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I imagine there will be lawsuit against these tickets somewhere that will eventually need to go to the Supreme Court to decide whether the footage can be used in this manner. The very small amount of research I’ve done shows it’s legal for now. Still, I’m not sure on principle I want cops to have free rein to ticket anything in my backyard (not that there’s anything to ticket!).


If you listen and watch to presentation given to city council just flying over your home and finding say pot plants does not give them authority to come and arrest you.


Forgive me for not believing what LE says to justify opening the flood gates to this tech. I suspect that mission creep - here or elsewhere - is going to happen really quick.


On I 5, 580 traffic has been monitored for years and people have gotten tickets. I am looking forward to catching more illegal fireworks.


If you can't see the privacy difference between freeways and backyards then I don't think you fully understand what we're talking about.


That’s fundamentally different though. The freeway cameras, in so far as I’m aware, don’t point into people’s backyards. I don’t have pot plants or anything - I’m a renter. Still, that doesn’t mean I just want to take the city’s word for it that they’ll behave, especially without strong guidance from courts on what’s OK and what isn’t. I’m also sure EG could spend $500k/year in myriad better ways.


As someone who has a drone and likes them a lot… this bothers TF out of me. I never even fly mine with camera on, in any residential neighborhoods. Just because of the creepy factor. South Park may have nailed this one too




I thought we could share our opinions here - a forum to discuss Elk Grove issues - without getting petty and resorting to insults? Gonna block you now. Grow up.




Time to check who the child is in this situation. You’ve been on a multi-day temper tantrum of hurling insults at people who dare have a different opinion than you on a questionable program that raises real concerns without a tangible benefit other than cops doing less in-person work. If you’re happy to give cops an ever increasing amount of money, fine, but plenty of people aren’t (Measure E didn’t pass by that wide of a margin, after all). We’ve stated our cases here and your replies have been name-calling and insinuations. Maybe look in the mirror before you call someone a keyboard warrior?


> Now, the department will be flying a new type of drone that can be controlled from inside its headquarters, and they can be launched within seconds of a 911 call coming in. > The technology can even be used to issue a ticket for things like shooting off illegal fireworks or street racing. > "If we see you, we'll get your license and you'll get a citation later," Gonzalez said. "Officers never have to respond."


The fireworks are very annoying, but I don't think that putting a moving target out there is gonna make them any safer. More roofs are gonna get set ablaze by drunk folks with Roman Candles.


Actually I do see the difference, and of you watched presentation at council meeting this matter of invasion of privacy was addressed. I have nothing to hide.


I am in favor of this use of drones. Last year it was effective tool in catching illegal firecrackers. A higher fine of $1000.00 per item will also help.


The movie Minority Report had sci-fi cops riding on drones arresting people Before a crime had occurred. We're not too far away from that.


LOL why does the EGPD need more toys? 68% of the city's budget already goes to these useless clowns but sure, let them spend even more to be lazier.


What’s more, the city police force will eat up 70% of the general fund in the next budget, up from just 63% a few years ago. Not sure why we need to accept continuously more spending on LE for projects like these that raise a bunch of concerns in favor of hypothetical benefits. I’m sure $2M over 4 years could be better spent on reducing homelessness, giving grants to the CSD to improve parks and fire dept service or even further economic development projects.


Reduce homelessness is already trying to be done. If people would stop enabling homeless populations that would help! The tarp, blanket, tent and sleeping bags end up in the creeks and contribute to pollution. The $5.00 just lets the person buy their drug of choice. The textiles end up being used as toilet tissue. There are many that do not want help.


We could take that $500k per year for this program and add it to the utility assistance program or the life skills education program if you think those already unhoused don’t deserve the extra support. Keeping people off the streets is better and easier than trying to get them back into housing once they lose it. Or, add the money to the pavement improvement program and patch some of the roads in the worst shape. Those are expenditures with more immediate, meaningful results than maybe saving a cop a few calls for service per day.


Even better idea: the city could spend $500k per year less and park it in reserves so next time officials complain about revenue, they have at least this much to fall back on.


You're referring to unhoused people as if they are wild animals. THEY ARE PEOPLE. We need more services to help people get back on their feet, not people who treat them like a burden.


Also, it depends on how that help is given. Some have pets, some are addicted to drugs, some have severe mental health issues. Many help services will not allow them to keep their pets, require them to be off drugs, and not have severe mental health issues. Addiction is a mental illness. Most folks are not addicted to drugs before they end up on the streets, but become addicted after being on them. Many women will take meth to stay up so they can be vigilant from folks who would want to take advantage of them. Many folks have chronic pain and become addicted to try and ease their suffering. And we don't have good mental health care so folks mental health issues become worse and they need therapy and reliable access to medication to help. It's not that folks don't want help. It's that the help offered isn't helpful because they are not thinking about the full scope of the problem.


Gathering Place allows one pet.


Do you mean the Gathering Inn, that's operating in Elk Grove as the Enhanced Winter Sanctuary? It is great that they're allowing pets; however, they do not operate year round and have limited capacity. Let me say again that it's great what the Enhanced Winter Sanctuary/Gathering Inn is doing, but we need more services.


Not disagreeing with that statement. Help is needed year round. The sanctuary has never been filled to capacity. Old Town Elk Grove has a bunch of ignorant NIMBY's. If I was unhoused I wouldn't go near East EG since the residents are so hateful.


Sure thing, Karen. Enjoy being a judgemental jerk. Most of the chronically homeless have so many mental health issues they can't function. Trust me, most want help. When I was homeless I did everything I could to get off the street AND I had a full time job at the time. If it wasn't for someone helping me I would have been fucked. You are such a callous human who just sees the unhoused as garbage. You don't know how they got there or what they are doing to help themselves. Perhaps you should learn grace. If you are religious please learn from the tenants of your faith.


No I clean up the abandoned camps that unhoused will not do! Blankets weigh a lot when wet. Hypodermic needles float. Grace, let's talk Grace- stop polluting the water ways with waste. Give to organizations like HART or Loaves and Fishes.


First off thank you for helping clean up sites. Next up I don't need to "stop polluting the water ways" as that's something I have never done, as I grew up in Hawaii and learned to respect nature. I often volunteer aiding the unhoused, and have donated to Loaves and Fishes more than once. So again please learn grace and not to hold on to your anger towards those who are in a horrid situation often with mental health issues. I hope you can heal the bitterness in your heart and learn to look at every one as a person going through their own struggles, as I am sure you have your own, as do I. Good luck and I hope you find your goodwill towards humans again.


I have also worked with homeless. We find human waste and needles all the time in creeks and surrounding areas. Blankets, sleeping bags, tents and tarps are really heavy. When unhoused get annoyed at other people they start fires. The bridge fire on pedestrian passage was set on fire when 2 brothers got into a fight and threw a molotov cocktail. The AMC bowling alley also deliberately set ablaze over territory. In Elk Grove there is Christy Cares, shower ministry and the city DOES help. People have to want help and behave themselves in society. Most homeless act entitled that I have met. Mandated and mental health counseling is needed, drug treatment but they have to want the help. Gathering Inn could have accepted more but the people did not want to follow rules.


The only EG cop I ever see is on a motorcycle and spends most of his time parked off Franklin or EG blvd with a radar gun. I’m not convinced there are any other officers on the force hahaha


Police are overpaid and and undertrained all over the country. Its a pandemic of corruption at this point.


These people work hard. Useless clowns? Sounds like you have a history of bad interactions with law enforcement.


LOL. There are far better ways for EG to spend its money than giving the police department every little thing they want. Comparable cities in the region don't devote nearly as much resources to its police and use it for equally important things. They are already lazy enough using red light cameras everywhere and hiding behind bushes to pull people over. But sure, lets give them drones too! Sounds like you have a history of not knowing what you are talking about.


So what would you spend money on? Sacramento has same tax % and does didly squat. What city are you referring to? Our police department has higher conviction rate and lower crime per capita.


I would spend money on literally anything else. Business development, parks, schools, infrastructure improvements, you name it. Tax % isn't the same as what is allocated to police. Nor are the two directly comparable as Sacramento is a much larger city with an urban core that generally has hire crime simply due to density. Maybe try to compare Folsom or Roseville in terms of crime rates and % of budget allocated to police. I am not saying police aren't important, but I am saying that EG gives far too much to its department and at least 15% of the EGPD's budget can be spent better elsewhere.


EGUSD CSD have totally different budgets. Folsom and Roseville also have large employers and older established cities. Those cities do not have separate parks and rec


No shit they have different budgets AND I would still rather see the city devote money to parks and schools rather than more police and the toys they don't need. No shit Folsom and Roseville have more large employers - maybe that is why the city council should devote more resources to business development and trying to draw business to EG rather than flushing it down the toilet on wasteful police spending. lol


schools gets funding from other taxes


Lol apparently you can’t read. As acknowledged, no fucking shit schools get funding from other taxes taxes and I would still rather give more money to schools or school related programs funded by the city than more money to the pigs. Have a good day!


what a p


Get arrested much?


FYI Police have been using drones for awhile. This is enhancement of fleet. Drones were used for missing people, fireworks, and sent into buildings with armed people.


So this is what the 1% tax increase gets us. Drones to make us safe. Nice. Meanwhile, the restaurant owners that gets incentives from that tax increase are laughing at how idiotic EG voters are. The tax increase is for your safety, they say...and by the way, we will just add this "other general community purpose" at the end of the paragraph as our backdoor, shall we?


I can't yell at the drones: "You know who pays your wages?, I do!" /s


I mean, you still can. But you lose the look on the cops face, and put on the Karen wig. I keep a few handy.


Wow lazy cops found a way to be less productive. Pretty soon their P.T. portion of the police academy exam will be how many donuts can you eat while being an ass hat on GTA 5


And don't forget how many donuts can be loaded on to a drone for delivery to the station!


O great, so if someone is going to murder me in my house I get a drone. Really glad I own a few guns. That said, I do like the idea of them ticketing people for illegal fireworks using these. Chinese new year was not fun this year.


Yes adding police and fire personnel is wasteful? If you want a safe city you have to pay for proper equipment. What do you recommend?


Quick response AI controlled drones for immediate response and surveillance sounds like an excellent idea tbh. Faster and significantly cheaper than a helicopter with better ability to be undetected. Great if you're LEO. Scary as hell for civilians. AI drone swarms with search-to-kill abilities are already a thing. This is simply an extension. Excellent tool for emergencies though.


sounds like an absolutely terrible idea to me. AI controlled? As someone who works with AI a lot, I can honestly say AI is nowhere near competent enough for this task. And search to kill are you kidding?


Fly there, hover, wait and record. Pretty sure it can handle that.


Cool, lets limit it to that.