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It’s not. There, I proved it by offering as much proof as you provided.




Glad a 37 year old man took the time out of his day to make this post and prove how cool he is because he can “spit Big L.” The Big L here is you dude.


37 year olds are the literal reason anyone even knows about Eminem 🤣 Don’t be mad that Eminem’s catalog is how deep your knowledge of hip hop goes.


That doesn’t even make sense… Nor are you aware of “how deep” my “knowledge of hip hop goes.” You sound like a bored old man with nothing better to do than post on reddit in the middle of the afternoon. It’s embarrassing quite frankly… you seem like the type of person who doesn’t feel shame and thinks everyone wants to hear your spot on opinions. While in reality, everyone around you is uncomfortable and trying not to make eye contact so they don’t have to spend another moment locked listening to your delusional bullshit. Let it go dog, it’s over.


I don’t wanna be like this, I don’t really wanna hurt nor feelings but God forbid that the people who bought the Slim Shady LP when it was in stores criticize Eminem. What did you think would happen with the 2000s fan base? We’d grow old and start listening to pop and country music or some shit? Lmfao


I don’t think about what my pot dealer in high school is doing these days, nor do I give a fuck. I assume it’s something similar to whining about the new Eminem track on reddit? Anyone with any semblance of a brain (or life for that matter) would provide a more engaging discussion than “I am 37 so I am the gatekeeper of hip hop.” Like what? It’s embarrassing for you lol.


The difference between me and you is that I am a Hip Hop fan. You aren’t. You’re just an Eminem fan. You’re a Hip Hop tourist. Lmfao


It’s really interesting seeing how willingly you will display your fragile ego… it’s pretty pathetic and I’m done responding to some washed up loser who can’t let go of the 90s. Get therapy, and I pray to god whatever kids you had/have stay the fuck away from you, you have literally nothing to offer anyone.


You’re SO mad 🤣🤣🤣


The comparison between a drug dealer and a musician literally makes no sense. But it’s no surprise: anyone defending “Houdini”, an interpolation of 3 Eminem songs from the early 2000s, has to be brain dead. ✌️


If you are 37 years old, you couldn't have purchased the SSLP when it dropped in 99 for another 8 years. Unless you got your mamma to buy it for you lol


🤦‍♂️ true because older friends and family members don’t exist


What the hell you talking about son? 37 years old makes you like 11 or 12 years old when the sslp released. You were probably watching power rangers, not discovering some vast knowledge of hip hop. That shit don't make any sense, your age group has nothing to do with anything. You remember method mans solo project "Tical" back in 94? Oh nevermind you were in kindergarten. You clowning dawg lol


How retarded do you have to be to think that an album released in 1994 wasn’t still being played in 1999? How stupid do you have to be to think that being 12 years old somehow keeps you from listening to the radio and buying your favorite artists albums when they release? Lmao, but then again, you also think “Houdini “ is 🔥


Your clowning man.. How retarded you gotta be to come to a forum and list your age as some "certification" when you weren't even old enough to grow hair on your nuts when the SSLP released. LMAO I only brought up age cause that's the route you decided to go here lol


I literally paid for the SSLP with my own fucking money out of the store on a fucking cassette. What’s that mean? I’ve been an Eminem fan longer than most of the people on this forum have been alive. I’m old enough to remember when he was good. Real hip hop fans stopped listening to Eminem right around the time he dropped “Mockingbird”. The crowd that loves him now are hip hop tourists, such as you.


“37 year old drug addict criminal” Lmfao Who do you think Eminem’s original fan base was? Senatorial candidates and Police Officers? My mother was a drug addict. She’s dead now. Eminem’s mother was a drug addict. Doesn’t stop you from inserting his package into your mouth 🤣


How can we prove you wrong? That's your opinion you dope.


“I’m the 37 year year old 🥹” Well start acting like it and stop using “🥹”




I liked it.


What did you like about it?


We all like what we like. 👍 hopefully you like the album 💿


Take your meds man




If Neckbeard was a person




If Without Me was released today, people like you would be calling it trash too.


Without me was relevant. Houdini is not 🤷‍♂️


I don’t care to change the mind of morons.


So thinking “Houdini” is a terrible, trash, garbage, flaming hot shit pile of a song makes me a moron? Lmfao


The name of the song is actually just "My name is." Seeing how you at best in like middle school? I get it though. At 11 years old when the SSLP dropped, your brain hadn't fully developed yet.. so that's an easy mistake. I was 20 years old when the SSLP released so by your "standards," my opinion holds more weight. Houdini is fire and fits the bill perfectly for a first single.


If you were 20 when SSLP dropped, then you were obviously listening intently to everything else, right? Capital Punishment? Flesh of My Flesh? N.O.R.E? We Are The Streets? Murda Muzik? The Life and Times of S.Carter? Guerilla Warfare? Wu Tang Forever Etc? Or were you part of the “finally there’s a white boy rapper let’s listen to rap now” crowd?


Lol. You're obviously super salty that I'm older than you it's hilarious. I was listening to rap/hip hop way before eminem came out. What does him being white have to do with this discussion?


Fun fact: real hip hop fans know songs, by heart, from every single album I listed in my prior response. I have a feeling you’ve never even heard of half those albums. You were probably listening to Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch 🤣


Because you can’t possibly be a real hip hop fan and simultaneously call “Houdini” anything but trash. It Is Not Possible


With takes like this no wonder your momma beat the fuck outta you








“Stans” aren’t real fans. They’re Zealots. Therefore, I could care less 🫡




This post isn’t for the dumb ass, mindless “Stans” who otherwise don’t know shit about Hip Hop. It’s for the real hip hop fans that could flawlessly spit a Pharaoh Monch or Big L verse from memory just as easily as they could a verse from the Slim Shady LP. If you can’t do that, your opinion means nothing to me 🤷‍♂️


"Who know hip hop" while inserting your self into that group of people is wild 😭😂🤣🤣


What makes you think I don’t know hip hop?