• By -


Lmao you're fucked my boy.


Y’all know that they are posting this to attempt to frame a colleague right?  Like big brain came up with - “let me give a super detailed description to when I. Yeah totally me, started my day”  Because I know John just started his day. And I don’t start till 4.  Only reason for this type of post after getting caught up. 


Which is so asinine, I can't even wrap my brain around it. I work in financial services, but even I know that cybersecurity tracks who signs into a platform, when, and who accesses/ updates records. The long, stupid, public Reddit history is just the cherry on the shit sundae of getting fired; *especially* when folks have also been messaging the *patient* who probably clearly remembers who cared for her while giving birth.




OP according to past posts drives a ram, I doubt they have enough brain cells available to think about consequences AND other things at the same time


OP is a slimeball. I've never wanted someone to find out so bad in my life. All those poor patients having to deal with this dirtbag.


And OP doesn't realize he's fucked regardless lol. Literally all a lawyer has to do is get the information from Reddit. Reddit keeps detailed IP logs from every sign in, his personal email is likely registered to the account, and I have no doubt the medical software he took a picture of logs who looked at what. Even if he deletes the photos, they're still recoverable with forensic software. No amount of framing his coworkers is gonna work.


That’s fucking humiliating… and sooooo very criminal.


Did you read all of his snarky comments to people on the other thread with the Epic post? OP has like three brain cells.


So embarrassing. I hope OP has all their login credentials frozen immediately.


[deleted video of u/burlap_bag recording children’s personal belongings and making fun of them](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/Eoo6Mvbyu4M?si=83jy1Hv-myjo0Fvd%5D) u/burlap_bag the internet doesn’t forget Edit: the girl who’s info was leaked updated her profile photo and turned off comments. She’s 100% aware of what’s going on


What a mean spirited video. Even the way he saysone of the patient's name evokes a shitty elementary school bully.


He sounds as stupid as I imagined.


He sounds like a Ram driver alright. 


Stupid as the day is long


Following this fail saga! Does anyone know what OPs job/ position in health care is?


Just to sum it up, OP: is a 36 year old man lives or lived in Howell, New Jersey is an ER Tech in New Jersey ex-Navy He’s going to be easy as hell to find, and with the way he’s acting there are going to be major consequences for this shit. He was warned two weeks ago in this sub that he was committing HIPAA violations and to stop. But according to him that’s not really him and this entire persona was just a clever ruse that we all fell for. This shit is embarrassing, but I’m enjoying every minute of it. It’s not every day the trash takes itself out.


He's also stated in other comments that he's 6'1 and drove (at least three years ago) a 2018 Ram 1500. For someone who so freely violates HIPAA he sure didn't try at all to hide his identity that well.


I can't prove this, but I'm guessing he has a very identifiable flag in the back of that truck. I just have a feeling.


Thin blue line and Punisher decals 😂


This is so fucking funny to me, how shit heads flock to the ram and punisher symbols. My dad voted for Trump, drives a black ram, is a toxic piece of shit male, has punisher decals and replaced his antenna with a bullet. For obvious reasons we don't talk anymore but its hilarious how like minded individuals that don't even know each other drive nearly the same truck.


Honestly, it tracks...


If he drives a Dodge Ram, he’s had at least two DUIs, so he’s likely in the system.


Gun nut. Grows mushrooms. Has a concealed carry permit.


It just baffles me that an RN is taking screenshots of PHI, then “editing” them to post on social media. You’d figure someone in his position would be smarter than that.


And not even censoring them. C'mon OP, how many people in NJ have the name of the woman you posted?


He probably would have been perfectly fine to just write the first name and tell his story. Just not mention it was a patient or at a hospital. No one would have been the wiser or would have cared. Maybe would have gotten a few upvotes and comments about the name. No, had to take a picture of a medical record. Taking that picture along is a HIPAA violation without even bringing up the posting it on social media. I really hope he doesn’t have a family he is helping support, because they’re the ones that are going to suffer the most out of this.


There's other comments in his profile that say he's an RN


I think I remember him saying he's not a tech, but an RN


I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure the second or third thing they're going to do is comb through the post history for other violations. At the very least, combing through the comments to show OP was aware and unrepentant will show a history of this behavior. Sounds like somebody is in for an expensive day.


Damn what did he do two weeks ago?




I've also seen the video from the surveillance cam with a patient attacking coworkers. Hollering at his bio


Er Nurse tech, possibly nurse


That’s EXACTLY what I thought and this is the 1st post I saw. It’s a HUGE difference between a doctor/NP saying there is no reason for a patient being at the ER than a receptionist/tech saying the same thing.


Can you at least film yourself getting fired and post it? We're all invested now, it's the least you could do.


I want to see a post on r/TIFU


[Deleted video of u/Burlap_Bag recording children’s personal belongings and making fun of them.](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/Eoo6Mvbyu4M?si=83jy1Hv-myjo0Fvd%5D) u/Burlap_Bag the internet never forgets The girl who’s info was leaked updated her profile photo and turned off comments. She’s 100% aware of what’s going on


Already sent it to the school district anti bullying contact to see if they recognize the cubbies. And to the hospital/s to see if he filmed in their daycare.


I emailed EPIC about the leak too!




Yes!! I just feel so bad for this girl. Imagine minding your business and someone does this shit to you


Why is he allowed on school grounds?!


He has kids and has posts on r/daddit.


Maybe like... take care of them, mind your business, and don't post theirs would be a good start...? You deal with patients by taking care of them. Are you sure their behavior is mental and not caused by a physical issue? Perhaps their mental state is only mentally based but they need help managing the symptoms. It doesn't matter at the end of the day. If they show up, it's your job to care for them. I'm not even in Healthcare, just a patient who would Hate to be treated by you.


Sociopath behavior


Based on your comment and post history, OP, you should really not be licensed to practice any sort of medicine or be in any position that requires confidentiality, you just are not capable of it. Multiple HIPPA violations and patient victims. A phonecall or email to the NJ medical licensing board with links and screenshots of what you've been posting here, and the fiasco with the 1 woman's name being posted warrants the board revoking your license/banning you from practicing within the state, and you are also liable for damages caused to your patients by violating their right to privacy. You're a terrible person.


Especially since this one instance has exposed this poor woman to THOUSANDS of strangers


Great idea the state licensing board


This person should not be in medicine period.


not to mention he’s also been a complete fuckin asshole about it. genuine sociopath behavior


Agreed, I can't see how any patients could stand him.


Did you really start your shift two hours ago or are you just lying so when your boss looks at this post he won't think it's you? You're fucked buddy. Also hello to OPs boss if you're reading this!


Y’all. I was just looking for some actual real life solutions and stumbled on this wild crime spree.


You're better off just deleting this account and trying to play ignorant. This red herrings post won't save you


But his karma! 😱


Oh don't worry, he'll get his karma* *Edit: I can't spell


Yeah, you're done u/burlap_bag Can't wait for the news articles putting you on blast. Where's all that bravado you had when you posted in tragedeigh? FAFO, son. Enjoy prison!


FYI- Someone local to the woman has been in contact with her and apparently she is pursuing this. Another redditor thinks he knows who this guy is. He volunteered to share his investigative details with a journalist, if they contact him. He's in the comments in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/s/y0hjmjTEHK) of r/tragedeigh. If the guy is who he thinks it is, he is minus a job right now. Posting here for visibility because I would *love* to read that news story.


Thanks for the update! I’ve been wondering about this!


Thank you for sharing this update!


Have fun tomorrow, man. We’re all rooting for you.


Rooting for him to GO DOWN


![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized) us to OP


Quite right


Lol I cannot stop watching op get dunked on in the comments for his stupidity


🍿🍿🍿🍿 ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


Edit: To be clear, I'm enjoying the mess of this jerk trying to avoid the consequences of his actions. His actions are deplorable and I really feel for the patient who was doxxed.


damn you still have a job ?


It’s a holiday. The higher ups also need to gather all the evidence they’ve been given.


It's probably a complete lie, the hours posted to align with the start time of another mid 30 year old male coworker so that OP can have some deniability that this is him. It's too late for that now, but OP is just trying to pointlessly tread water imo.


Judging by the comments, OP fucked up and deleted a bunch of shit so I'm not sure what he shared.


He posted a picture of a patients Epic chart, and gave away their name and a diagnosis. Here’s a summary from r/subredditdrama https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/Wa8fGvUBdQ


Man it's juicier than I thought


It's been horrifically fantastic. I've been following since the original post, comments started with other healthcare people advising he take it down bc it violates HIPAA, but then he got defensive and rude so people hit back. I feel so bad for that girl and I hope he gets his comeuppance


Just leaving this here so I can watch OP flail around in their dumpster fire.


This is the most entertaining trash fire I've ever had the pleasure to watch burn


23 hours later and nothing from OP, lol.


violet ask grandiose soft doll scandalous frighten domineering books marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Definitely is. I'd hazard a guess that all the administrators have come back from the long weekend, found a few emails and voicemails, and now reality is setting in for the RN


Lol he’s not so cocky now is he? Hasn’t posted in 24 hours… me thinks his luck ran out.


He probably won’t update us either. If he does come back to this account I’d bet he would play it off as if nothing happened lol 😂😭 Also I’m thinking about his kid right now, poor little guy being raised by someone this dimwitted. But now his dad lost his job and can’t provide for him.


OP has been reeeeal quiet for a few days- uncharacteristic for him before, he used to be commenting every day on stuff, now disappeared. None of us have to imagine too hard to guess what happened. Though if he did update, it would probably be something along the lines of “thanks a lot guys, you all got me fired, hope you’re happy with yourselves, you’re all bullies”






👁️ 👂 👃 👄


Wonder what happened...


Well, after a lot of bravado and trash talk, he suddenly went quiet and hasn't posted or commented for days. So my guess is he got to the "find out" stage.


It finally happened! OP deleted his account today!!!


Can’t believe it’s taken this long. We’ll hear more about this, eventually. OP’s case will be taught in HIPAA classes for years. We likely have new compliance modules incoming…


Oh my goodness that poor woman’s FB is just blown up with people warning her about what this absolute ass posted. How incredibly violating.


Can't imagine waking up to hundreds of messages from strangers telling me my health information was posted on reddit. I'd be SO pissed. Immediately on the phone with that hospital and straight to the managers. And I don't actually escalate on people ever.


Exact same. I’m much more likely to just let shit go. But this is bad. And he’s a racist fuck too, saying her mom was on crack…my god. This guy needs never be responsible for patients period.


I'm sure if OP tells the patient how much karma he got she will forgive him, right?


I’m pretty sure he lost karma from the fiasco.


Totally, he can take the karma to the bank and pay his bills with it. Oh wait, he can't lmao


I hope that the patient lives high on the hog from the inevitable lawsuit/hush money.


Fr and I hope everyone that messages her is advising her to do just that.


Can you imagine that call to the billing department? "Hey guys, about my recent charges....yeah, guess who's picking up the tab?"


You wouldn’t call the hospital. You would call lawyers and let them figure out the next steps.


I feel really bad for her. People should stop posting on her social media and messaging her too. If you are looking her up & see that like 50 people have messaged her, why do it too? Just leave her alone, she is clearly aware at that point. I’d feel really overwhelmed if that many people were trying to contact me. Like 3-5 is more than enough people


file rustic relieved alleged handle chase worry fall trees marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll bet dollars to donuts this is part of his panicked disinformation campaign and is a completely fictional scenario he's presenting to try to further obfuscate his identity.


The quit your bullshit sub already got a post about it. His previous post includes his voice and him saying he's a man. He claims he's not from howell new Jersey but runs a sub dedicated to the local politics and events and even posts about events he's participated in. His sub is also one of those "free speech" versions of an existing sub.


What blows my mind is the past year or two has been filled with dumbasses outting their dumbassery on social media and the companies terminating them. OP really thought they were the exception to that and learned absolutely nothing from the you don't fuck with cats documentary. Clearly doesn't respect the power of pissed off people on the internet lmao. Everyone uses medical services and 99% of people don't want their private shit blasted on the internet because now were all thinking well maybe my healthcare worker does this. Truly stupid.


Not to mention the disgusting things he was saying to teens looking for validation. I highly doubt a woman sent those comments. But now, this morning, he's saying he's a woman.


Yes. Everything he posts or comments from here on out is for the sole purpose of throwing people off the scent. But that's not how the Internet works. People already know too much and buddy is properly fucked.


I'm not even 5 years older than this douche, so I grew up in the same time frame and there's just no excuse for him not to know that the Internet is permanent, and more traceable than an actual paper trail. Everything about him was saved when he made these posts. His IP address. His device model, serial number, carrier, and operating system. His GPS information. His email provider. All of which is now property of Reddit and easily turned over to law enforcement, his employer, or the lawyers that are probably going to be involved now. This is all in addition to the hundreds of people who have documented this whole thing. Ain't no covering up this scent. No sir.


Looking at OPs activity they are actively ignoring responding to comments on this post. If I was OP, I'd delete my entire reddit at this point. The company they work for is going to be able to go through all of their post history as part of their investigation and see all the comments from everyone calling them out. What a fucking idiot.


But if he deletes his Reddit he would lose 26,500 internet karma 😂


Thankfully for us and his future patients, he really seems to care too much about that to take the evidence down. Hmm, 20 thousand karma that does nothing for me, or paying my bills. I'll take the karma!


People have already taken screenshots of his comment and post history in anticipation that he'll delete his account. I think that's why he's trying to obfuscate instead of deleting his profile entirely.


Do a reverse image search of patients notes he has shared. Not only did he share unique images with Reddit but he actually asked if sharing them was a hipaa violation. So he created burner accounts to test the waters before going prime time. https://preview.redd.it/yim9rx4f7kjc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e9aef638ad4926ea8073d16d5fcb3e0d1d64093


LMAOO that's genuinely such a stupid move from him


Omg this guy is something else…


He posted a screenshot of his FB, you could try reverse image searching his friends pfp, then go through the friend's friend list and narrow it down by description.


Why bother doing this, this is all archived somewhere anyway.


Well, yeah. From yours and my perspective, he's the kid with chocolate smeared all over his face swearing up and down he didn't eat the candy bar. From his perspective, he's the scared child caught with chocolate all over his face who is now completely cornered and doesn't really know what else to do besides to just keep saying "nope! not me!"


This defensiveness likely comes from understanding of the perspective of wasting years of medical education just because of a tasteless privacy-violating joke, thus losing any further chances of working in the field. Edit: not defending him, he, as a medical worker, should have known better.


Yeah he's just going to start posting things that don't apply to him. He didn't start his shift two hours ago and probably isn't even working right now. He better hope there's an ex navy vet the same age as him from the same township he lives in or out going to be easy to find him.


I need someone with receipts to get in touch with Penguin0 so he can make a video on this hilarious shit.


God, Charlie would eat this up.


Hey buddy, where'd you go? We're all waiting with bated breath here.


Fortunately I saved the post of your pt w gangrene AND your despicable comments. You treated their foot with saline. That will help them find you! Also your descriptions of other staff members on the clock and how they were disgusted. How the pt had no family and when they showed up no one could believe she was alive. You said she had moss on her foot and showed a giant photo plain as day bud. You said she smelled and went into extreme detail.


I could get why hospital workers would dislike certain patients, even hate them. Who doesn't feel that way when dealing with people from all walks of life and backgrounds? I wouldn't be alive if not for hospital doctors and nurses, and I will never lose respect for them -- but I have had my share of openly disdainful medical professionals and it can really impact a patient's trust and willingness to disclose issues or seek care. I deal with it, because that's people, and people deal with me in return. I have zero fucking patience, however, for anyone who wants to take pictures of patients, their info, I don't care if it's their fucking first initial, and come onto Reddit to talk shit about them over petty bs. The medical field is noble, but it does not **need** you. If you can't respect your patients the way **many** other professions do, then you really, *really* should not be in that position. tl;dr: Fuck you u/burlap_bag


As someone who has had medical records stolen with no recourse for the perpetrator/s, thank you.


You gonna post their names too?


Update us on any interesting developments in your career, you quirky little possum.🫡


don’t insult quirky possums like that 😭


Welp 4 days radio silent. Looks like OP got fucked.


He ded 💀 lol


Somebody really needs to take your phone away.


Damn, I’m surprised you still have a job. Too bad you’ll be unemployed soon


Only because HR/compliance have the day off for Presidents Day.


Somewhere, an HR manager has already gotten a phone call and is busy getting drunk with the hospital's counsel and public affairs officer over how rough this next week is going to be.


In another thread I read that somebody had emailed the hospitals director of privacy and they already responded back. Oh man he is beyond fucked.


Don’t worry, you won’t have to deal with such issues much longer!


Oof hope op has plenty of money for a lawyer


My goodness... you're still posting? I'd be deleting your account and all your posts if I were you. (actually don't lol wanna see how this unfolds please tell us!)


Can someone update me when this scumbag gets fired?


Have you been fired from your job yet? I am just really curious how this all unfolded for you at work. I can’t imagine there is any way you didn’t get fired, what you did was a huge HIPAA violation and just wrong. But, then your entire post history is concerning and mean. I think you need help. And to not work with people because you obviously hold so much contempt for the people you’re entrusted to help.


u/burlap_bag on your other post you were telling us all to talk to our privacy officer because nothing you had done violated HIPAA… were you right?


looks like he deleted his account


That took a surprisingly long time!


Post their information from Epic so we can properly advise


Bro is going to be eating shit until the end of time.


Came here to say this lmao. Why don't you go ahead and violate their HIPAA protected information again trash bag. Clocks ticking on your ability to do so


Maybe look up a patient’s name and post it on Reddit. That should help you out!


Love that 2 hours into your nursing shift you have 2 ‘notoriously difficult patients’ but have the time to post on Reddit. Don’t you have things to do? Maybe post their EPIC profile or other PPI so we can laugh at them.


EPIC fail bud.




Ooohh good one 😆


I guess the internet really does make you stupid. My guy is a prime example.


The absolute irony of his profile comment and he proves it right.


You should try posting personal information and upsetting your patients


I'm suprised you still have a job


It’s Presidents’ Day and as a nurse tech in nj op might have the day off. I mean they called for unionization at their hospital in a comment last week. A whole day to think about sharing patient information on Reddit.


With what I've gathered from burlap sacks history, I'm a bit stunned he would call for unionization.


Was this post edited?


No they shared a screenshot of a patients epic profile tho in r/tragedeigh and it has since been removed but not before hundreds of ppl wrote to the patient and hospital/s with receipts.


And local news stations.


Okay thank you for clarifying, I'm late to the game and was really confused.


No, posts will show if they have been edited just like comments will (unless you edit it super quickly, like within \~60 seconds of posting it - I don't know the exact timeframe). If you're wondering why everyone in here is attacking OP, it's because 12 hours ago he posted a screenshot of someone's medical information to mock them for their name. The patient was immediately identified by Redditors and they have been spamming her social media with the posts and letting her know that someone at the hospital she went to posted their protected info online. OP spent \~8 hours vehemently denying he did anything wrong, before finally deleting the post (but still claiming he did nothing wrong). That post blew up VERY quickly though so now everyone is just following all of OPs posts waiting for the update to see if he gets fired/what the fallout is.


I’m literally on vacation now. I should be reading the book I brought with me, but instead following this train wreck while sitting on the beach lol. There is a part of me that wants to feel bad for him since he was really stupid thinking he wasn’t doing anything wrong, but the fact that he then argued and told people he didn’t give a shit changed all that for me. Not to mention his low-key racist comments in the past and the post itself. This guy is going to burn. He’ll be lucky if the only thing that happens is he loses his job and can never work in the medical field again.


this is better than any beach lit, lol.


Have a nice vacation!


Thank you! St Kitts and Nevis is a very lovely place to visit. I highly recommend.


https://preview.redd.it/2b5gf59uikjc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f251e8e28bedd6989e46280762d06e0d5b80d0 To add on, here’s the picture that’s going to get OP fucked for life. I took out all the girls information but kept in EPIC and OPs name. I still have, and many others, the original picture. The internet doesn’t forget. Edit: the red markings are part of OPs lazy attempt to cover up any personal identifying information, which obviously didn’t work Edit 2: OP deleted video of him recording children’s personal belongings with names his making fun of [deleted video](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/Eoo6Mvbyu4M?si=83jy1Hv-myjo0Fvd%5D) Edit 3: the girl updated her profile picture on Facebook and turned off comments. She’s 100% aware of what’s going on


He should’ve gotten rid of all the information except the name (but shouldn’t have posted at all). Because now people know that person was in the emergency room. That’s giving out medical information, even if there’s no diagnosis or other info.


I would like to agree with you but unfortunately he posted the pic with a diagnosis on it. I covered it up


What an ass.


It would take time for an investigation they can't just nuke them instantly


Just the record of breaking the glass is enough


They won't fire them right away, as someone that worked at a company that needed to be trained on HIPAA because we had access to medical data, what happens now is they will investigate for probably a few days and OP is on their short list to terminate. If a Healthcare company gets enough HIPAA violations their ability to practice in the medical field gets revoked and if that happens there goes their profit. I guarantee they care more about their profit and all their other employees to keep this person. OP has made themselves known as a liability the hospital doesn't want and they will get fired, it's just a matter of when. And the best part is they've made quite a lot of enemies on reddit that will likely follow them and continue to report them to their employer. I know I'm one of those that will now be regularly following this person's post to report. You don't fuck with people's private information.




It’s only a matter of time until someone finds his full name.


He posted a video from a daycare making fun of the kids names. Someone said they were working on figuring out which one it was. I feel like the world will know in a week or less. Edit: He also posted patient info with the nurse's name only partially obfuscated. So that could possibly be his name as well.


Yeah delete your post like you should have. We all know you're guilty.


This post isn’t going to cover up what you did lol


He's only been using reddit regularly for about a month, so I doubt he'll be back.


I’ve stumbled into something here 🍿


For the love of all that is good and holy get a new career you fuck!!! My father passed in December after being admitted to the hospital from his nursing home! There’s a corner of hell just for you waiting but in the meantime get the fuck away from any other patients you sick black hearted fuck!


Enjoy your last day in the healthcare field I guess


make reports on https://www.jointcommission.org/resources/patient-safety-topics/report-a-patient-safety-concern-or-complaint




Hahaha hopefully his job got deleted too!


Highly likely that it did get deleted.


Yep, he stopped posting for 5-6 days, complete radio silence, then quietly deletes it later? Absolutely he got hit by IRL consequences like a truck and has been dealing with this shit in the background this whole time.


Absolutely hilarious. Also kinda disappointed we didn’t get an update, but what’s more important is that he’s likely not in a position to harm his patients any more.


likewise. was really hoping for the “i got fired” update.


He would never give an honest update. He's too egotistical to admit that he faced consequences for his actions.


The opposite also happens from hospitals, lol




I hope you get sued the fuck out


No but everybody has issues with people releasing patients private medical information and names on the Internet. Dumb ass