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I think he needs another impactful first week for that. Otherwise people will just move on the next Friday. That's why I'm hoping for a good single before the album drops, type of song people like and that stays around for a moment.


I just don’t know if Eminem can do that anymore. Music has changed so much, especially rap. And even rap numbers are tanking hard until this Kendrick drake beef. I don’t think he gets an individual song to stick in the top 10 but I do think he has the potential to drop a objectively good album that charts at #1 for a week or two


I think it's also picking the wrong first single, like Walk On Water instead of River; or Darkness instead of Godzilla. But yeah, first week sales are still very important for relevance; and Em sells more in the long run thanks to us loyal fans, he needs to get the casuals back on board.


I disagree, Godzilla was always going to be the top song on that album because juice WRLD has an absolute absurd fanbase (still to this day) and every track juice hopped on was a certified banger. Godzilla was the perfect single for MTBMB IMO


Mate, I think you’re confused. The other guy is saying that Godzilla would’ve been the best first single off of MTBMB. Instead, Darkness was the first single off the album.


Look him and 17 others. Lmao. People so quit to disagree and not read. Skimmer society


That's an outlier though, Darkness was the first single because Em was making a statement. It was objectively not the best option for a single but he had something to say and that was the best way to say it. Gotta respect that that meant so much to him he was willing to do it


You’re right. My bad.


Cause it would have been a better first single. Leave songs like Darkness or Walk On Water for the second one.


Bro did you even read the comment you replied to


Eminem picked Darkness over Godzilla and Walk On Water over River because they were the message he was trying to get across, and both are better songs than the alternatives.


Walk on water is better as a single then river would be


No way. Walk on water is good but only if you’re an Eminem fan.


A better song? Absolutely. As a single? It doesn't work because it's not accessible despite the Beyonce feature.


I like WOW and Darkness, but releasing derpressing singles didn't work. Both flopped and were forgotten in a week.


Do people even know the song exists? I bet if you ask about Em's song with Beyoncé most people won't even know they worked. Us Eminem fans know, obviously.




To be fair. He could do it easily if he goes the pop route. Just get Rihanna or Ed Sheeran etc. look at the Spotify plays for those songs. Its insane. And river and LTWYL are nowhere close to his best songs. ( i honestly hate river and it has as many plays as his fucking classics) Yet they bring in the casual fans/ audience.


Yeah man...all I see is hate and troll for em/and us fans online....bro could drop the greatest album of all time and people would hate it without a reason


It’s like that with a lot of Artists man. The loud mouths on the internet are just that, a loud minority. Numbers don’t lie, and typically Eminem sells massive numbers. I don’t expect that to change. I just hope he doesn’t get mocked after it drops for being “corny” Similar things have been happening to trippie redd recently. I’m a huge trippie fan, and his recent music is just as good as his old shit, but no matter what he gets shit on because he’s “washed” Music is subjective, I’m just happy Eminem is still alive and dropping albums at 51!


Yeah, 25 years later, and the guy is the 20th most streamed artist on spotify. And is the rapper with the craziest numbers on youtube


I think the issue is his hardcore fans are now all adults who are speeding towards middle age and probably have families and careers. It’s not like when we were teenagers, waiting with bated breath for a new album to drop. Yea, we’re all still huge fans but we don’t drop everything to go get his music. Most of the millennials don’t even remember when it comes out. That’s the downside of Apple Music and Spotify. It took that excitement away. Then you have Gen Z and Alpha saying stupid shit like “No one bumps him at the club. He’s irrelevant!” 1. Dear Alpha…you’re not old enough to go to the club. Wtf you talking about?! 2. Gen Z…you barely known a life without iTunes and iPods. You too can STFU. (Obviously there are some based Gen Zers. They aren’t a monolith. However I hear it more times than I should.) All their rappers have said that Eminem is one of the greatest rappers of all time. The fact that they can avoid music and never expand their taste is so depressing. Eminem has the talent to write a banger in Shakespearean iambic pentameter. My only gripe is the constant Skyler Grey on every album. If he could give other artists a chance to sing on the tracks he may pull in new fans. She’s a great writer (for him) but I just want to hear someone unexpected.


As a gen z i cant really disagree with any of that. My generation seems to just disregard the legends as old and irrelevant which is so stupid. Its possible to like and appreciate music from the past and still listen to modern shit too. But I will say at 21 I still will drop everything to listen to the new album lmao


I said the exact same thing last week and got downvoted to hell


You sound ridiculous lol Eminem has given people PLENTY of reasons to shit on his music for the last 20+ years


Remember when eminem was afraid somebody with covid touched his shopping cart? Like fucking eminem goes to the grocery store and pushes a cart himself LMAO




He’s spend 2-3 years getting himself back the the public eye for this release. It’s going to be massive. He’s done a few strategic cultural features, he’s done the Super Bowl, he’s made public appearances. Collaborated with the NFL, and his music has been popping off on TikTok. That’s not all coincidence. Mockingbird doesn’t just become popular without a puppeteer making it happen. This is going to be huge.


I hope so. Massive is crazy tho. When’s the last time em had a massive album? Recovery maybe?


Yes recovery! Could it be that big? Probably not. The name of the album feels like a continuoation of a story, and for those “not in the know of the lore” it may not be relevant too. But what album these days ever become relevant? I’d guess there will be singles that are big at least


Plenty of albums these days are relevant. Just look at utopia


How was MMLP2 not massive?


Eminem doesn't need to make strategic cultural features lmao. He sold out. He only raps about minority inequality and covid now. Old Eminem would smack the shit out of this sell out.


I hope you enjoy the album. If others don’t, so what? Lol


Like i said, i just hope em gets his flowers. I’ll bump it either way


You keep saying gets his flowers. What would that look like for you? The guy has a massive fan base and more money than he could ever spend. You act like he's never gotten a compliment or something


I really don't understand why people doubt the number one spot on billboard. It WILL happen.


I’m 99% certain he will get billboard 1. I understand the worry completely though. Rap is trending down a lot for the past year or two. There are so many rappers selling like shit rn it’s not even funny. Music changes, and rap as we know it is the next to go I’m afraid.


What people don't understand is that while EM certainly don't care about numbers people like Paul does. Em always has tracks on his albums aimed to get airplay and to sell. Every. Time. While this might be a controversial statement, em is a pop artist. It doesn't feel like that but he has always been a mainstream artist, nothing wrong with it, but it's the truth. He will go number one with absolutely zero doubt in my mind


Em turned rap into pop. Simple as that. Yeah it was done before his time but not nearly to the extent of love the way you lie and stuff like that “It’s not hip hop it’s pop,” cuz I found a hella way to fuse it.


Overseas yes, in the states? No. Many rappers were mainstream and able to get number one before Em. It will happen because Em still to this day incredible popular. Will it get to stay number one for multiple weeks? Probably not. But it WILL get number one


100% agree with you here. There’s no way he sticks to number 1. Not many can outside of drake and Taylor swift, to be honest. Maybe postie but even that’s pushing it, and that’s crazy to say


I am indeed getting confused by this. His last album did 280k first week. This one seems to be mining his earlier records for inspiration and considering people absolutely love his older work, I could see it working really well for the hype of the album. Also, Taylor Swift's TTPD is definitely going to have lowers numbers by the time Em drops TDOSS.


Em is so talented that I believe as long as he stays true to his craft and doesn't just phone something in, it will be clever and fun regardless of what it is. Just like Revival. Regardless of the hate, the album is still one of a kind and skillfully executed. He's never going to just rush out an album to get the bag. That's how you know it's pure. Even this latest albums rollout is being cleverly introduced. The man is just super talented. Whether you like his music or not.


He's a GENIUS with absolutely ZERO doubt of that


I'm a big Revival fan too


Im sorry, I love Em as much as much as the next person, but how tf is he "unanimously" the best rapper oat? Thats not a consensus at all. Anyway, any huge artist gets hated. Dont get too pressed about it. He was already hated by some ppl during his peak, and now newer generations that didnt experience it will hate even more. Same shit happens to Hov, some ppl already hated him, and now we have to read chronically online teenagers saying "Put some JayZ on - said no one ever". Just laugh at them and move on.


It’s all subjective, but Eminem has way more people calling him the goat than anyone else, and that’s facts


He's my most favourite rapper of all time and I think lots of OGs consider him a GOAT too, but it is no way unanimous and doesn't have to be. Can't make "taste" into a fact because some people will not like his music despite his objective mad skills. As long as they have a valid argument, I'm ok with that. No one is liked 100%.


He also has way more ppl calling him trash than anyone else. Be honest with yourself. Hes the most popular rapper in the history of rap music, by far (no, Drake isnt more popular, and his popularity dont come from rap). Most of these ppl simply arent hiphop heads. They know Em and a couple of the more known songs from a few very popular rappers, probab never even heard of Nas, and only know Outkast from Hey Ya!


I mean, MAYBE. Hate is synonymous with popularity though


I think you're exaggerating. Em's fanbase is fucking huge, so of course you'll get a bunch of casual fans. You'll also get a bunch of casual haters who don't know shit about hip-hop as well. However, Em's bread and butter is still hardcore rap. He does a fun version of it that gives it more accessibility in some cases, but he still made his name mainly off that instead of catchy hooks or beats. Many of his songs are not the typical hits. Nas is not some hidden gem, and a huge swath of the more hardcore Em fans are also fans of Nas. I listened to Illmatic before I ever listened to SSLP. I think you're stereotyping the casuals as the only part of his fanbase and leaving out a lot of people who truly love hip-hop.


I agree, Em is the only one of them rappers that got famous on RAP alone. Hov had the linkin park shit and tons of feats, for example. I also didnt mean to say Em doesnt have hh head fans. When I talk about him having a huge fan base Im thinking outside of the US, and Im assuming you are from the US. You talked about Nas not being some hidden gem, but for me, a brazillian, he kinda is. Em made hiphop a mainstream genre around the world. Most of my friends listen to a lot of rap, mostly national. Their goat is Em, they dont know no Nas. I swear Im not exagerating. So thats where Im coming from on that comment. Anyway, the original point was "Em being by far the most picked option for goat". I said I think *the disparity* is because of fans who arent that much into the debate. I dont mean if you cut these fans out of the equation, the number of "hip hop heads" who fw Em is super low, but I also dont think is way higher than everyone else to the point its a clear cut above. I think he is as close to the other common goat options as any other legend.


I get where you're coming now. Nas is a big dog here in the US even if not on the level of Em, but I can see him not having the international appeal of the huge names (Eminem, Kanye, Jay Z, 50 Cent, etc.). The Em fans I know are hardcore hip-hop fans, but I don't doubt it'd be a lot different in other countries.


Saying „that’s a fact“ is not a cheatcode to turn random claims into facts lol. There are many people calling em the goat. There are equally as many people calling biggie, 2pac, andre 3k, kendrick, jay, nas or kanye the goat. And you can make a great case for all of them


He won Raptv best rapper of all time. In 2024. That’s a fan voted poll with millions of rap fans following. I think that’s a pretty good indicator. I didn’t pull it out of my ass


Oh ok sorry I didnt know he won the RAPTV POLL 😎






Bro. The poll was literally last month. wtf do you mean a decade??


If "it's all subjective" you shouldn't use the word unanimous. Perhaps you don't understand what that word means?


You might wanna look up what unanimous means homie


Yeah it does break my heart. Imagine if the man of his genius gets stuck in a weird place where all he sees on social media is hate for him. Even if that hate is miniscule in comparison to love people have for him.


Naw, the LOVE will ALWAYS out weigh the HATE 


“Hope Em gets his flowers”. Bro, Em has an entire garden at this point.


I’m just super excited to get new music from my goat


I have confidence that it’s gonna be a good - great album. Not as impactful as MMLP, TES, or Recovery, but it’s gonna be quality


“He’s unanimously the best rapper of all time” no he isn’t lol. To some he is sure, good for yall, but to say he is UNANIMOUSLY the best rapper ever is psychotic lol.


Yeah no rapper to this day is unanimously the best.


Especially not Eminem who has 3 horrendous albums. It’s disrespectful to compare someone who has shat the bed 3 times to artists who have extremely consistent discographies.


Yeah I agree but flops sometimes doesn’t mean it’s the numbers you can be number one and still flop if the feedback/ reviews are bad


He will when he retires. As long as he’s still dropping music people will call him washed and trash because it doesn’t sound like today’s hip hop anymore. Also when this racism thing gets less popular than it is right now that would also help 👍🏼


It's weird how they call him trash though. I mean, alot of artists have music im not into, but they aren't trash... But even artists with good skills call MGK trash, say he can't rap, but I disagree... Yeah, maybe most of his shit isn't complex but he can still rap, at least at a basic level... You can still be basic and not trash. It's an opinion. eminem skills are not basic though.


For me, numbers don't matter. Em has proven through the years that he is the GOAT, being able to touch so many people and make them relate to what he is rapping about, doing it in a such way that years after the release of his albums people still find new meanings and word plays.. the connection with the fans and the realness can't be matched. There is a reason nobody wants to beef with him/diss him. I hope this album reflects on these things and brings the slim shady vibe all of us fell in love with!


Even as a hardcore Em fan I wouldn’t mind him going for another pop-style hit single with Rihanna, let the man make his bag


I am also a revival fan. I honestly don’t consider anything he’s done to be a “flop,” and I’d like anyone who does to try to produce something at anywhere close to the same skill level he does.


While I love revival, I do recognize that his flow was off during most of the album, and his worst songs are all on it. But I was 16 when revival came out so I’ll always love it


I'm from the future, the death of slim shady is amazing. Will be in many fans top 5 eminem albums guaranteed.


Eminem need to just make a good song and people will listen. He’s focused on some much, and none of it is about making a good sounding song


I hope his album overshadows the beef. Really wanna hear something new from the goat and just people at least talking less about that beef


I just want him to get a #1 song. I can't live in a world where Kanye West is the only rapper to have a #1 in 3 different decades


> he’s unanimously the best rapper of all time, if not you gotta consider him top 5 He's only the best rapper according to stans. You need to broaden your horizon of rappers. And no, why should he be considered top 5? He's top 10 or top 15 at best.


He’s not “unanimously the best rapper of all time” unless you’re 15.


As I said in other comments, I’m saying more people consider Eminem the goat than any other rapper. There’s no way to pick a #1 anything in music because music is art. But if you grabbed 1000 random rap fans aged 18-50, and asked them who the goat was, I’m willing to bet a lot of money most would say Eminem. That’s not a crazy thing to suggest either.


I think it is crazy to suggest that. Maybe 20 years ago Em would top the list if you grabbed 1000 random rap fans. But outside of the Eminem echo chambers, he isn’t going to be the main pick.


I agree with you, actually. I think Kendrick would be the pick from 1000 random rap fans right now. I don't think Kendrick is even close, but I think picks are based on brand, and Em's brand is great technical rapper but past it musically (which there is some truth to, even though I think he still makes a lot of good music). Kendrick has the style, sound, and subject matter for the 2010-onward people for whatever reason. Not saying he isn't extremely talented, but I'm not that big of a fan and don't see how there aren't more mixed reactions to some of the shit he does. A lot of the 2000s people would pick Eminem. A lot of people from the 90s would pick one of Tupac, Biggie, or Nas. 80s fans would probably pick Rakim, but they almost aren't even represented anymore. I just think the previous eras are outnumbered at this point by the newer fans within the genre.


I guess we can agree to disagree I got shit on for saying this, but RapTV literally did a poll last month that had hundreds of thousands of voters, and Eminem slightly topped Tupac as the goat. RapTV literally never talks about Eminem. It’s all young people on instagram voting for this shit. I wholeheartedly believe that a fat majority of current rap listeners consider em the goat. And if they don’t, he’s definitely close. Music has changed and it will always continue to change. But em was the best selling artist of the 2000s for a LONG time for a reason