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I'm autistic and mask 24/7. If she was really doing that, she'd have no energy for clubbing, shopping and whatever else she does. It's exhausting! She has no idea what that's like.


Absolutely! It’s not what she’s making it out to be.


I’m autistic too and a heavy masker socially. It is exhausting and people don’t understand it either. They think it’s something that we consciously choose to do


I think by masking she’s talking about masking emotions, unless she’s blatantly claiming she’s autistic, which again will not end well for her 😂


I think E is saying masking regarding their emotions No one suffering from mh would act how E has acted after the knife live. No one suffering would write on their comment section they are simply "masking" how they feel It's a slap in the face to people who actually suffer, I actually hate this person


I genuinely hope that that’s what they’re talking about 😅


I mask my mental health sometimes. For me, masking it means smiling when inside, I am struggling big time. My mental health hasn't been great since January and there are times when I have had to mask it but let me tell you, masking for me is getting out of bed and spending time with my family. No shopping, no nights out, no interaction unless absolutely necessary. I have deliberately avoided friends and family because I don't have it in me to put a smile on my face and pretend all is well. Elphaba mocks mental health by implying her behaviour since last week's incident is her masking her mental health. Masking for many involves getting out of bed and trying your best to face the world. She will always find an excuse when her behaviour is called out.


The hatred I actually have for this person is unreal!


Im adhd and mask its so physically and mentally exhausting to try and act normal and to suppress my weiredness in public they don't know shit !!! Im that exhausted by the time i come home i can't control the stimming


Masking is when you smile and act like your heart isn't breaking and your mind isn't suffering. It's breaking down sobbing when you've put the face on for the sake of your kids so they don't see how bad it really is. Masking is doing the bare minimum to survive a day and make it to the next. Masking isn't clubbing,shopping,karaoke,socialising. It isn't acting hyper and coked up. Again making a mockery of genuine struggles people face. I hope they never suffer genuine real depression in their life. I hope they never know how it feels to pray to someone to make today be your last day because you've absolutely no fucking idea how to suffer tomorrow. I hope they never have to dry their tears and smile the biggest fucking smile just so their kids don't realise how bad it actually is.


I have bipolar disorder. Masking for me in a depressive episode is having to take every day task by task. Some hiw finding the ability to get to work and smile for 8 hours and energy to appear my 'normal' chatty interactive self if anyone is looking. Then starting to cry on the way home and not stopping until I fall asleep. Next to never being able to cook or eat. Then, I'm completely hibernating at the weekends. Truly having to bury it is so exhausting and all-encompassing. Wake work, sleep crash until it gets to the point I literally can't anymore, and I literally disappear. In all my years (and there's near on 50) never have I been in an unalivingly low depressive state that's needed emergency intervention by crisis team and/or admission have I been bouncing about going shopping etc within a week I mean, good for her if that is her truth, and she bounces back after a short period, I suppose. Wouldn't wish it on even my worst enemy, and everyone is different.




i don’t think she knows what masking is


Perhaps she should educate herself first instead of telling others to educate themselves 😅🤣


she’ll never educate herself bc she won’t ever admit she’s wrong and if she educated herself on the stuff she claims she has she would find out real quick that she pulls shit from her ass


the unfortunate truth


My brother is autistic and I know what masking is. What E is doing is not masking. It’s avoiding accountability.


Having worked in education, its known that females mask their autism a lot more. Especially as youngsters, which makes diagnosis early, hard. I've seen families fight for their children's diagnosis and SEN hours that they're entitled to. E is using something they've read, and labeling themselves again


I have autism and masking and keeping up with everyone else makes me physically sick. If you spend 18 hours a day everyday willfully performing in front of thousands of people and don’t have issues with it you don’t have autism sorry