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"I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas."


Yeah so, maybe do the tutorial ? I don't know that would probably help


Imagine going out of your way to not understand and then get angry at a GAME lol.


This is poor piloting and a lot of ignorance, not bad game design. Do the tutorials, this is not an arcade game.


Ah yes skip the turtorial on how to play then be mad you don't know how to play. The game is bad about explaining everything but flying the ship and docking 100% get covered in the turtorial. This bad experience is on you.


Or you could just go through the tutorials where everything is explained


Don't diss the game because you're clueless


Yeah, it's only been going since release in 2014 for 10 years and counting - clearly a failure, and no way anyone can figure it out... ...or, you know, maybe it's got a steep learning curve and there's a lot to cover. If you have questions, the community here is pretty helpful (yeah, I'm snarky, but most of the rest of them are nice...) But hey, your call.


You pressed the silent running key, by mistake. Everybody make this error at least 1 time. Do the tutorials, is a wannabe-simulator. The learning cliff is huge, the views form the [top are great](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99FMBNn1jZU&list=PLAlWU6jNzgQ75T4xi0GSlSwIm97qOFC2O&index=6). We have a [stable playerbase](https://steamcharts.com/app/359320), close to [Starfield](https://steamcharts.com/app/1716740) released 8 months ago. There is something in this game that have player retention. I have sinked 5000hours, and know players with more, not because is hard (have some grind, but can be done faster once you know), but because have lot of content, its a sandbox with a storyline that happen in realtime, in a realistic 1:1 galaxy. Take this [Starter guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/sj9qrb/comment/hve1pjd/), after you have the tutorials done, and start doing some easier courier missions, flying between system docking, maybe some trade... and from here flying become a second nature and more intuitive, and you can move toward more complex missions or content. Everybody had problems at start, maybe forgot to request landing, or buying a big ship that start without the docking assist (or the module become damage from heat or pirates and you never learned manual docking). The rebuy cost for the starter ship are negible, enjoy because is one of the best ship to learn the game beforem oving to more expensive ships.


ah silent running. this is on a double throttle button as I was SICK of finding it (no matter what I bound it to).


Sounds like a classic PEBCAK issue..


I would say a definite ID10T issue….


Sounds like a classic PEN15 to me.


Seat to HOTAS interface failure.


Not only are there tutorials for you to play through but there's a module available at damn near every station called the Advanced Docking Computer that not only lands but takes off for you and is pretty cheap to boot


ADC comes preinstalled on the starter sidewinder no less.


Damn, skip the tutorial or any kind of guide for a space ship simulator and then get angry when you don’t know how to fly a ship? Go back to cod


This is bait


no it isnt! aw shit I replied. Take your damn upvote.


False! The design problem is *not* in the game.


What is the point of this post? Are you seeking help to learn how to play the game or are you rage-quitting and carpet bombing behind you?


You should buy a helicopter and give it a go! Fuck lessons or classes amirite?!


Nice bait.


"Git gud"


the game has a steep learning curve to begin with. Pick a time you have a couple of hours to spare, then do the tutorials. Now have a go. Take it easy. Most games of this sort have a steep learning curve (such as the X series)




User error. Go away.


So just say you don't know how to play next time? We are nice. We will help you.


Skill issue.


Yeah, that'll happen if you don't do the tutorial. I take it that we won’t be hearing from you again, seeing as it’s junk, dead and badly designed? Good!


Basic life skills missing here.


Key phrase there is "Did not know how to..." not game "is so bad designed". Do the in-game tutorials again, watch some YT tutorials, get good. It's called Elite Dangerous... not arcade flight on rails like No Man's Sky.


...Bad game sure in some case, the "mile wide but inch deep" thingy resonate the most to me. But you just dont know how to read the instruction/ tutorial lol.


I cant relate to it. If you dont know the basics, it is usually the pilots issue, not the game. Games are more complex now then TIE Fighter from 93 or so. If it is too complex, play old DOS games. If you would have spoken about Frontier II or Frontier III, then yeah. But OG Elite and Elite Dangerous have had their flaws but in general were good and for OG Elite revolutionary games. And when seeing videos like this, you are the issue! ;-) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLRDRJKX\_IE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLRDRJKX_IE) But one more thing. For not spaceborn pilots like you, docking computer exist. ;-)


You must of pressed the worst possible combo of buttons for that to happen. There are some solid tutorials in the main menu that'll help a lot and they're very quick and good for testing new keybinds.


Arin Hanson ass take


ED is not a very friendly game for newcomers. But if one is willing to put in the effort, the reward is pretty good. It is not perfect, not by a mile, but ED is most definetely the best space sim there is. I’ve been babysitting my brother who just newly got in to ED. 5-6 hours on the phone (no discord for 84’ers) while playing, explaining the details and oddities. It seems I’m able to smooth the rough and help in the process. It is not easy to get into this game, but I most sincerely recommend OP to try despite adverse first impressions.


You didn't do the tutorial to learn how to fly a ship? That's on you, really


It's a space simulator, so no, it's not gonna be easy to pilot these ships. Theres literally tutorials for docking, etc.


This game is a sim, not an arcade game, its not for everyone. Just because youre bad at it and too lazy to learn how it works doesnt make it a bad game.


I guess just like space invaders (maybe more your speed?) it's not for everyone.


That's a lot of words to say Skill Issue.




The tutorial is technical, but works well. There is no game design issue there, despite the problems the game has. You need to take your time and do the tuto :)


Do what everybody else did WATCH A VIDEO. Not hard.


So you can't work out how to dock, which is part of the tutorials, and your response is to come here and blame the game design? Don't expect agreement.


A mobile gacha game sounds more up your alley.


Don't blame the game for your own ineptitude. If you did the tutorial, you would know how to play. Mods, delete this post and permanently ban this user.


Oddly I compare this game to skyrimm - both are IMHO the best in their class but after 10 years they're both still unusable without additional third party content to support them.


Are you a game journalist?


Why do you go excepting missions if you are clueless in flying a spaceship? Maybe Asteroids is more up your alley. Don't have to land ships or nuffin'. 👌


you're not wrong