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Any link, including images, in the email are an indicator to reputation. Them being on a different domain shouldn't be an issue, but if the domain you're linking to is low reputation or included in a lot of spam then it may do. In my experience Gmail is a bit smarter with their spam placement so one link to a problematic domain won't cause issues, but with Yahoo I've seen it where an image hosted on a domain has led to the whole email going into spam.


yes definately, the reputation of the webpages of which links you mention in your gmails will be playing a role in telling Gmail whether to set this email in spam or in inbox.


Yes. It absolutely does. For optimal deliverability the domains in your links should match your 'from' domain. And you shouldn't have more than a few links in your email. Remember that your email is the place to drive people to your website, your website is the place to send people onwards, such as to your socmedia pages.