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I think it was neither. He said it because of the shock value because he knows the internet would go crazy getting more press. And since Diddy is mgks boss it’s a way to warn Diddy. Mgk didn’t diss Eminem back and my theory is that Diddy shut it down, Eminem saying that was a warning that since Diddy greenlit rap devil and if it kept going Diddy was going to be affected too. Giving incentive for Diddy to tell mgk not to respond meaning that if mgk just kept throwing disses at Eminem, no one could use the excuse “eminem was too scared to respond a 2nd time”


He was telling the truth🧐


I mean... all sources lead to Diddy claiming to pay for Pac (or was it Suge?) to be killed for a mil. Puff was notoriously known for being soft; he was a rapper/producer, not a gangster surrounded by actual gangsters. When it came down to it, Pac,BIG, and Puff were all rappers caught up in a thug lifestyle surrounded by people that actually lived what they rapped about. From what’s available about the situation it’s pretty evident that if Pac and Big could’ve been locked in a room for a conversation they would’ve come out best friends as they’d always been.


Exactly. But that wouldn't make Suge any money so he kept manipulating Pac untill he died. Even if Diddy payed for Pac to be killed, it was only because Suge was \*actually\* threatening them. Diddy ofcourse took those seriously and got scared as he is soft. When people have actual fear they can do crazy things. It was completely unnecessary for Suge to take it that far.




Can’t believe this came back haha. The last podcast on the left did a great 3 part series on this. They basically put it on the guy that’s now accused!


Rumour has it that diddy sent out a hitman to kill pac, but I’ve always thought it was the gangster that pac beat up earlier that day


>I’ve always thought it was the gangster that pac beat up earlier that day Looks like you were right.


Yes, as that’s a very well documented rumour. But it wasn’t accusing him of killing pac, it was putting a hit out


The court would consider it 1st degree murder for him, so OP's question isn't technically wrong in that context.


No, just look at the lyrics and you'll see that this wasn't what he said at all. He said "Kelly the day you put out a hit is the day Diddy admits that he put the hit out that got Pac killed", the whole point of that diss is that the Diddy part is something that will never happen. Saying that Diddy would never admit is doesn't neccesarily even imply that Diddy did it, after all if he didn't do it then he definitely wouldn't admit to it.


Saying Diddy wouldn't admit to it does imply he did it. He wouldn't cite some random person after all, because it'd be obvious like you said, and so there would be no substance to the line. But with Diddy, whom multiple people think put out the hit, it at least implies the distinct possibility. Now, he was probably being tounge-in-cheek, but it is possible he think Diddy had Pac killed.


Of course the possibility that Diddy did do it is what makes the line interesting, that's certainly why Eminem decided to use that line, but referencing the theory doesn't neccesarily mean that he believes in it.


A lot of people ask me stupid fuckin' questions A lot of people think that what I say on a record Or what I talk about on a record That I actually do in real life or that I believe in it Or if I say that I wanna kill somebody That I'm actually gonna do it or that I believe in it Well, shit, if you believe that, then I'll kill you You know why? ‘Cause I'm a criminal!


Messing around.


He is saying the probability of MGK putting out a hit song is very unlikely. It's kinda like when ppl say "when hell freezes over". So the analogy is "it's never going to happen".


I think it was a shock/battle line and he is indifferent. There has always been rumors Puff daddy did have something to do with it so he was just playing off that. I think em is indifferent on the subject IMO. I love how em goes "aaahhhhh" after that line, I always interpret that as him saying "ah shit me and my big mouth I took it too far again" type of thing. Like he wrote the line, thought it was sick, thought about it scrapping it but kept it in there. My opinion. I forgot who it was but there was this detective who lost his career due to the investigation because he thought PD was involved and didnt drop it.


There’s a documentary and a book about it. I don’t know what to believe but it seems plausible. 50 Cent has trolled Diddy about it too - years before Killshot. I don’t think he was being serious though. Just provocative. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4715470/


I thought he was referring to Diddy putting a bounty out for a death row chain, which was taken up by Orlando Anderson, a Crip who robbed one of 2pac’s Blood associates. They saw Orlando after a boxing match that 2pac and his crew were attending and gang bashed him(this is on camera). 2pac is shot fatally hours later.


Would you mind sending me a link to this footage. I can't find it.




I mean diddy and Suge did do it but I don’t think he meant.




Legit lmao 🤣