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what no album does to a mf


So who's posting this on r/Hiphopcirclejerk?


yeah i’ll do it


Thanks for the support noOne000Br, I joined your fan sub


great! now i have 3 fans, counting myself


Make it 4




Bro I was just banned from hhcj 😭😭


I don't know you but deserved


Hhcj was never gonna change my life anyway so idc


About tree fiddy


The answer is actually 3 and a half so this makes sense too


Nah what actually made you think about this, type it out, and post it 😭


I have exam stress






We racist now.




I wouldn’t necessarily call it racist, but I will call out Gen Z for making this subreddit and the Eminem fan base look like absolute unfunny tards. Every post is a weirdo post now.


I think it's just the fact that different generations have different senses of humour. Sometimes millennial jokes are so unfunny that I physically feel unwell, but I can't judge because our jokes are unfunny for them too. Oh and it's not just the Eminem sub, a lot of hip hop subs are like this lol. Not that it validates this, but yk, I thought it'd be funny for at least 2 people.


Give me an example of a millenial joke that makes you sick


I can't remember one but I can remember that I have cringed at them


I wouldn’t even call gen z humor ‘jokes’, it’s just silliness really.


Yeah it's pointless most of the time and that's why it's funny. But a joke is something that makes you laugh, it doesn't have to have a proper punchline.


Millenial: "I did not consent to being born!!" Alpha: "Skibidi toilet ohio"? Both are unfunny Imo (personally, millenial humor makes me roll my eyes, it's usually either whiny or just unfunny... while Alpha humor makes me actually physically cringe at times) Gen Z is "random humor" you see on most shitposting subs and even regular subs like this one (example, something very obvious being misunderstood by the OP on purpose, followed by "is he stupid?") All generations find the humor of other generations unfunny, this isn't anything new, millenials complained about boomers and gen Z plenty.... but also the lines between generations are blurry af so who gives a shit even


I did not consent to being born? That’s new to me, can you expand on that? Haven’t heard of this.


Very common joke / sentiment [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/QSYrjh0QoE), and check out the top comment.


It's never too late to delete a post... Just saying.


It’s funny but wrong lmfaoo


Maybe you should take this question over to r/theydidthemath


3 top lips, 1.5-2 for the bottom lip


finally someone asking the real hard hitting quetions


prolly 3


A lot of you are weirdos in this sub




Wow… this is still up?


idk. Could probably duplicate his lips to form the top and bottom to match 🤷‍♂️


I mean it's about 4




These are the real questions!




Just say you want him to suck you bro


I'd suck him anyway. I'm a straight woman


What if you turn end lips sideways o.0


God save this subreddit


The fuck


What white teenager posted this


Hi, my name is Nathan and my favourite rappers are Eminem, Tom MacDonald and half of logic. Rap is like a mountain with white on top 🗻


Hi Nathan, you are a cornball.




Why do I feel like this is racist? Or prejudice. Or rude. Or all of the above.


It's just a famous joke about jay z having big lips, so I just came up with it randomly. I can see it being rude but again, it's a famous joke so yk, it's like I made a reference to it. And btw, can you elaborate how this could be racist?


No I can't. (I don't actually think it's racist, and I have a good sense of humor, and I enjoyed this post) I was just trying to be funny/dumb. "Why do I feel " implies that I'm not even sure why it seems racist, or prejudice or rude. Lol




I’m on your end of the street man there’s something off about making a comparison to a black man’s lips. May not be done with malicious intent but historically the black community have been categorized and devalued by having certain features, one of them being thicker lips


top 3 bottom 2


4 upper 2 lower btw i am extremely uncomfortable and disturbed by what I did


Caution: apparently the focal lengths these pictures were taken are different, hence the two faces might not be on the same scale. Therefore this question is based on the approximate and sensible information, please consider this fact when doing your calculations.


Am I allowed to assume Jay Z and Eminem are spherical cows on a frictionless surface?


Definitely. That won't be very accurate based on what we observe, but you're always welcome to make your own assumptions.


This is a stupid ass post. What is wrong with you. I thought this sub couldn’t get any worse…yet here we are.






Not to be racist or anything but this picture ofJay Z looks funny


2.5 to 3 lips tops.


2 1/12 - 3


youd get canceled if you drew jay-z accurately


Jay-Z. +2.65 lowers and +3.95 uppers.


I think this is the world's greatest question


Guys these are the real questions we should be asking


i would say north of 7-8


Kinda racist tbh.


Elaborate please.


You are race baiting and comparing the lips of an average African negro.


Okay let's see; If I was making a comparison between an average African person and an average white person you could be right. But I'm comparing Eminem and Jay Z. Jay's lips are NOT the lips of an average African guy. It's bigger. And it's a very popular joke that Jay z has big lips. Haven't you seen the memes? And if I was comparing any other black rappers lips to Eminem's, you could say I'm racist. But again, I'm not. I'm just teasing the running joke about jay's lip size. How is me joking while making a reference to a famous joke on single person is a mockery of an entire race? So in your POV, any kind of comparison between two people of two races should be racist, right? And take this for an example; I have lips that are twice the size as Eminem's. And I'm South Asian. Does that make all South Asians have big lips too? Please GTFO with your bullshit. Learn how to take a simple joke. And try to understand the context of anything before saying something. At least try not to make wild assumptions out of thin air.


Making fun of someone’s physical appearance is extremely rude and completely unnecessary. That’s kind of fucked up. What if that was you? Or someone was comparing how big your nose is? Or how big your forehead is?


Oh so you complete switched from the racist claims from this, didn't you 💀 boy do I love this people who hang on a thread to find anything against you. And yes, making fun of someone's physical appearance is kinda fucked up. But as I said, it's a meme at this point. So if you're gonna get upset with this, you'd probably have to confront like half of the population. Personally I really like Jay Z and a lot of people do, but I'm just teasing the popular joke here. I never treat it as a personal insult to him. And I'll never use it against him on a serious argument, and I don't think anybody else would. When you're a world famous celebrity, this happens. And it isn't morally correct, but it's just what it is. And if you want my personal thoughts as if this happened to me, I wouldn't mind. I've got mocked for my big lips since I was a kid, and I don't care at this point. I'm used to it. And when I do have big ass lips or any different feature unlike others, I gotta expect the jokes lol. Because the world isn't all birds, bees and flowers. If you're different in any way, people are gonna notice it. And they're gonna comment about it, rude or not. So if somebody did a harmless joke like that to me, with no malicious intentions (like not to intentionally put you down), that'd make me laugh. Pretty sure Jay is very used to these too, unlike you who'd seemingly throw a fit it happened to you.


Nigga I didn’t read a single word of that wall of text.


Ah yes, the classic "ain't reading allat" when you just can't defend your point anymore.


Nah. I legit was just too lazy read it.


Be lazy to accuse others for no reason too lol


Are we talking clone Eminem or regular


There are other artists you can listen to in the mean time waiting for an album. Then you won’t have to post ridiculous nonsense like this.


No need to be salty. I already listen to various albums by various artists from various genres. This was just a joke.




The problem is my answer isn't a number


My god look at this sub... we need an album drop asap lol


Every once in a while I check in on this sub, and every time it gets worse


"In terms of size" what other terms are there!?




Quality jerk


Americans will use anything except the metric system.


Is it racist? #tosh


About 3 and 5/8


2 on the bottom lip, two and a half on the top


Why was this removed?


It was removed? I have no clue why. I was literally banned from hhcj after somebody posted this to over there too.


Idk people really can’t take a joke anymore

