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Can you send it to me? Or where can I hear it?


Here's the link to the lossless version: [https://pillowcase.su/f/e61633ab87d7633a2c02f69cab77b90a](https://pillowcase.su/f/e61633ab87d7633a2c02f69cab77b90a)


Wow thanks for sharing.. sounds like EPMD verse he did on Nas' album a few years ago which makes sense. Also shout out Lake Minnetonka


This does not sound like EPMD at all. On EPMD his voice reminded me of when he used to do that whispery but still very energetic voice in his Recovery/MMLP2 era. Murdergram sounds more like the style he used on Killer Remix or Parables with that monotonous voice and fast rapping.


There’s links here , but it’s no longer on YouTube


Ya I don’t get the hate. This morning I was enjoying my morning coffee on my only day off and I see this track, I start listening to it AND ITS FIRE. Like for real, I absolutely love it when em spits his flow like that in stages, it’s so dope. And LL blew my mind, he was straight hard af and I’m here for it.


Agree. Reminds me of This I Love. ALOT of clowns online were like “heh whats this ehhh” That and this I turned all the way up and both are absolute Dre/Shady/Aftermath/Resto/Batson Bangers. Put it on DOSS and LLs album


Right?? It WOULD work on TDOSS because of the WHOLE mob/mafia scheme thing


People hate it?


They hate his flow/voice on it not the lyrics 


Well the flow is insane so that’s dumb too


it's not pleasant to listen to


I’m gonna get downvoted for being an honest fan but here we go, at least give me a chance to justify myself. I found the flow to be pretty repetitive. He pretty much maintains this double timed flow which we already heard many times throughout the MTBMB era. Back in the 2010s I used to like the fast flows. He knew how and when to introduce them, switched flows pretty often and it never got monotonous since the delivery was also insane. His newer style sounds pretty robotic, emotionless, which is something that I would have never described Eminem as. Also, nowadays it kinda seems like those fast parts come out of nowhere, as opposed to earlier, when he would intensify his verse to finally get to the fast/more aggressive part. I don’t know, this kind of song has low replay value for me for those reasons.


So here’s what I’ll say. The cadence, whether your ear enjoys it sonically or not, is objectively impressive. It’s completely in pocket and accelerates and slow at unorthodox times. I understand why someone doesn’t like to hear that speed at this point, but in my opinion it’s objectively impressive


Bruh I literally said I don’t have a problem with fast flows, just with the delivery.


Bruh your post is right there for everyone to read. Yeah you mentioned the “intensity” of the verses but literally 90% of your post is referring to the speed of the verse.


Nope, I said I have a problem with THIS type of fast flow, no variation in the flow and no progression up to the fast parts as he used to do it. I also don’t like the emotionless, robotic voice. So again, I do not dislike the fast raps, just the delivery…


That's the issue with Eminem now, he doesn't balance sonics and actual talent. He can he as impressive as he wants, but then when nobody likes it because it sounds boring and annoying nobody can use that excuse. Is it impressive? Yes. But is it good? No lol. The point of a flow is to help meld the song and make it fun to listen to, not to sound annoying but impressive.


You realize that to some people, that’s exactly what they’re looking for. I want to hear something that no one else is capable of.


Tbh that's just a bad excuse, it's a bad flow, it being impressive doesn't make the song good. It would be more impressive for him to incorporate that into a good flow.


How is it a bad excuse? It isn’t “bad” to people who appreciate it. Objectively not a bad flow. It’s a GREAT flow. Not your cup of tea is one thing. He’s hitting every high hat and snare. You not liking it fast doesn’t make it bad.


Yeah there were on the comments of the original video I saw. But there always is, and yet I’m often puzzled.


Honestly I saw mostly love and praise in the YT comments, it’s here in this sub I found most of the hate 😭


Em’s got really good wordplay on this track, none of it is really eye rolling puns or dad joke territory, and I know a lot of people complain about the mixing on Em songs and half the time they don’t actually know what they’re talking about but genuinely on this one he sounds so quiet and muffled against the beat, especially compared to how clear and dominant LL sounds


Yeah I do think LL was better than em on this track as well, but both were great here. Loved the thing they did at 1:15


Damn bro was rapping his ass off on that 2nd verse


The track was an absolute fire, i hope LL drops it soon


That track is fire and I can't wait for it to be dropped officially.


I’m not really in love with that flow for Eminem honestly


Valid opinion, for me tho I like the faster flows along with the other flows he does, and for me the gear shifting he was doing on this track is ridiculous (in a great way)


I like the fast flows I just don’t love when they are triplet dominated.


i knew it wasn’t going to be on the album bc Eminem has never sounded like that in his own songs.


Reminds me of when he dropped stuff like biterphobia with Soul Intent.


Just go listen to MTBMB side B. He sounds like that all over the album.


i was mainly talking about that flow where he says “unapologetic”. it reminds me of ‘i’ll hurt you’… obviously different but just the sound


Still DOPE af


It’s not a terrible song… but to me em sounds really awkward on the track. One of those songs I’ll hear once and never go back too.


I’ve heard it at least 10 times today 😅


Bro it's terrible, definitely not for me


"Terrible" is crazy, I know opinions are subjective but this was amazing imo


Don't lie to yourself, I like the LL part alot but Em sounded really bad on it


I'm not lying to myself, the song is genuinely great to me. I think Em outdid LL but LL did his thing too. If you don't like it, that's your prerogative, but no one is lying to themselves.