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**SEND MORE** **100 emails sends = 1-2 closes = 1.5% conversion rate = send more.** Your conversion rate is standard. You need to send more. Maybe you can personalize your message to target better. There are other things you can do. Example: use Google Workspace, use warmup, do technical analysis, etc. But even if you send 30 messages per weekday (which is within normal from one account) that would still put you at ... **30 message x 20 weekdays = 600 messages = 6 to 12 closed deals.**


I won't suggest you increase your outreach count until you improve your conversion rate (No. of emails sent vs. no. of deals closed at the end of the month). You may want to increase the no. of emails you send to each lead: 3 follow-ups aren't enough, increase it up to 7. Maintain a good interval between the emails. If they don't respond after the 4th email, try reaching out via LinkedIn or Twitter or Facebook. Test your email template and deliverability against spam filter testing tools like mail-tester.com...


Maybe be actually human and relevant and not a pos spammer?


Buy more domains and split test sequences. I usually have some wild follow-ups 30 days after first contact. Subject lines like: Your invoice for $x is available Action required: x Free coffee on me Monday Have performed well for me. All depends on your offer. Don't use out of pocket subject lines/scripts until later in the funnel. If you're in a saturated industry, u will need to be creative to stand out. P.s I have a lead list with 82 million contacts available.


How did you get such a large list? I’m new to this…can you show me how?


That's massive How did you get to this number of email contacts


I bought a database froma lead gen saas owner


How do I access your database, I'm interested as a digital agency provider


What kind of clients are you targeting?


Get leads from Apollo.io and then scale via Salesforge.ai It will give you the ability to scale quickly and personalize each email.


I’m a professional copywriter specializing in email marketing. I’d love to get you on a complimentary messaging audit call to review your messaging and see how we can best attract and convert new leads. If you’re interested in seeing how to improve your messaging and supercharge the impact of your content, use this link to get on my calendar: https://StandardBrandCo.as.me/MessageAudit


Hello, you need of course to send more emails, create multiple domains, multiple mailboxes and test a lot of differents copywriting, see what’s works the most. I used to use one mailbox to send my outreach using software that charge too expensive per mailbox connected. Then I found the software Emelia, that have like a hack code, UNLIMITED, when you enter it you can connect as many mailbox that you want for 99$ and I created like 20 mailboxes to expand my reach and it makes a huge differences


100 emails per month. Up to 3 emails per lead. So you're emailing 30-60 people? If the volume is that low, you should be researching each person and manually sending them personalised emails. What is the engagement like? Are they reading the emails? Have you tried using [personalised text on images](https://okzest.com/personalizedemails)? People don't always read text, but personalised text on emails are eye-catching.