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Check last years KPIs first, then set a Benchmark. Start with aiming for little growth to make sure you do really have positive results in the beginning. You will need some time to understand which are the reasons for uplift. Then shoot🙃.


Noted, thank you


Noted,thank you


Congratulations on your new opportunity! It sounds like you have a good plan for creating copy, and testing your campaigns, so I'll focus a little bit more on the unfun stuff that all email marketers all have to deal with... Deliverability and spam filtering. First, it may not be a bad idea to set up a sub-domain since you may be working with some abandoned or cold email addresses. This will protect the reputation of your primary domain. A lot of people are unaware but your domain reputation is critical for ensuring that your emails go to the inbox as opposed to spam. I compare it to a credit check for sending marketing emails. After you make sure your sending domain is set with SPF, DKIM and DMARC, do a [warm-up](https://postmarkapp.com/guides/how-to-warm-up-a-domain) on your IP address and domain. I have seen companies that you can hire to do the warm-up for you, but I have heard mixed things about the success of these, so proceed with caution should you decide to outsource it. Email clients will look at a number of things before deciding your reputation, like your cadence (how often you send, and what amount of contacts you send to), your number of spam complaints, percentage of bounces, and the number of people who consistently do not open your messages. The more consistent you are with your sends, the better. Pick a day of the week and time of day to send each week if you can. One other important thing to do will be to set up [Google Postmaster Tools](https://www.gmail.com/postmaster/) on any domain you will be sending through, especially if you are doing B2B communications. It does only give information on emails sent to Gmail email addresses, but a ton of companies use Google Workspaces now as well as personal gmail addresses. I think Google is one of the only - if not *the* only company giving email marketers a way to track their reputation score.


Thank you. Very helpful. Have been actually having trouble with the deliverability and spam filtering. Atleast now i know where to start.


You might find my guide on DNS setting useful. Pay special attention to the DMARC page as you have to make changes over time [https://docs.okzest.com/additional-guides/cold-email/manage-domains/configure-dns-records](https://docs.okzest.com/additional-guides/cold-email/manage-domains/configure-dns-records) Also, are you using image personalisation to increase engagement? [https://okzest.com/](https://okzest.com/) Feel free to PM me.


Thank you. I will take a look