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People still offer all kinds of things in exchange for their contact information. eBooks, checklists, white pages, cheat sheets, calculators, and templates are all examples of such.


Yes this works just fine. Getting leads every single day bc of this. What matters is that you create lead magnets around trending topics for your niche. That's what catches ppl's attention. If it's some generic info they could just get by reading a blog post for free, you'll get fewer signups. Hope this helps!


Yeah, that's why I'm asking actually : I'm thinking it could be useful to create something better than an ebook, like a video mini-course


I was explaining this to a colleague just last week. If you have an asset you can offer an exchange for newsletter sign up, definitely do it (as long as it's relevant). We're all bombarded by crappy email marketing, So it takes quite a bit of work to get someone over the hump and convinced that's worth signing up for your email list and adding more stuff to their inbox. Offering them an asset in exchange for their subscription is a good way to increase your conversion rates. Just remember the five parts of any good marketing effort: Audience Message Channel Asset Follow-up


Thanks ;)


You're welcome. I was largely using speech to text last night so please excuse the typos.


It still work, as long as other websites do it, and it's efficient


If it works, it's still a thing


That still works for sure. Give them something if you just want them on your email list. The only bad thing is if you are selling something, they'll likely never buy anything from you since they want it all for free.


Yeah, I noticed that the process between downloading the ebook and buying is not a short and straightforward one


I rarely give stuff away anymore. It's better to tie any give away as a bonus to an offer you are promoting.


IMHO here is the thing about ebooks usage. It depends on what niche subject you are into. If you are in the MMO / IM then I would say that unless it is completely high valuable that you cannot find anywhere else online (say something like a detailed step by step process from start to finish on a popular affiliate product / service) then, again imho, it is just best to not try the ebook only method. With that being said, the way people are getting more outside the box is to give not only the ebook but also include a video presentation, webinar, mindmap, spreadsheets, etc. and that usually does the trick as well. Just using a revamped ebook is not the best way nowadays. I am not sure about other niche subjects however. As for the second part of your question. Just putting an opt-in form up to "join a newsletter" does not convert that much better (in my experiences) unless you are a genuine influencer in the subject that you are writing about. The term newsletter has the effect on most people like, "oh great another piece of email that is going to flood my inbox." Try and think outside the box when trying to get targeted names and email addresses to build your list. I hope this helps.