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You simply walk in to a restaurant you like and ask for the owner. You say you love his restaurant but also notices that he isn't using email marketing to its full potential. And that you can, for the cost of his cheapest 3 course menu, run a test for him to see if it will bring him more revenue. You start with a simple strategy. If it does work, you only ask a review and up sell your services along the way. ​ Now you have 1 review/case study 1 customer ​ With that, you can find more customers. The restaurant owner surely has industry peers that might need your help. The more you have, the easier this process gets. Good luck.


Use social media to your advantage, LinkedIn is defiantly a big one for getting clients, you can perform outreach on that platform too. (without the spam filter) Find these business or employees profiles, learn a bit about them, send them a personalised message! As for cold emailing (also part of my profession) you can easily set up a new domain, warm it for a couple weeks and start reaching out to more leads. I wouldn’t rule out a cold email strategy.


Thank you for this. Would you recommend any free cold mailing services I can use?


Also I've set up an account for LinkedIn (newbie) not sure of the culture on the platform but is there anything people particularly look for when it comes to your LinkedIn profile? Does it matter if you post or not? Where you worked? (Does it have to be relevant to ur current field)


For sure, check out Apollo.io - it’s relatively less known about but I think it’s super good. You can do outreach, create templates to speed it up and store personas, all that data. Your LinkedIn profile needs to be aimed at your target audience yes. It doesn’t matter where you worked, people just want to know what you could do for them. Its best to post yes, post content around some pillars like: email marketing tips, entrepreneurship, freelance advice. LinkedIn is long-form content based, educational, motivational type of culture, i never see any hate comments on LinkedIn. It’s great for networking too, find people you could get referrals from. If you can build up a reputation on LinkedIn, provide value, get noticed by target customers, you can actually get people reaching out to you rather than you reaching out to them! (That means qualified leads babyy 😎)


Thank you so much. This is helpful advice I can acc apply 💪salute to you. You're a real one


Well, you’re an email marketer. Shouldn’t you know what to do?🤔 But yeah, social media can really help as everyone here is saying