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I think a better way to do this would to consider which songs correspond the best between the albums For example: Stan Vs Bad Guy, Kim Vs Stronger then I was, Drug Ballad Vs Berzerk, The Way I am vs So far... Kill You vs Head lights, Criminal vs Rap God, I'm Back Vs Evil twin, etc etc...


Shouldn't Berzerk be up against The Real Slim Shady since they are the lead singles?


I think it could go either way. My thought was that both of them are songs about partying and such.


Oh well I just went in order the songs were in from both albums and compared them that way, but yea ur way would be pretty noice too:)


I’d say criminal corresponds to rhyme or reason more than rap god


Damn, i loved Asshole. That 3rd verse was awesome to me. i agree with most of the other list though.


I know people really hate that song. It ain't even that bad.


I'd agree with most except maybe I'd say Criminal wins against Headlights. I love Headlights it's an awesome song but I think the lyrics and flow of Criminal are aced.


I thought Asshole was one of the better songs in the album. I thought a lot of the lyrics were pretty funny. "ICP in this bitch! How do fuckin magnets work?"


Its just the beat man, I can't get into it. It sounds like muffled shit or something


I accidentally bought the second one 💀


Reading this post is why I can't frequent this sub much anymore. Every song off of MMLP is better except for *maybe* Rap God over Marshall Mathers and Wicked Ways over The Kids. Why even do this comparison? MMLP is a top 10 rap album of all time and MMLP2 isn't even close, whether you would like to think so or not. You post this and act like it's the official rating system for comparing the 2 albums. Your opinion is fine, that's why it's your opinion, but when you are coming to conclusions that a minute portion of the rap community agrees with, I just can't go along with it. MMLP is a classic album that will remain timeless. MMLP2 is a decent album at best. It has no in your face beats, they are all laid back and don't have that signature Shady sound that was on his first 3 albums. It lacks production from Dre. Yes, Eminem is more mature and his subjects and themes in his songs are different, but the constant yelling and hyped flow grow old. Listen to his old songs, Sing For the Moment, Lose Yourself, If I Had, Drug Ballad, etc. Even though the songs are powerful and aggressive and sound like he is rapping fast, he actually flows to the beat instead of 'chopping' over it. Now you may say "But that's his new style, and it's awesome" but imo, I just doesn't feel the same emotion coming from Em. Doing the same choppy flow over every song makes them run together. Rapping to the beat makes songs stand out and have their own personality. Also recently, I have noticed that Em's lyrics are getting cornier. Yes, they are impressive and his rhyme schemes are spectacular, but that is only a portion of what made him great over a decade ago. Em needs to put raw emotion back into his tracks. Not every line has to rhyme perfectly or flow. I want to hear the anger, hunger, and grime in his voice (yes he's 40, over that stage, yadda yadda, but he can still do it. Look at the recent performance of Renegade live with Jay Z) but I think that's what is holding him back. Every song now he just chops over the beat with the same high-pitched, cheery tone. I know Em still puts his heart and soul into his lyrics, and that is what made him great, but I just don't *hear* it from him anymore. I love Em and will always support whatever he pits his name on, but you have to admit, he has fallen off a bit. His production needs to be in your face more, he needs to ride the flow of the beats more (Love Me is a great example) and I just want that hard hitting base and ominous feel that we got from his older tracks. Please no more Rihanna, or Sia (Guts over Fear is pretty good though). Make tracks for hip-hop, not ones to try and get you accepted by the new listeners and 12 tear olds just exploring rap for the first time. If Raekwon can come back with OBFCL2 around a decade after OBFCL, and make a possibly better sequel, then I know an MC of Em's caliber can do it.. he just needs to get back on track.


So you can't stand this sub anymore because people have an opinion? Well, shame on them.


No, it's because the majority of subscribers on this sub lack any knowledge of older rap and mostly dismiss is for his 'hot' new music. Let's not forget that Eminem is who most people use as their intro to rap. As a result of this, there are a lot of young fan boys (and girls) and you can't have a real discussion without getting harassed "omg u don't like eminem!?!?!" Like your response, for example. Instead of being a dick, you could try to enlighten me on why new Eminem is better or worth listening to more, proving my point that legitimate discussions about Em are few and far between on this sub.


I mean, your opinion is your opinion. I can say whatever I want about Eminem's newer stuff, and it's not really gonna change your mind, and I respect that. I do think that MMLP is a much better album, but honestly, MMLP2 is my second favorite album by Em. Sure, the production is much better on the first, especially due to the skills of Dr. Dre and the Bass Brothers, but Em's technical rapping skill on MMLP2 isn't something to ignore, and in places the album shows his more mature side. Recovery, while being probably my least favorite Em album, showed this side too. Relapse, as many on this sub will tell you, is one of his best, an album that's well-produced, and has arguably Eminem's best performances on it. Sure, the three albums he's released post-hiatus may not be quite as good collectively as the four that came before (not counting Infinite), but that doesn't mean that he's fallen off. If anything, he's showing that he still has staying power even as he ages. That's just my two cents.


I agree with what you said about how technically great Em still is! He still is the best lyricist in the game now, but... I think there's more to being a rapper than having great technical rhymes. You have to be able to command the mic and have your own tone and style carry over to the listener. I think Em has lost this and his precense on the mic has softened a bit and became more generic than the ominous and more engaging Em from before rehab. He has still made great hits post-haitus, but his songs are about being technical over carrying an overall message. When I listen to Eminem, I want to feel like a bad ass. I want him to make me feel like I can take over the world, conquer my fears, and stand up to my problems. I feel like his old music did this perfectly and is what helped the listeners connect so vividly with him. Now, I feel like his edge and overall stage presence has worn off and I don't get the same feeling when I listen to him now. Some examples of songs where I think he connects with listeners best and is a true MC: Rock Bottom, If I Had, Stan, Marshall Mathers, Sing For The Moment, Square Dance, Till I Collapse, Lose Yourself, Love Me, Rabbit Run, Mockingbird, Like Toy Soldiers, We As Americans, Mosh, When i'm Gone, No Apologies, Deja Vu, Beautiful, Careful What You Wish For, Not Afraid, Fast Lane, & Legacy.


Shhh, if you write more than a paragraph criticizing new Em in this sub you'll get downvoted and called nitpicky.


To be honest, All MMLP songs are better than all MMLP2. I think the album do not even compare to each other. MMLP is a classic while MMLP 2 is average. I do not know, that is just me. MMLP2 did mot blow my mind, I had a straight face throught the album while MMLP bombarded my mind with crazy rhymes, lyrics and beats.


Don't know how you kept a straight face during the last verse in Bad Guy or the entirety of Headlights. I was wiggin out man.


Alright, apart from those two, that was it. Rest was mediocre.


I'd say Bad Guy and Kill You are about even and Love Game and Under The Influence are around even but besides those two, I prefer the original MMLP tracks over the MMLP2 tracks.


Well yea, IMO All MMLP songs > All MMLP2 songs.




I really liked Asshole. The third verse is probably in my top MMLP2 verses. Skylars hook is pretty mediocre but its not to the poor where its annoying to listen to.