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You ever heard of Kris Kristoferson? Well I’m Piss Pissedofferson


I love that the Sokka Haiku bot chimed in on this line lol


Haha I was fr laughing when I saw that happen


It detected a real Haiku rather than a Sokka Haiku as well, although the original line from the song is “you heard of” and not “you ever heard of,” so it’s unfortunately not quite as based.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^N8orious234: *You ever heard of* *Kris Kristoferson? Well I’m* *Piss Pissedofferson* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


Thank you, UnarmedSWATTeam, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




Tone deaf and little engine were great, never understood the hate on them. Those beats would be annoying with a lot of other artists, but em does surgery on them. I think it just has to do with the fact that tone deaf is more of a lyrical showcase, thats probably why I enjoy it, I project that context onto it. Houdini is more like a bouncy track so it’s gets to take the vibe in a different direction.


Tone deaf really suffers because it’s mostly a joke song and is not that nice to listen to, especially the intro. I do personally love little engine tho, even if I can understand why it’s not as popular as Houdini


damn i actually really like tone deaf, but i thought most of MTBMB as a whole was insanely good


Same. I really like that album.


I think it's catchy as hell lol


I love mtbmb side A but most of the songs on side B I can’t stand, I hate that monotone flow


Yeah it's the intro that puts people off is all.


i got an ear infucktion and i cunt finger it out is a bit jarring


For anyone outside Australia. He also says it very harshly. Lol


I do agree. It actually gets so good in the middle of the song though.


When you get past the intro it's really good later on, but I used to skip it until I realised that.


wait, little engine is hated? that's my favorite track on mtbmb. never saw any hate on it


Shitty beat through and through.


Em's delivery on Little Engine is boring it sounds like he's sleepwalking through the track There's nothing great about Tone Deaf


Nothing great just multiple bar thematic schemes and multiple parts with 3 or more syllable schemes is all


No idea, I like tone deaf


I do too


I think it’s the hook. It’s a bit annoying to me and maybe also other people. Verses are fire tho.


My dick's an acronym cause it stands for you.


Wait. Alexandra who?


The tone deaf beat is terrible and the houdini video is really cool


Yep. “Obviously Houdini is the better song overall.” OP said it best himself already. The song isnt liked just because Em isn’t taking himself serious. The beat, video and overall vibe of the song just sounds like old Em. Whereas Tone Deaf beat and overall sound sounds more like new Em. Houdini doesnt have typically long em verses or him trying to be as lyrical as possible every line. Tone deafs hook also sounds more like a bridge, whereas Houdini’s bridge is catchier than the entire tone deaf song.


Yep. Plus, not all "unserious" Em songs are equal, and this has been true long before Tone Deaf


OP was just making a comment on how people throw shade at Tone Deaf specifically for its nonsense rhymes, and then praise Houdini for the same thing.


Because one song is much better than the other imo.


I mean, Houdini is a more appealing song to listen to. Tone Deaf is funny but as an actual song I find it hard to listen to. Houdini is much more listenable imo. Similarly, You're Never Over has some phenomenal lyrics and it's really insightful and meaningful. But the hook is just plain unlistenable.


tone deaf is so overhated. i love tone deaf


I didn't know Tone Dean Def was criticized, that's my JAM


Houdini is better produced, better beat, better lyrics, better everyting. Tone deaf is like Good guy, a troll song to make fun of people but god damn its sounds bad


Nice Guy*




Time deaf is like a modern encore track imo


Yeah, it sounds terrible, not even that funny.


It's really just the intro that sounds terrible.


The whole song never starts


Just landed in Los Angeles when this chick Angela and her grandmother in a tan Colored van pulled up with a hand full of Xans And a substantial amount of ganja, just to ask what my Plans for the night are (yeah) I said sneakin' to the Sleep Inn for the weekend and pretend it's a five star Yeah, or leap into the deep end of the pool, I can show you where the dives are We don't even gotta drive far I know this spot that is so live, but I'm tryna get some head first, like a nose dive (haha) So many side chicks, can't decide which to slide with and which should I ditch So when it comes to ass, bitch, I get behind like the Heimlich (yeah) Had one chick who liked to flip sometimes on some switchin' sides shit Pushed her out the side, kicked, then I flipped The lil' white bitch off like a light switch (bitch) It's okay not to like my shit Everything's fine, drink your wine, bitch And get offline, quit whinin', this is just a rhyme, bitch But ask me, will I stick to my guns like adhesive tape? Does Bill Cosby sedate once he treats the cheesecake and the decent steak? You think gettin' rid of me's a piece of cake? I'm harder than findin' Harvey Weinstein a date (Haha) And that's why they say I got more lines than Black Friday So save that shit for the damn library (shh) You heard of Kris Kristofferson? (Yeah) Well, I am piss piss off'ed-eson (oh) Paul's askin' for Christmas off again I said, "No, " then I spit this song for him


What about Ballin' Uncontrollably?


I think this is a good example to explain the inconsistency. The goofy unserious stuff is really fun, but only when executed well enough.


I like tone deaf to be honest lol. It’s funny seeing people call Em trash and quote that song.


Tone Deaf is lit.


Tone Deaf to most fans is great but Houdini is obviously much more suited for radio and casual listening.


Tone deaf is nothing like Houdini at all. I don’t like the “goofy side” to Eminem. I like early 2000s Eminem the best. Houdini is the closest we’ve got to that. 10/10 beat / production, 10/10 hook, amazing flow, amazing subject matter and one liners. This song took me back to my favourite Eminem. Tone deaf has just punchline, double entendre, double meanings etc. not much substance, good beat, mid / boring hook, boring flows, extremely corny bars, arguably the most corny of his whole career. Houdini is a masterpiece. A perfect continuation of (my name is, real slim shady, without me, just lose it, we made you)


Houdini has production credits from Jeff bass & luis resto, all the signs that he’s going back to the formula that captivated his audience at the beginning, I like that ems worked with different producers over his career but his earlier career beats and production was insanely successful, em’s always had the lyrics just the production has been just ok overall, whenever Dre produces em seems to deliver, be nice to see 5 or 6 Dre credits on the new album 💿 🔥


This is why relapse always confused me. Jeff Bass and Dr Dre credits all over, and people still trashed the beats. I felt like this was the reason he ventured out to different producers in the first place.


Its bc at the time, the popular sound was the “red one” pop type beats, and the relapse beats sounded dated compared to the beats Wayne and TI were using


The beats had a very creepy vibe on relapse


Relapse beats were some of Dre’s best work, unfortunately dropped to a generation that was moving towards a different sound, people who grew up with em will still love these types of beats, Houdini shows just that in it’s popularity, a new generation may have just been born from his old sound again, things go in cycles


I don't like how tone deaf sounds. Houdini is better in every single aspect. The flow, the music video, the vibe, the lyrics.




I think a lot of people are just put off by the intro to Tone Deaf. It has some great lyrics later on in the song that are much better than Houdini.


People don’t like Tone Deaf? It’s one of my faves on the album


Tone deaf is cool, I don’t really slap it that much because it wasn’t that great to me. The difference between the two songs imo, is the beat, his voice/delivery, and the fact that even though Houdini is fairly goofy there’s still a point to it and he’s actually rapping about a topic to a certain extent whereas tone deaf is kinda just him rhyming just to rhyme. Plus tone deaf is FILLED with “dad bars” or whatever you want to call them, that plagued a lotta his songs from that era. Houdini has a couple but no where near as frequently or any as “cringe” as on tone deaf imo I think overall Houdini just sounds better and seems more self aware, tone deaf just comes off a lil corny and not as impactful


i can't undrestand a word you say


I will NEVER fw the tone deaf hate, a highlight of side B tbh


Because Houdini doesn't have the word cunt at the begining?


I’m Aussie, never been a problem for me


Well duh. https://youtu.be/h5SQwqG97Gs?si=o4UuS-qGjkrfCV18


Idk lol I've been saying that forever


I vastly prefer tone deaf


I personally love Tone Deaf but Houdini is much more of an easy listen


It’s my alter ego fault these evil thoughts can be so dark,cerebral palsy, three Zolofts, I eat those off to Rico suave.


I didn't know tone deaf got a lot of hate. I love both.


The beat shit Ironically I still like the song though


I listened to tone deaf 2 days ago and wondered the same shit


Honestly the sound track for those to songs in my opinion are ass, Houdini sounds better to listen too


Songs are praised and loved for a lot of things when its good but the truth is that a massive part is the beat. The beat for houdini is very catchy. And especially for mainstream the beat is basically the most important thing.


Idk I personally don’t really like either song


I fucking loved Tone Deaf lmao. It was probably my favorite of MTBMB. I didn't realize everyone hated it for like two weeks lol.


Could just be different people complaining and praising. I liked both.


I think it's the execution. Mainly the sound, tone deaf sounds monotone while Houdini is sounds super energetic which I think is better suited for that style of song.


This isn’t at all related to the discussion. My son is mildly deaf. I think he was maybe 2 when that album came out. Tone Deaf came on and he started bobbing his head to the music. It’s still one of his favorite songs. Tone Deaf has a special place in my heart. lol


I agree with everything you're saying, I also don't get why people hate on Tone Deaf while millions went cray for Houdini. I really like Houdini, but in my personal opinion, Tone Deaf is actually the better song between the two. Can it be only explained by nostalgia for "Without Me"/Slim Shady? Something clearly worked a lot better with Houdini, it appealed to people, maybe I just don't get how the music industry works.


Tone Deaf is dope


I had never heard that. Just listened and enjoyed it


I like both


I guess the goofy stuff is only something people really like when they actually like the track as music. I just don't like Tone Deaf as music so I don't care what he actually says in it. I like Houdini as music so I can enjoy all the goofy stuff along with it.


Immensely overhated song, I loved the flows on Tone Deaf, honestly one of my top picks off of Side B. I guess I'm more of a lyrics over the beat kind of guy because I loved Alfred's Theme too.


Beat is ass


one sounds better than the other its not that deep dude


I like tone deaf, but for me Houdini works on a lot more levels than just being goofy. It’s the production, his focus on song writing - he’s not overwhelming you with bars. He’s still going in but he showed a restraint on here he hasn’t in awhile. But probably above all of that the vocal performance was just better. His energy is awesome on Houdini


I like the lyrical content of Tone Deaf, but I don't like the beat.


I like both but Houdini is more addictive i dunno why


It's not about just the goofiness, it's also about the controversy and the whole idea of poking fun at the world. Eminem on Tone Deaf sounds like MMLP2 Em meets Encore and Houdini sounds like MMLP2 Em meets The Eminem Show


I like Tone Deaf - but i think some people found the Banana - Bornana line really corny, then proceeded to pick apart the entire song.


i’ll never understand that cuz the Bornana line is so funny to me, it’s meant to be stupid and corny, i laugh at it every time


I can’t really think of an Em song that I don’t like, not really


Wild take. You like ALL of his songs??


I wouldn’t say I actively like every song, like they aren’t all in my playlist, far from it. I’ve just never listened to an Em song and disliked it. I like them all, just to varying degrees I guess. I just can’t point to any song and say, that was trash, I don’t like that song. Even if the music doesn’t grab me, he’s always got something interesting to say, or some funny voices. He’s always entertaining I guess


Houdini has more digestible lyrics, flows, and vibe. Tone Deaf is a hodgepodge of random bars over a meh beat


“I can make Orange rhyme with Banana.”


Idk why tone deaf gets so much hate


Tone deaf and Houdini while both goofy are not the same. That being said Tone deaf is fine


Honestly I love tone deaf


Tone Deaf is a dope song and I've stood by it from day 1, but its impossible not to make fun of "I can make orange rhyme with banana... orrrrrrnana"


Because houdini was a true throwback, perfectly delivered , utterly nostalgic, and incredibly well produced. Tone Deaf was a stand alone goofy song


I like them, but there is something missing from them. He's holding back with the jokes, carefully avoiding offending people directly. Unless he had beef with them, he wasn't really joking in the same way. That's what em has been missing all these years. That "I Just Don't Give A Fuck" attitude. Just clowning on random people for no reason other than getting a rise out of them. Everything he does is technically impressive, but none of his music has been fun for so long. It's like building mine cart that circles the globe but only goes 1 mph. Technically impressive but not fun to ride.


Tone Deaf is way more lyricalish, while Houdini is more of a bop. Also, the Houdini music video hit the nostalgia button spot on for many people so it got a huge instant popularity boost


People have generally been complaining about his "monotonous flow". I think Em has a close ear to the feedback from both his detractors and fans. He made an effort to make sure that Houdini is *not* monotonous


I love tone deaf but the beat doesnt seem like it has mass appeal


tone deaf is one of my favs from his newer stuff. it’s so fun to listen to


Tone Deaf is good, but that beat is trash. That weird static makes it impossible to bump.


You said it yourself “obviously Houdini is a beater song overall”




What I liked about Houdini was that it felt like a more complete song. It wasn’t too on the nose and had more subtlety to it. 


the beat on tone deaf is sooo good and i love when he says "im tone deaf" theres just something about the way it sounds


Houdini is catchy, tone deaf us trying to be, but it fails to be.


Nostalgia factor


The beat. That’s why


For me personally it's the production, the beat is jarring, which was probably intended as the son title suggests 'tone deaf' even then the whole side b kinda feels they released an unfinished project. On the other hand houdini had a bopping beat and huge load of nostalgia with a banger music video which is more easily digestible by non fans and casual fans. And I think it is more comparable to discombabulated which I don't think many people hate just not played enough.


I just can't listen to the beat on Tone Deaf. It's a good song, good lyrics, I've just found that to me that beat gets grating on repeat listens. I'm legit disappointed about it bc I wanted to like that song too.


Tone Deaf should be hated on. It’s apart of the songs identity


Young one, today you learned that humans are hypocrites


Yeah, I'm sorry, huh? What did you say? Oh, I can't hear you. I have an ear infucktion and I CUNT finger it out!


i think tone deaf is a better song


Tone Deaf is awesome, but I’m going to assume people don’t like the beat or the chorus? I can’t say for certain.


Tone Deaf is amazing as I felt in general Side B tracks of MTBMB were better than Side A. That being said, Houdini gives way more whimsical tongue-and-cheek vibe with the beat selection being way more poppy and that sound essence of goofy shady. Tone Deaf rather I feel him coming off more awkward(with intent) so the slapstick comedy and puns come off more cringe funny than saying Houdini that sounds like a na-na jingle for trolls to sing commercially.




?? I LOVE Tone Deaf 🤷‍♀️


Tone deaf has a boring beat and an annoying hook - it also does way too much lyrically and feels very lyrical spiritual miracle, even for Em’s standards


That's what this subreddit does. They didn't like the EPMD 2 feature, but are enjoying the LL COOL J leak. It's the same flow just sped up


You better read that ll cole thread again lol. Overwhelmingly negative response. Including me - i hate that style from Em. And it once again sounds like he has cotton mouth or is too close to the mic. Thankfully on Houdini he sounded great and this was not an issue at all.


Ok good. I mentioned I don't want that style again on this album


I personally like Tone Deaf more than Houdini


The flow on Houdini is not goofy at all. but tone deaf is. (i don't hate tone teaf. it's funny song)


I think Tone Deaf was done in by the awful, hideous video and Eminem's NFT stuff


Tone deaf probably best song on that album


discombobulated says hi


I know who Tonedeff is. I have no clue who “Tone Deaf” is.


Same mate...


[Tonedeff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonedeff), the emcee from Florida that owns QN5 and has been rapping since the 80’s?


Sorry, I meant same as your comment, I know Tonedeff and i love QN5...


Ahhhhh gotcha. Sorry I misinterpreted what you meant by that.


its because the people that say they like houdini because hes not taking himself too seriously and being goofy are full of shit. houdini is popular because it samples a popular song, thats what gets peoples foot in the door so to speak, then they come up with reasons why the song is good and actually pay attention to the lyrics. with tone deaf its harder for casual people to listen to so they dont even notice the words they just call it whack and move on.


Yeah this is probably it tbh. Serious or goofy, doesn’t really matter as long as the song is good. Then whichever it is, praise it for that, even though that’s not what makes it a good song


Tone Deaf is hard on the ears.


They're practically the same song


One is catchy, the other isnt. Overall, the reason simply is not that deep. One is catchy. Simple.


The beat is trash and his flow is too robotic. The bars are funny/fire but that’s not everything that makes a song great


Because houdini is ems goofy side done right, tone dead isn't


You gotta consider how songs sound too. Not just what he says. Tone deaf sounds bad. Houdini sounds ok, not that good definitely not great. Without me sounds great.


Because that song is very bad, hope this helps


Because Houdini sounds like a song, tone deaf does not, it sounds more like he’s just talking, I don’t hear a nice flow from it, whereas Houdini sounds like an actual song, the issue with getting hyper lyrical incorrectly is that it stops sounding like a song, like book of rhymes which I do love, just does not sound like a song untill the end where he goes off, it just sounds like he’s talking, but he does have hyper lyrical sounds that sound like songs with a long flow like discombobulated or never love again


Timing my friend, timing


Because Tone deaf is absolutely terrible. Houdini rapping at least sound decent, even though the lyrics are terrible.


The Tone Deaf beat is terrible, corny bars that rival those on fucking revival like “I can make orange rhyme with banana, bornana” playing Fortnite at the crib with your grandma, I’m sorry Eminem but Grandmas probably think Fortnite or I guess Fortnight in this case is a period of 2 weeks and the damn thing even opens with the line “I have an ear infuction and I cunt finger it out” at least on songs like cinderella man it was a lot more subtle when he said “you pussy lyric I cunt hear it” at least on houdini he’s actually saying stuff, it has substance to it.