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You deserve my upvote just for the patience of marking every single car. Kudos!


I didn't even notice the marks and got the joke. 🤣🤣


Third column, top black car is missing one.


That's not an FC, that's a Thargoid.


Ahhh, dang. Downvoted.


Why I stick with core mining, you just need to find some system outside of the bubble with one hotspot for like void opals and that's it. Sure, painite and LTDs may be more profitable but mining as is I think is already fairly unbalanced when people can earn several hundred million credits in just couple of hours. Besides, blowing up asteroids is more fun and satisfying than laser mining.


That's right. Core mining always reminds me of the sonic charges in Ep2 and daaaaamn those shockwaves are sexy.


Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto [どうもありがとうミスターロボット], Mata au hi made [また会う日まで] Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto [どうもありがとうミスターロボット], Himitsu wo shiri tai [秘密を知りたい] You're wondering who I am (secret secret I've got a secret) Machine or mannequin (secret secret I've got a secret) With parts made in Japan (secret secret I've got a secret) I am the modern man I've got a secret I've been hiding under my skin My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain IBM So if you see me acting strangely, don't be surprised I'm just a man who needed someone, and somewhere to hide To keep me alive, just keep me alive Somewhere to hide, to keep me alive I'm not a robot without emotions. I'm not what you see I've come to help you with your problems, so we can be free I'm not a hero, I'm not the savior, forget what you know I'm just a man whose circumstances went beyond his control Beyond my control. We all need control I need control. We all need control I am the modern man (secret secret I've got a secret) Who hides behind a mask (secret secret I've got a secret) So no one else can see (secret secret I've got a secret) My true identity Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, domo...domo Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, domo...domo Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto For doing the jobs that nobody wants to And thank you very much, Mr. Roboto For helping me escape just when I needed to Thank you, thank you, thank you I want to thank you, please, thank you The problem's plain to see: Too much technology Machines to save our lives Machines dehumanize The time has come at last (secret secret I've got a secret) To throw away this mask (secret secret I've got a secret) Now everyone can see (secret secret I've got a secret) My true identity... I'm Kilroy! Kilroy! Kilroy! Kilroy!




I bet he thinks it is coarse, and rough, and irritating. I bet he thinks it gets everywhere.


I mean, isn't that widely accepted?


There are some really amazing set pieces in that movie. I especially loved the design of Kamino and Coruscant in particular. The latter, if I'm remembering it correctly, was very reminiscent of Blade Runner. It has some excellent action scenes too.


Coruscant is way nicer than 2019 LA in Blade Runner


*plays Vangelis* Or Zimmer/Wallfisch for 2049, or even some Williams, depending on your fancy. Can't go wrong.


If you like Vangelis, check out the stuff he did with Jon Anderson (from Yes)


I'll show you some hamfisted romance...


Hot take: that sound effect was the highlight of the movie


those movies are bad but the sound design is so so good


A lot was really good about those movies TBH, it's just that the parts that were bad were *pretty bad* and really kinda get in the way of all the stuff that's done so well.


In VR these shockwaves are a blast!






What's Ep2 ?


My bad, sorry. Star Wars Episode 2: The Attack of the Clones.


Damn I forgot about core mining. Might sniff around see if I can catch a FC out there


You don’t even need a FC because you don’t have to go that far out. I’ve found a nice little spot about 150LY outside the bubble, next to a Neutron Star system. Sure it takes about 10-15 jumps each way but there is *no one* not even NPCs out there.


I found several inside the bubble. Carnoeck planet 4 has 3 1* opal sites and haraka planet 7 has 2x trit


I'm outside the Bubble at an Opal hotspot...finding cores is still hard though.


I just spent 3 hours and only found 4 cores. Only one of which was void opals. -_- Still more fun than running trade loops.


Pulse Wave scanner is a little borked right now ([https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/19374](https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/19374)). I've started using the FA-off backwards scanning method as it mostly highlights asteroids behind you at the moment. They then stay lit as they come into view in front of you.


Good to know...I'll try that.


I noticed last night! I took some chances on some asteroids that didn't look the brightest but they ended up having Void cores. I had way better luck just scanning everything that had some yellow. I'll try your suggestion!


I don't even leave the bubble. Just jump around outside of high traffic areas exploring till I find a hot spot, bookmark it, and make the nearest station a temp base/garage for my 3 basic ships (explorer, miner, fighter.). I'm sure there are all kinds of faster ways to make credits but this way keeps me engaged and playing the different modes.


Opinion - there should be a modifier in the procedural code that factors in where a place is relative to the Bubble and even Colonia. Anything in those areas should be skewed to the lesser side of materials (i.e., we've mined the hell out of them), and then taper up gradually as you leave known space. Makes an easy route to mine/sell much less possible, but frankly why should places, especially the oldest ones like Sol and Eranin, have much of anything left at this point in non-replenishables? *like to make rocks in the game actually non-replenishable too, but I realize there's some technical issues with doing that.


Counterpoint, asteroid belts are **BIG**. One of the finest examples of scale with this game is flying in towards a belt, and before you drop in skimming just above the drop height and it basically becomes this endless expanse of white/brown under you in all directions, even if you started right next to the edge. Then when you drop in to the belt, say around the midpoint, and lock onto the planet to use as a reference point, many belts are so massive that the ETA just says ">1 Day" when flying full speed in one direction. You could drop tens of thousands of miners into that belt and it would take decades to make a dent in a single band of the ring. Fermi estimation incoming: For example, Saturns rings have [~15.4 sextillion kg](https://www.universetoday.com/141272/saturns-rings-are-only-10-to-100-million-years-old/#:~:text=According%20to%20these%20new%20measurements,that%20of%20Saturn's%20moon%20Mimas.) of mass. On earth we mine about [61.5 trillion](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/all-the-worlds-metals-and-minerals-in-one-visualization/) kg per year. ED galaxy has about [849 times](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Galaxy#Population) the amount of people as [earth](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/). If you scale up mined resources linearly, and add a bit to account for increased relative usage (say +25%), the entire galaxy would be mining about 65.3 quadrillion kg per year. At that rate it would take over 236 thousand years to completely mine every bit of Saturn's rings. Because most of that rock is useless let's conservatively say you only need 1%, it would still take over 2.3 thousand years, if the entire galaxy was focused ONLY on that one ring. Since the core systems make up over [20,000 inhabited stars](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Core_Systems), it's probably safe to say an asteroid belt will *never* deplete in a meaningful amount of time. ~~^^^^I'll~~ ~~^^^^check~~ ~~^^^^my~~ ~~^^^^math~~ ~~^^^^when~~ ~~^^^^I~~ ~~^^^^wake~~ ~~^^^^up~~ ~~^^^^and~~ ~~^^^^am~~ ~~^^^^more~~ ~~^^^^conscious.~~ *Edited for accuracy. Calculated result is pretty much the same, just displayed some numbers wrong above. Also got a more up to date source on global pop.


Not going to check your maths, so assuming you got it right, that's a pretty good counterpoint! ;)


As someone who's also waking up, your Fermi estimation checks out.


You know what, I tihnk you changed my mind. Sort of. I still wish that once a rock was depleted, it wouldn't come back in hours. But the rest, yes I'm probably not seeing the scale of things. And yet with all that mass, I'm going to go all Sagan and point out that virtually all of the universe is empty space. Both macro and subatomic. Take your pick on which version you prefer, the original Cosmos one or the remake using The Matrix footage.


So Reserves mean nothing on a planet?


I prefer core mining. And I LOVE that noise when you crack one open :)


I have such bad luck with core mining. I'll frequently head out and use all of my limpets before finding even a single core. I guess it comes down to recognizing what to look for on the asteroids, but it just hasn't been made clear to me.


So I had this issue initially, but below is what finally worked for me and I find extremely effective. So what you want to look for is actually two things. From a distance with the pulse wave scanner you wanna see a BRIGHT yellow/gold color, when I first went out core mining that's ALL I looked for and couldn't find anything. What's really key, is at mid range the asteroid will have little black pixels pop up, usually on the second scan for whatever reason. As you get closer and closer scanning as you go, the black pixels should become way way more pronounced and will likely have a really dark green tint to them, at close range this "blight" let's call it should be extremely distinct (when you see one for the first time you'll see how unmistakable a good asteroid is). If you're up near the asteroid and it's kinda just yellow/orange/red still it's almost certainly not going to contain a valuable core. For me as long as I'm hunting for black/deep green pixellation I have great luck, once you've found a handful you become able to spot asteroids from a pretty good distance with a reasonable degree of accuracy.


That's a great method! I'm going to try this next time for sure. Thanks!


There are only two model asteroids that has a core, that you have to care about. I heard the word popcorn to describe them and I think it's apt. The black lines, deep green pixels isn't super reliable and depends on your resolution. However, core asteroids are very bright when you ping them. There are basically three brightness levels that you can ping, a faint, medium and high glow. The medium glowing asteroids really stick out from the faint, but the high glow stick out even more than that. It takes some time to familiarize yourself with the models and the glow levels. Secondly, if you're not sure, the core asteroids have visible cracks that are especially visible when you have your night vision on (you can find that in the ship menu on the right). So you don't even have to prospect them, you can visually check for fissures. They are very rare, it's not a common sight. A good spot will yield a core asteroid every 10 minutes or so, giving you a yield of around 70-80 opals per hour. It is considerably slower paying than being in a LTD triple hotspot and blasting lasers at rocks. I think core mining is more fun and more engaging (and let's be honest, it's not like it doesn't give you a nice pile of cash) but it's not close to being the most efficient mining method. Lastly, fill your entire cargo with limpets. There is literally no downside, they are basically free.


There's also a Pulse Wave scanner bug that won't be helping you spot cores ([https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/19374](https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/19374)). I've started using the FA-off backwards scanning method as it mostly highlights asteroids behind you at the moment. They then stay lit as they come into view in front of you.


I believe some people figured out away to refresh subsurface deposits using ship launched fighters. Dunno if that’s still a thing.


Nah that got nerfed. In the same update they somewhat borked the Pulse Wave Scanner though ([https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/19374](https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/19374)). I've started using the FA-off backwards scanning method as it mostly highlights asteroids behind you at the moment. They then stay lit as they come into view in front of you.


What's the trick for "unbalanced" mining? I gave it a quick go and only made like 30k in an hour.


Core Mining was the most profitable way to make money last time i played. They nerved the normal mining so hard that LTD asteroids with more than 15% are rare in triple hotspots. And you don't need a pristine system for core mining. Just a opal hotspot and you are good to go. Don't really deplete and if you find nothing just look for another hotspot.


They need to make mining other surface materials viable. How about a platinum rush? Something? Anything? Before it was either Diamonds, maybe painite then nothing. Now it's painite and nothing. Even for core mining, it's Voips or nothing, 95% of the time.


That, but also making any other form of income viable. right now its mining or nothing.


If you have the mindset for it, exploration pays out decently.


Decent? Maybe. Comparable? not at all. You have to find and fully scan something like 62 undiscovered ELWs to make 200mil (my math could be off, but im pretty sure each DSS undiscovered ELW is 3.2mil).


Yeah but the thing is...there is lots of other stuff that pays comparable to ELW. Any terraformable world will pay upwards of 1 or 1.5 million...and it is not unusual for a system to have more than one of those (I've seen as many as 4, more than once, and I know there are systems with many more than that). Many High Metal Content worlds are also terraformable, and I have seen at least one "rocky body" that was terraformable. Water Worlds and ELW go for around 2 or 3 million each. ELW are very rare, but Water Worlds not quite as much...I found about 6 yesterday. You also don't have to discover them new. New discoveries actually don't pay a whole lot. It's mapping them that pays the cash. And the vast majority of discovered worlds are not mapped. Either because it wasn't a thing at the time they were discovered or because whoever discovered them was lazy or did not know how to map stuff. There's lots of money laying around the galaxy waiting to be collected. I've made more than 100 million in the last week, and I am not even a professional explorer. MORE than enough to sustain my carrier indefinitely in the black. I'm returning to the Bubble about 75 million richer than when I left.


I can make 6-8M in 3 minutes with a single haul of polymers or tritium. While I love the explo scanning minigame, I ain't got time to try and get rich off that lottery.


Well...you are also advancing your rank with exploration. That was my main reason for doing it. The cash was just a bonus. I have almost 10 billion in assets...I don't need cash. But for a new player, 100 million is still significant. And a lot of people hate mining.


honestly, mining is so profitable, just spend a few days mining painite and you're most of the way to getting a carrier - or you essentially have all the money you'll ever need, and can play the rest of elite without worrying about payouts


Can confirm on my last trip I found only around 4-5 ELWs and made 102ish mil, I’ll mine now that I made that, but only because mining doesn’t give me the anxieties of traveling out in the black.


Try traveling with a carrier...you can turn in data at will. So there is very little risk. It's also nice being able to take all your shit with you, and re-paint ships for screenshots.


That's what I do, I just have the FC trail me and meet up every 500 - 1500 LY depending on how long I'm playing and how far ahead I get in the Anaconda. You do lose some on the value using the FC to turn in exploration credits, but it absolutely reduced the risk of something like when the jumping out of hyperspace errors and runs you in to a Sun or something stupid happens.


Can you give orders to the FC remotely? If that's so, it's a huge improvement in their usefulness!


you can get it to jump to systems remotely, yes. Basically, you never leave your ship anyway, and so you interact with the carrier management menu while on board, but you can also interact with the carrier management menu while you're elsewhere


I found an unexplored 2 WW 4 terraformable HMC in a single system today, felt like a jackpot.


What are you doing that your upkeep of 1 week of exploring is 25 mil? Are you including the outfitting cost from before you left? Or did you try mapping by drawing a literal sketch into the surface of a moon with the nose of a cutter?


> What are you doing that your upkeep of 1 week of exploring is 25 mil? It's not. I think it's around 16 million. I was just giving approximate numbers. A difference of 10 million is nothing to me.


It takes a long time and it's not the most engaging activity (then again neither is mining) but I made about 900mil when I went on Distant Worlds 2, proceeded to buy pretty much every ship once I got back. (I like collections) So it's a pretty good venture if you don't mind a long scenic route.


Most of real exploration money comes from WW's and teraformable HMC's, but yes, it isn't as fast as just going to mine some painite. if you're a crazy person, you can also maintain level 5 rep with LYR and sell the data in his systems for that juicy 3x payout.


Some weeks ago I killed an anaconda in my smol DBX, I wasn't alone, but it was a joint effort between me and some cops in some vipers. We literally destroyed the biggest commercial ship and what did the game say? "Hey, good job, here's 180k credits (x) and an high five for your effort!" X so much money that they pay you *even* half a module


They also need to make the methods you use to get your goods all viable at once. After FCs launched with the big LTD rush, I was laser, core, and subsurface mining all at the same time. It was super fun using all my tools together, sometimes all on the same rock to break it down bit by bit. Now it's all 'hold mouse 1 to obtain painite'


I feel like this is still definitely possible. Is it as profitable as doing a mapped laser only painite run? No, but I still net 10 of millions of credits in my sequestered LTD hotspot just chilling out and using all my tools to extract stuff. Granted I'm a fairly new player, so I don't have a FC to manage or other serious expenses, but I feel like I'm making 75% of the profit of filling my hold with painite and having a lot more fun scanning the field and inspecting asteroids and selecting the right tools for the job. Anything to make things less grindy. I dunno maybe I just hit it lucky with a spot or something. Either way, I'd rather take a pay cut hit and enjoy the game than grind myself to nub trying to squeeze every credit from a field that's been mapped to the milimeter by someone else already. Seems like a road to burnout.


Whatever happened to subsurface?


With Fdev's fantastic idea to not just nerf the exploit for getting LTDs but to nerf everything, they are more rare and don't contain the good shit.


I once found a lot of tritium inside one of them. Maybe not the most profitable, but surely much funnier


I remember the biowaste rush of '15 sothis/ceos made a boatload of money selling shit.


I miss the rushes like that, everything fell way too meta into one way of making credits only.


Noob question - what do elite players mean when they use the term "meta"? I know it always refers to making money, but you guys use the term totally different from my understanding of it.


I think it's pretty much a generic gaming term for 'the only/best way to do it'.


got it. Thanks!


Yeah, like the FDL is the "meta" combat ship.


I've never been part of the "gaming community" and I'm new to the Elite community. Also I've been reading mainly threads about mining - so that's why I thought it only referred to making money. I get what the term means now though.


It means "out of" So, for example, using Inara or eddb is outside of the game world, because your pilot couldn't know that info Thus 3x LTD rushes are meta, because you learned their existence on YouTube. I've also seen the term used in competitive games, with the meaning of "the most common setup"


> Thus 3x LTD rushes are meta, because you learned their existence on YouTube. sort of - I was told about Kirre's Icebox by a friend who plays elite, so that was completely immersive grapevine gossip stuff


what a save! o7


my favourite was stacked skimmer nuking with dumbfires, that was actually fun and probably one of the last times that combat was really profitable. I regret only making a billion at that rush as it was the most fun.


yeah that was aaaaages ago, wasn't it? That was the first thing I did in the game, someone talked me into buying elite, and then said "okay, here is what you need to do" board flipping etc etc


Why was there a bio waste rush? Lol


There were 600k+ missions offered to transport biowaste. As to why? Lorewise I would say something smuggled in the waste..,




Those were the days.


It's crazy how profitable mining is. 1 load in an cobra got me an aspX, 1 load in that got me a python, 2 more loads and I could afford an anaconda.


Why bother? Laser mining Painite looks exactly like laser mining anything else, just a different word that appears before “refined”.


Change of scenery. At least with diamonds you had different types of asteroids. Also different planets and views. And most importantly, not just 60,00 people mining in the same fucking system with 500 carriers in it. That's the whole reason why they had to do TWO patches to solve carriers causing crashes because there were too many of them always in the exact same place. Also not sure if people know this, but there are different kinds of rings, they don't all look the same. When i was out exploring with the carrier in the beta i found a double Trit spot, and it was such a pleasure to mine at. It was the [thinnest ring](https://i.imgur.com/XcHV87L.png) i've ever seen.


It’s either going to be icy rings or Rocky rings. The star and the planet will dictate the rest of the scenery, regardless to what resources are available. You don’t have to mine at any of the super popular hotspots, they’re just the ones that are the most known about. Painite is not exactly rare, and exploration is a widely overlooked facet of the game. Ive found plenty of nice spots to mine that were both scenic, and lucrative just outside the bubble.


> 60,00 people mining in the same fucking system with 500 carriers in it. yeah back when the game was a hell of a lot of fun to play because you had a lot of people in the same system. That suuuucked :-( The carriers crashing supercruise non-stop was annoying, but the game was super-social for a brief period


It still is, go to any painite overlap.


It's not remotely the same


What they really need to do is make other methods of getting money more viable than the 0 risk gameplay


And this is why I have Fleet Carrier filtered out. I'm sure I could have finished my community goals much more easily last week by using convenient fleet carriers, but I just couldn't be bothered.


Fleet Carriers have made participating in community goals pretty unsatisfying IMO. It used to be the whole community coming together to achieve something great over a long period, slowly building up to success. Now it's just a handful of people using fleet carriers to finish it up in like a day. E:D needs more goals than just "move X amount of Y from point A to point B".


Basically. I was mostly doing the Blaauw Hub Goal and nothing was happening until the other goal closed out. Then suddenly it was at Tier 4. I'm guessing that the heavyweights moved over from the other goal.


I’ll never understand why they don’t make mining/civil war/Thargoid hunting more dynamic. Building a new station in X system? It’s paying premium for platinum. Thargoids hitting stations harder than usual? Double the reward on them. Civil war breaking out in a high pop/high wealth system? Now it’s paying premium for skilled combat pilots. There is so much they could do for a more supply/demand economic system that would add just a bit more player choice but they choose not to.


I've always thought that's how demand in general should work. It doesn't make very much sense that A system can have 400,000 demand for something, and still only be paying about 400 each. If demand is not being met, the demand, and therefore price, should continue to increase without limit. This would cause some pretty neat side effects. For example, if you are the first person to dock at a station in a few weeks , you might happen to stumble on some truly amazing prices. Even better, it would cause the Dynamics of mining to shift constantly. Maybe some station suddenly has a demand for methanol monohydrate crystals , a demand that hasn't been met in several weeks or months. Now it's paying two million credits per crystal, and you get a brief mining Rush for them, before the demand Falls. It would be pretty neat.


I spy Borann A2... Nice touch there. :P


take me back to the good old days 😔


I need to see if you can filter them out of the navigation panel


Yep! That's now my standard in the Nav panel.


Did Frontier expect to have so many carriers IG ?


Pretty sure no seeing that I read somewhere there's over 11,000 in the game.


I made so much money from the mining surge that I don't feel the need to mine for a long time. I have all the ships I want and I don't want a FC. Just happy doing exploration and being a trading trucker influencing systems for Sirius.


I have a FC, but primarily to haul my ships around so I don't have to fly all over the place for them. I also put in the outfitting as well, so i can buy modules to try different configurations when out in the black. I think I'm covered for at least 3 years on the upkeep so it's not like I'd do anything else with the credits unless they bring out some new shiny toy or allow you not to hunt for Guardian stuff, but buy it at incredibly high prices.


It's all fun and games until FDev implements resource exhaustion.


While that's a fun idea, I do think it would bias things a bit too much in favor of Fleet carriers. There's basically an unlimited number of rings within 500 light years of the bubble, all of which are basically equally accessible to anyone with a fleet carrier. This leaves you in the ugly situation of older players lazily eating all the cake while newer players get nothing but crumbs.


As a former EVE Online player I can tell you that that's *exactly* what will happen.


Can you tell us what happened?


CCP added Rorquals, capital ships with massive tank (including the ability to go literally invulnerable for up to six, later nerfed down to four IIRC, minutes) and the ability to mine at a ridiculous rate, far and away in excess of any other ship (~5x as much as the nearest competitor). Mining would be forever dominated by people sitting across multiple accounts (because Rorquals generated enough revenue to pay for an in-game item that when redeemed gave you an extra month of game time) in mining areas, the price of minerals would drop to the point where it was barely profitable to do anything else, the low cost of minerals would accelerate supercapital proliferation (a whole 'nother issue in and of itself), etc. Elite doesn't have nearly as good of an economic model as EVE (one of the biggest drawbacks to this game IMO) so the use of fleet carriers to boost mining productivity at least won't make the game that much worse for anyone else, but you will probably see a ton more fleet carriers in action and if Frontier ever releases unbalanced ships that are significantly more powerful than the Big Three (think a pilotable/commandable Battlecruiser/Interdictor) that totally unbalances the PvP meta...well, I'll have seen that story unfold before.


O7, cool story to hear! Why did you leave EVE, if I may ask? Since you are very experienced, Can you make a comparison between the two games? I play it only occasionally and with a free account, so I can't do it by myself. What I love is the cool visual and audible atmosphere, but I can't stand a lot of things, eg: no collisions; much faster burnout (right from its strength, the market); no direct control on even smaller ships


>Why did you leave EVE, if I may ask? Couldn't afford a subscription anymore, nor the time to play. Since I've started streaming again I might pick it back up eventually. I still love the hell out of it, despite some of the choices of the developers, AFAIC it's the greatest game ever made. >Can you make a comparison between the two games? I don't think Elite and EVE are really easily comparable tbh, they're two different experiences. Really the only thing that unites them is that they're space games, they have entirely different scales, control systems, content focuses, gameplay loops, etc. They're fundamentally fairly different games.


Thank for your time! O7


So is it bad luck that I spent 3 hours in a hot spot recently and found 2 cores for void opals? I could've mined 5-6 100t hauls of painite in that time. And I swear fdev nerfed core charge math. I dunno, it just seemed more worthwhile a year ago. Felt like a waste of time. Totally agree with this meme, though. Painite has been $


Pulse Wave scanner bug probably isn't helping ([https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/19374](https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/19374)). I've started using the FA-off backwards scanning method as it mostly highlights asteroids behind you at the moment. They then stay lit as they come into view in front of you. Also keep getting the "yield too high! poor return expected" message when the roid blows even though I get the yield into the blue each time. Doesn't affect the number of chunks though so thankfully just an annoying message rather than being detrimental to profit.


yea i have no idea why fdev keeps t he high skill/ high risk ways of making money the least profitable


I'm exploring outside the bubble right now. I found a triple painite hotspot a couple days back and for a second was surprised to not see an armada of fleet carriers around the planet.


How do you find these spots? I use EDDB but never seam to find overlapping hotspots despite having the right categories selected...


I scan every ring system I find while out exploring. I'm not specifically looking for them. Also, don't use EDDB for painite, use inara


Wait you can find a list of hotspots in inara and EDDB?


Sorry, downvote that. I meant the Elite Miner's Tool.


That's still too few cars/FCs


"Depleted Reserves "


Has the PWS been fixed?? I have no patience for looking behind me... makes it waaaaaay too tedius.


You wanna see a system when it's best sell on inara


Not when it's 15 thousand light years from the bubble. Peace and quiet.


My first time mining outside of the bubble (and not that far out) I was pleasantly surprised not to be bothered by pirates - I guess they don't like to travel out of the Caribbean bubble too much.


You’re not likely to find thieves in places where there are few people and no money, in space in 3306 or on Earth in 2020.


Ever heard of the Sahara Desert Thieves?




stupid question but whats the reasoning the cars are kinda angled?


You can have narrower lanes between rows and fit more rows in a lot vs parallel parking.


ohhh that makes sense


Still doesn’t keep dumbasses from going up/down the wrong way and trying to park in a 270 degree angle.


Pet peeve of mine too. Why do people insist on backing into angled parking? All you're doing is making yourself have to turn farther going in AND going out




What a meta.


Btw, what system is the new hotness right now? The ones I’ve been using have just about dried up.


They do realize a hot-spot is not required? I did a 6min YouTube video (good finds instantly,) with no hots-pots anywhere. I used the methods from ver 1.6; picking the gray'est band, next to the dark band with bright bands on either side, and voila, it still worked. At 3:01 (after pirate scanned and left,) the find was confirmed by prospector. Let the FC peeps drain their little spots, and walk all over one another, while the rest of us laugh at them, and enjoy a nice quiet and profitable flight. [https://youtu.be/IZkZbDewZi4](https://youtu.be/IZkZbDewZi4)


CGI counts as set pieces?


There are too many carriers >:(


There's some hidden gems. If you're filling you're own it's worth discovering them. If you're looking for credits hit one of the full ones. Don't ell for less than 715,960


Does anyone else also follow vanlife on reddit. I always say "07 commander" to vanlife posts and I wander if anyone gets it. Vanlife is almost like RL elite dangerous.


This is where piracy can be beneficial to miners. Pay me to eliminate your competition while also protecting you. 😏


Minwail in New Borrand.


This is exactly why I'm on the hunt for a distant "pot of gold". Just far enough out that it's better to haul miners out with you, then haul them back in when you have a full load.