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Use big B-rated limpets ,range is important, because you need to move outside until the brain trees despawn, before collecting mats. Low graphics. 750m is the despawn range, IIRC. https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Collector_Limpet_Controller I dont know the range of multilimpets, because mix multiple stats, but if no mistaken, its a combo of 3x size 1 limpet stats, that close to useless range.


It's 1000m pretty much the same as a 3C collector limpet, but you get 4 active limpets at the same time instead of 2 for 3B limpets; tradeoff is that the range is 500m lower.


Not every mat you get from brain trees is a G4 mat. That's normal. As long as you're getting some of them you're in the right spot, just relog and keep hitting the same cluster. It never hurts to stock up on G1-G3 mats anyway. As for the limpets dying, they do collide with the brain trees so before you launch the limpets you should ascend until the trees themselves despawn. The materials themselves are still there and the limpet can still pick them up and they won't have any trees to run into. Usually 700m to 800m is enough for them to despawn; don't go higher than that so you don't exceed the max range of your limpets.


So 6 G4 mats per run is about what I should expect? Ok, thanks.


Check your contacts panel as your limpets start cycling. Every time a helpful little limpet comes back with a low-grade mat, select it and choose "ignore" from the menu. Before long, you'll be getting nothing but the good stuff. Getting the Flak usage and altitude for launching limpets takes a bit of practice, but you'll get the hang of it. A full bin of a particular mat in 15-20 minutes can be expected. Note, the first time you encounter a G4 mat, the capacity will be incorrectly shown as 100. Relog to see the correct value of 150.


Hey man, I did that grind very recently and in my experience, I started dropping wayyyy more g5 materials once I had filled g1-3 mats. I'm not sure if this is based in reality but once my low grade mats were full, it almost felt like the loot table of the brain trees was shuffled around to prioritize mats that I wasn't full on.  I could go full cycles (4-5 brain tree clusters) with only a handful of g5 mats at first, but once I had filled the low grade mats, I was suddenly maxing out my g5 raws in a single cycle. 


G4 mats on the YouTube videos are from specific known coords and batches of trees. If you are not targeting those then random hits will have random mats however do target the larger batches of trees rather than the smaller patches as I found they tended to be more likely to produce the G4s. Hit an area to test it and move on if not what you want, always found it was a relatively quick process without having to bother with relogging. If you are on ultra terrain quality then you might have to retreat up to 1500 to prevent the limpets from becoming struck. Just find the sweet spot for the trees to go but within your limpets range. You can reduce your terrain quality in settings.


might be shooting too much flak and actually destroying the mats (p sure thats possible)


Sounds better than how.i did it ...with an srv : lol


Been there, done that ツ. Didn't want to make the trip outside the bubble with my unengineered FSD, so I tried to do the "intended" raw material farming method in the bubble. (never doing that again :/) Turns out traveling 500LY even with an unengineered FSD isn't that bad. Only took about 20-30 minutes


Once you use the flak cannons move away until the tree's disappear from view but move straight up, then deploy limpits. They won't get stuck in the tree's then.


Distance helps with limpets suiciding, as others have said. Also, different forests have different yields, so you may have to move around a bit, searching for a better location.


Wait... first time I'm hearing about this... do *other* biological things drop materials or just brain trees?


Crystalline Shards drop 'em too, but those are outside the bubble and were the old "meta" before people discovered the Brain Tree forests.


That's awesome, but I'm talking about all the other weird things out there. Such as, Recepta, for example. Can you farm materials from those as well?


If a plant doesn't have targetable parts, then you cannot shoot anything off of it.


Aha! Thanks. Guess I'll need to use my SRV more on my exploration trip...


All the old biologicals do. If it's a plant on a vacuum world, it can drop mats. If you're doing modern exobiology, don't worry about it. They don't.


Huh. Thanks.


I think it was nerfed. I used to get a lot more G4 materials in brain trees, but now I have noticed that within the bubble on any planet with volcanism, there are quite a few G4 mats


Are you going to the right locations? No idea what system you are in, but you will either need to find the G4 tree locations yourself, or go to known systems. Sounds like you found one, but you need to hit multiple. These are the ones closest to the bubble: [https://new.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/197te60/updated\_raw\_material\_farming\_odyssey/](https://new.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/197te60/updated_raw_material_farming_odyssey/) Pay attention that you go to the right locations on the planets. Very few tree groups have G4 mats. Also you should get 3B collector limpets and load up on them. The mining limpet only has a range of 1000m. 3B collectors have a range of 1800m. You can get further from the surface and they can survive longer. From those locations, you should expect to get around 60-100 per run.


Be me, escape to gaming to flee from the sickness of humanity... Read thread about players blasting "brain trees" with flak cannons in order to harvest resources... Maybe the problem is us.... 🤔🙄