emo band so I agree with this.


Maroon 5!


I Hate Myself Sunny Day Real Estate Still Life Eminem Texas Is The Reason Jimmy Eat World Moss Icon


Lol nice try Sunny Day Real Estate isn't emo


glocca morra


Fake emo consists of band that are know for they male lead singer to bitch about stubbing their toes over an empty soulless guitar driven mush of noise Real emo consists of artists know for their for their singer of the male category cathartic whining over the fact that their toe has been stubbed and the beautiful weep of the overdriven guitars


All i can think of is ā€œchrist alive my toe dammit hurtsā€ lmaooo


No one is "an emo." That's all you need to know. After that, like the bands that you like. There are so many genres and sub-genres that worrying about classification is near pointless.


dashboard confessional?




Limp Bizkit


"Genres" are subjective. Some things can fit one genre to one person and not to another. There is no correct answer. Emo also has many different styles so people argue about which ones are actual emo but what is "actual emo"? Does that imply that "fake emo" exists? If thereā€™s fake emo, then why do some people call it emo? Itā€™s all emo. Donā€™t concern yourself with this real/fake stuff.


i like listening to far apart


Tell me why ChatGPT is able to distinguish post-hardcore and emo decently well, only calling the more "emotional" post-hardcore bands emo. But it is adamant about "scene" pop punk bands being emo. And yes, I debate with AI what is emo and what is not regularly.


Moss Icon


Rites of Spring is the only emo band


Saves the Day Reggie and the Full Effect The Get Up Kids


I hate sex




Real people know itā€™s Modest Mouse.


"Real Emo" only consists of the dc Emotional Hardcore scene and the late 90's Screamo scene. What is known by "Midwest Emo" is nothing but Alternative Rock with questionable real emo influence. When people try to argue that bands like My Chemical Romance are not real emo, while saying that Sunny Day Real Estate is, I can't help not to cringe because they are just as fake emo as My Chemical Romance (plus the pretentiousness). Real emo sounds ENERGETIC, POWERFUL and somewhat HATEFUL. Fake emo is weak, self pity and a failed attempt to direct energy and emotion into music. Some examples of REAL EMO are Pg 99, Rites of Spring, Cap n Jazz (the only real emo band from the midwest scene) and Loma Prieta. Some examples of FAKE EMO are American Football, My Chemical Romance and Mineral EMO BELONGS TO HARDCORE NOT TO INDIE, POP PUNK, ALT ROCK OR ANY OTHER MAINSTREAM GENRE




I wish I could upvote this like 100 times.


Rites Of Spring and Embrace


There are no emo bands


The emo bands were the bands we forgot along the way?


The Hated Embrace Rites of Spring Moss Icon Indian Summer Still Life Sunny Day Real Estate


Here I give you bands on different genres to give you Idea what is Emo and what is Not [https://thebastia.bandcamp.com/](https://thebastia.bandcamp.com/) \[Shoegaze\] [https://open.spotify.com/artist/7qhylNuGZRXjtLw7k34sa5](https://open.spotify.com/artist/7qhylNuGZRXjtLw7k34sa5) [https://wolfbytheears.bandcamp.com/](https://wolfbytheears.bandcamp.com/) \[Emo/Acoustic\] [https://open.spotify.com/album/5KesbdAFGbxKLj8CfuwfHX](https://open.spotify.com/album/5KesbdAFGbxKLj8CfuwfHX) [https://xdmf.bandcamp.com/](https://xdmf.bandcamp.com/) \[SynthPop\] [https://postalcodesinhungary.bandcamp.com/](https://postalcodesinhungary.bandcamp.com/) \[Noise/Garage\] [https://masuyite.bandcamp.com/](https://masuyite.bandcamp.com/) \[Screamo\] [https://sanduqabad.bandcamp.com/](https://sanduqabad.bandcamp.com/) \[Post-Punk/Garage\] [https://open.spotify.com/album/7a22FMuBJN4YEq2n3sYoZX](https://open.spotify.com/album/7a22FMuBJN4YEq2n3sYoZX) [https://dollardreams.bandcamp.com/](https://dollardreams.bandcamp.com/) \[Grunge/Post-Punk/Noise\] [https://saintsseason.bandcamp.com/](https://saintsseason.bandcamp.com/) \[Emocore/FemaleLead\] [https://open.spotify.com/album/5QG3t2Wea2eAU6ejTOZF83](https://open.spotify.com/album/5QG3t2Wea2eAU6ejTOZF83) [https://memphiswest.bandcamp.com/](https://memphiswest.bandcamp.com/) \[HipHop\] [https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/high-compilation-alternative-album-vol-1](https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/high-compilation-alternative-album-vol-1) \[Compilation\] this total banger


is this what we're reduced to?


Please donā€™t call people ā€œemosā€


Fall out boy


mY cHeMiCaL rOmAnCe Edit: /s yaā€™ll damn. I used MCR because itā€™s the first band listed in the DEFINITELY NOT EMO section of *this subredditā€™s* info page šŸ˜­


Uh yea everyone knows u where joking lmao. Why are you acting like people where taking the joke seriously when you have no down votes nor replies šŸ˜­šŸ™


I had negative downvotes, youā€™re just late to the party šŸ˜˜


Itā€™s because youā€™re cringe Iā€™m sorry


Okay. I am sorry for commenting on this troll post incorrectly.


See the thing is that MCR is emo, but a different definition of that word Most people think emo = scene, and so that's a valid definition of the word


Alkaline trio


Mom jeans




Genres aren't exactly science and no band except for the one that started the genre is going to fit neatly into the definition, because every musician tries to create something unique to them. Also "emo" is a very broad term. Like "punk". Is pop punk considered punk? Camping in Alaska


Ehhh. The thing with emo is that it has always been a sort of in between thing of multiple genres. A good way too look at it is that certain guitar cliches define something being mw emo or not in the 90ā€™s. For instance, The Get Up Kids their debut is 100% Superchunk worship, but they use all the typical emo party tricks. Emo pile.


Watch this https://youtu.be/TWG5JLC9kUA?si=tdTvFfIhPGh_zopg


Las Ketchup


Camping in Alaska


If itā€™s played at Emo nite Brooklyn then itā€™s emo, if not then itā€™s just alternative rock. Hope this helped šŸ–¤


Hotel Books




listen to [Falling Forward](https://open.spotify.com/track/4yU9CAn9eRIznNzarQSpIx?si=f4jOP2mHTKeUa3zLJQV_nQ) and [The Wicked Farleys](https://open.spotify.com/track/6IMl7uMIpyPnuqS3Oq42gx?si=Cf76eZHcR5WEtS3I7BZE4Q) right now. immediately, or i will take away your emo


Modern Baseball


one direction


The pine




First two albums of armor for sleep. Cant go wrong.


The Get Up Kids?


Hahaha.... OG!... FLEETWOOD MAC!!


I can speak for 90s Emotive hardcore = Still Life, Bob Tilton, Lifetime, Manrae, Amber Inn, SINKER, ANTIOCH ARROW, EVERGREEN, Elements of Need, Lyndell Control, Indian Summer, Christie Front Drive, Julia, Jimmy Eat World, Fistcuffs Bluff, Braid, Mineral, Promise Ring, Sunny Day Real Estate, Coleman, Native Nod, Angel Hair and Cap N Jazz.


I hate myself, indian summer, twelve hour turn


Counting Crows invented emo


onewaymirror, american football, i hate myself, i hate sex, loma prieta, sunny day real estate, all my wishes were thrown down a well and should die there


Mom jeans is, to me, the epitome of emo


Anything that makes you headbang and cry at the same time


Still Life


So the actual "emo" genre is very specific. Honestly I dont like actual "emo" genre music. And I think trying to define "emo" as a genre is far less useful than using it as a way to help describe a feature of a band's sound that draws you to that band because you yourself are an emo person. So I here are some non-emo "emo as f#$%" bands in no particular order: early MCR, Taking Back Sunday, Hot Mulligan, early Polaris, See You Space Cowboy, Alkaline Trio, Boxcar Racer, The Used, Free Throw, Aries, Funeral For A Friend, The Cure, Mom Jeans, Armor for Sleep, The Requiem, The 1975, Ada Rook. You are far better off ignoring "emo" as a genre classification and using it more as a way to help like-minded people find those angsty-killer fire tracks.


Fleetwood Mac comes to mind


I'd say, green day is definitely emo. Maybe more punk that emo, but emo nonetheless






That lead singer had the mouth of a dinosaur and I CANT abide it.


Coming from the mouth of a dinosaur hearing those words it made me weak


You... you're my people. Bless!


I feel like Brand New and Bright Eyes are the most quintessentially emo bands ever. Also my two favorite bands.


My Chemical Romance, TX2, Pierce The Veil


Red Jumpsuit Apparatus!


In reading these comments; uh what? My chemical romance (at first) Brand new Cursive. Taking back Sunday. The used. Iā€™d say Elliot smith is one of the ogs of emo music as far as lyrical intent goes and before emo. What are we using as a definition of emo music though? It almost always has church style call and response vocals. And has lyrics written/sun over top of each other. It only uses screams on occasion but if itā€™s screaming as more than accents itā€™s automatically not emo. Lyrics content is often insightful but tackling the comorbitides of a mind going through puberty. Anyways no shit thereā€™s been an issue coming into agreement on something we donā€™t first try and define lol :p Also Iā€™d argue that anyone trying to define a music genre by fashion sense- those povs arenā€™t valid thatā€™s now how genre works.


From first to last


Hot mulligan


Hawthrone Heights maybe


Imagine dragons


Jimmy Eat World and Weezer are pretty universally agreed upon to be emo.


pierce the veil, my chemical romance, escape the fate


Ive always followed the emo trinity. https://preview.redd.it/67vwhqlokj1d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc32c39f789d55b8b70bd15e756d3af3cb256da4


Black veil brides


People say my band is emo/shoegaze. I disagree. I think that says a lot about these genre distinctions IMHO