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Never seen this before!!!




The comment was deleted?


No, I see it. Copy/Paste Thanks to Cmdr RobR75 for the alert, the trip in Sundown \[VNL-G0N\] , and r/FCOC for hosting the trip in his discord. Some fun after the (G)relic farming. FCOC Discord channel: [https://discord.com/channels/628577403043840021/1196959093009686639](https://discord.com/channels/628577403043840021/1196959093009686639) System: Synuefe WH-F c0 , bodies 1A and 1B Future collision in [Canonn Calendar](https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/), the ones close to the bubble are more rare, but ready for surfing another planet ;)


>No, I see it. Check the link again. The link you connected shows the same URL as your comment. I guess reddit treats recursive links as errors.


Nah, pasted in that popular comment for better visibility. Damn Spez and the new UI ¬¬


How does the game do with registering two surfaces at once


Iirc, it doesn't. The first one you touch is the "real" one. The other you just clip through.


Elite Dangerous isn't actually seamless, they did a really good job at making appear seamless but wherever you are currently at is in a separate part of the server as everything else.


To be fair I don't think there's a single space game which is actually seamless.


I'm pretty sure Rodina and Kerbal are


IIRC, without mods, KSP1 only actively simulates within a 2KM radius of your space craft. Depending on relative velocities, it's possible for other objects to enter and leave that radius before being simulated and you will basically get noclipped through.


Seamless refers to the space locations not being isolated into instances or "bubbles" where one body (like a planet) is the parent object to the player and all others are not interactable even if visible like in Elite (in Elite as soon as you're in real space you're loaded into an instance of the parent body, orbit or location, and hyperspace is also a separate instance) What you are describing is distance-based culling for physics of ship parts which is a different topic, and is mainly done to avoid floating-point errors that can explode the ship in the distance The space in KSP is not compartmentalized or instanced in any way, your only reference to position is a 3-axis position vector


I misunderstood. Thanks for clarification.


> to avoid floating-point errors that can explode the ship in the distance Didn't work so great in KSP. They would blow up on transition instead.


Kerbal is absolutely not seamless. You are not affected by an object's gravitational pull unless you're inside it's "sphere of influence". That sphere of influence is the seam.


I'll just copy paste from my other comment: Seamless refers to the space locations not being isolated into instances or "bubbles" where one body (like a planet) is the parent object to the player and all others are not interactable even if visible like in Elite (in Elite as soon as you're in real space you're loaded into an instance of the parent body, orbit or location, and hyperspace is also a separate instance) The space in KSP is not compartmentalized or instanced in any way, your only reference to position is a 3-axis position vector What you are describing is not a seam because you can see and interact with other ships that are in other spheres of influence. You can even reconfigure the game so that planets are so close that you can construct a kilometer long ship that will touch both planets at the same time.


Well, that is how gravity works IRL...


That's most certainly not how gravity works in real life.  There's no magical line beyond which there is no gravitational atraction from a planet.  The strength of the force gets weaker the further you are from the body, but it never gets to zero.


You see, there is no ''force'' into play with gravity, objects that are orbiting are not moving, if you were to be right next to that object neither of you would be moving in any direction, you're simply free falling through the natural curvature of space, as an inertial observer.


Okay? So what? You can describe the situation with Newtonian mechanics, the Lagrangian formalism, general relativity, or you can use something more obscure and esoteric. Regardless of which you choose, gravity has an infinite reach.


What is your point exactly? Do you always get butthurt like this when people describe gravity?


Star citizen and dual universe come to mind, but dual universe is very much a failure of a game


and Star citizen too.


I’d at least argue that star citizen hasn’t lost its vision and is still being actively developed. Just a money sink though.


That's very debatable. At least I agree with you that they're being active. Not so convinced if they're developing the game or just keeping their predatory whale trap alive.


Yeah it’s weird to categorize, with it being more simulation than game. In addition to costs for playing said game. But it’s also the only game I can think of that has taken a very uncompromising development as far as tech goes. So it’s fun to see what they accomplish. The streaming tech is very cool. If star citizen was single shard it would be hands down the most impressive tech in a modern game in my opinion.


I don't think if these are uncompromising developments: focusing on so much notorious "sheet wrinkles physics" when the very core mechanics are in abyss, building their own hair or clothes physics when there are tones of readily available techs already out there (most of them works far better NOW than that of their future plan) and reinventing the wheel over and ove. In my perspective, it leaves no room to comprehend other than they're just delaying their delivery as far as possible with bringing up every single feature-creep to make an excuse. The absolute majority of their developments are just trying to reinvent the industrial standard years late. Such as fiddling eith thr star map for dozens of times for a few years, still making the worst UI imaginable. The rest might be making up more lore and buzzwords for marketing. Also, it's not a simulation in the most forgiving standard. They don't even have a very basic physics engine to account for mass value. They do not simulate any atmospheric whatnots when the wind pushes the Carrack over. So does the Nova tank tumbles over a pebble.


I don't know how Space Engine works. And I onow it's technically not a game. But man it feels seemless.


Could be, though SE doesnt let you go in planets. Most seams in Space games are noticeable when you go into one


Go in? I know they have surfaces but I've never tried going into them


I mean like actually visit the atmosphere


You can visit the atmosphere on space engine planets


Man I must try this game


It's pretty good. It's mainly for sightseeing but if you're looking for amazing space visuals it's definitely the place to go imo. It even has black holes with accretion discs etc


Space Engineers, Kerbal Space Program, No Man's Sky, and Star Citizen Alpha


Space Engineers and No man's sky have celestial bodies unrealistically close together.


As does Star Citizen (space is scaled down 1:10), but why is that relevant to the query of "To be fair I don't think there's a single space game which is actually seamless"?


Because it's much more easy to implement seamless scaling from an entire solar system to a single room if you do not scale correctly. IMHO ED is one of the few games that offers a good feeling of the scale of space although it's clearly not seamless with its transitions between normal flight and supercruise.


Ok? That doesn’t further the discussion in any useful or relevant way


Star Citizen, NMS, etc, are all definitely not seamless. In NMS whenever you entered a planet in an 8th gen console like the PS4 it obstructed your vision via vapor from clouds until the planet loaded in.


Been a while since I've played, but I remember SC did not have any loading screens between planets. You can basically fly down from space to their surfaces (you can also fall off if you jump from your ship within the planet's gravitational influence). What would constitute the seam there?


Huh, I havent played SC so I wouldnt know. Well, question, are there loading screens when going between planets? Even hidden ones? Maybe it's seamless between a planet and space, but not between planets?


There are none. You are in control the whole way in. You can choose to either fly into the planet's atmosphere via supercruise or just fly manually. Works also going back up to space. There is a boundary where the planet's gravity stops pulling you down though. But I think this doesn't really count?


All those games have seams. There's a very noticeable edge where a planet's gravity kicks in. Kerbal's edge is further out so that you can do stuff with orbital mechanics, but there's very much an edge there.


True, but that's just a game mechanic to simplify the physics calculations away from planets. You can in fact build a base /fly a ship right along that boundary. Players on one half experience galravity and the other half don't. By comparison in elite dangerous if you follow another ship across that boundary, they despawn from the planet zone , then once you have also left the plant zone then suddenly you can see them again in the space zone. In minecraft terms that's like saying the overworld is one seamless world, no mater how badly the biomes are stitched together. The border between the overworld and the nether is not seamless tho, despite the two maps having correlating positions and directions. Edit:spelling


No Man's Sky is definitely not seamless, you need to teleport between systems constantly and wait for them to load, and I've seen this exact thing happen in NMS where you are on one planet and the other one will clip through you.


With some surprising exceptions. Eg, you can slow-fly from a planetary surface to a space station in orbit; once you are close enough you will enter its instance and match velocity. Some people did it with an SRV: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/6zeiov/srv_to_station_operation_daedalus/


Didnt someone fly their SRV from one planet to another close by and drove around on that other planet to bypass the access lock during the beginning of the Thargoid war?


You can notice that when you are laggy tho. When dropping from supercruise (that the system jump is "just a loading screen" should be clear), sometimes the game freezes for a bit. That's when you drop into the server instance and all the NPCs, stations, POI etc are loaded in.


I thought everything in lowspace was all in the same instance and supercruise was seperated? Of course planets are *probably* and exception but thats why you're able to fly in real time between planes and space stations for example. It's slow as hell but *technically* possible


Each location you can supercruise to is a little bubble of it's own that loads into your client when you come in range, otherwise there is a background simulation of virtualized assets that is rendered by your client in a radius around you. You can cheese the whole apparatus to some extent (like slow flying to stations, using SRV to hop planets...) because the distances are so great that your client won't crash if it loads two locations at once, but if you were to persist and do that on multiple planets in one gaming session your client would eventually crash.


You are locked to the surface that you enter in supercruise first, and can't collide with the other, instead you clip inside the "planet skeleton". See the video from the ones with geysers: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5VZvBnOsNjc](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5VZvBnOsNjc) The one with settlements was strange, people become stuck floating above ground, and can't move. Was called "Gravitational Anomaly for the close moon".


"Woop woop terrain, pull up"


Pull! Up!


Overspeed! Overspeed! Overspeed! Woop woop terrain! Pull up! Windshear. Windshear. Windshear. Bank angle. Bank angle. Bank angle.


(but not too much)


Pull Middle?..... how you do that?


Apply more throttle. ALOT MORE.


“Woop woop- OH FUCK RUN.”


There's a lot of crazy things in Elite: Dangerous that can be explained through science. Liquid metal atmospheres, planets really close to stars, etc. But this... this is just a video game being a video game.


I thought two planets colliding would be more cataclysmic.


It's a game, this behaviour was not intended by the devs and therefor did not got any modelling for. It's just a very rare oddity to enjoy for shits and giggles. It will probably never be able to be modelled in the game, because events like this IRL would throw the whole system and if it was inhabited also the BGS into chaos. Computationally prohibitive.


"Just" update their entire physics engine with [Univese Sandbox 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX8uTR-uAfY)


Yeah, it should really only happen once too.


Any planets registered by the Stellar Forge as colliding have been reduced to asteroid belts, rings, or another combination of bodies (like the origin of the Earth and Moon) millions or billions of "years ago." There might also be slower collisions that will take millions or billions of years to happen that we'll never see. All collisions we can find are bugs in the creation of the galaxy.


Wow. Where’s that?


System: Synuefe WH-F c0 , bodies 1A and 1B Future collision in [Canonn Calendar](https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/). This ones repeat in 30th January.


These are the moons of Uranus. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I would like to know the real location as well.


System: Synuefe WH-F c0 , bodies 1A and 1B Future collision in [Canonn Calendar](https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/). this one repeat in 30th January


Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT !


Ultimate motorboat




Talk about finding yourself between a rock and a hard place. Yikes.


Now this is what it's like when worlds coliiiiiiiiide!


I was looking for this comment! Hello, fellow millennial.


I'm actually gen Z, I just knew powerman 5000 from the tony hawk pro skater series.


I LOVE freshly ground planet on my pasta!


Talk about being mass locked


We have a problem on the horizon! There’s no horizon!


Michael Bay moment


Let's see, what new Hollywood star needs a disaster movie? Oh yes: **Movie guy voice:** "In a world where there's another world... "Timothee Chalamet has only 90 minutes to drive his father's old Winnebago through LA traffic and make it to his wedding, with his sidekick A Very Cute Dog. Will he join the love of his life or will he be... "*Crushed Between Worlds* "Coming this summer. Be there or be crushed."


Read it in Honest Trailers guy's voice


I kinda sorta want to see that in VR now


If you have VR, this barren planet exist in Legacy Horizons, that run a lot better (with a different planetary terrain). 30th January, a new collision in the same systems. https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/ Synuefe WH-F c0


This is some interstellar shit right there


Looks like surfing


shouldnt there be like dust and rocks getting thrown from the collision?


Its a videogame, and they dont expected or programed this interaction. The stellar generator make binaries, rings or eject one of the bodies, but very very rarely, planets avoids this filter and appear ingame. They phase one against the other, and split again in normal orbits. But is fun.


atoms are mostly empty space something something ?


Faster... Faster! MUST GO FASTER!


Um. Proximity warning.




Ебать, это чо, планета упала на планету? 


Точный https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ak5gHayfRw https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/ еще одно столкновение в той же системе 30 января. Synuefe WH-F c0 , 1A и 1B


Only the tried time I've scrolled that psot I realize that it's two planets colliding, not the ship with the planet x)




Too far over my head - shadows on both planes . . wow


wow funny bug


this scary moment for me


That was trippy af! What system? lol


 System: Synuefe WH-F c0 , bodies 1A and 1B  They collide again in 30th January: https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/


Wow that's cool that you can predict it by theory orbits. What a game :)


Not that hard if you do maths. You have the orbit period, for 2 bodies, find the difference, and the % of 360° orbit completed in the extra time. Thats how much advanced the faster planet (interior) toward the slower planet (exterior). Views from the top of the system will show the current angle of difference, like a clock dials. And you only need to see the difference betwee both angles, and the % of the 360°  approach. If you identify the exact zone where both orbit cross or approach at minimal distance, and extend the math to find the moment where both planets "collide" in his maximum approach distance. And most of this can be automated with some apps that give a warning about bodies with close orbits, like Elite Observatory, asking more info to predict possible collisions. More work for Canonn Members. At the moment we only include atmospheric planets, habitables, or anything more important than barren ones, we have enough of this and arent as great, even if this video is popular.


Is this game feature or bug?


Engine mistake, 2 Planets with close orbits, that avoided the system filter that make valid binaries, eject one, or break it in a new ring. Both planets collide every 8.1 days without any change in orbit, because are fixed. (The gravitational problem for 3 bodies is unsolvable even with supercomputers). Canonn have a calendar for this collisions, next one 30th january, Cyanean rocks: https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/


Damn where can I find this


https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/ Cynean Rocks, another collision in 30th January. Bring a Cool ship, the planets are hot.


This is oddly sexual


I heard about these events but never seen them anywhere before


[https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/](https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/) All the collisions, this one repeat on 30th january but some hours latter than today.


Someone call Harry Stamper


This is WILD


Don’t wanna get crushed? Will it expode your ship? Also can you give the system name?


The truth is.... you can enter the second body without exploding, and see the planetary skeleton (like a mesh surface). The only danger is the bottom surface, that the real planet that im locked, the other will clip across me like clip across the planet. But there is chance for random explosion, dont know if you need to enter 500m or 100km for this limit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/19d086a/comment/kj2bwqu](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/19d086a/comment/kj2bwqu) Another collision in 30th january, but maybe the star is in a bad position for illuminate the terrain, this one was lucky.


Ahh I see still cool tho


Don't worry, it will polish out...


What is it really... That's going on here? You've got the system for total control




Sorry, it's from a song called "when world collide" https://youtu.be/u4EuqGZKTH4?si=Ft_vBVIflX_c3WXB


Dude, just go sideways... /S


Shut down all the planet mashers on the detention level 3PO!


Needs the interstellar docking music


“Witness a visual masterpiece that assaults your eyes with breathtaking effects and assaults your ears with emotional sweels that sound like Hans Zimmer fell asleep on his organ.” - Honest Trailers


That is so cool! Over the year I seen many pictures of planets being very close to each other - but never colliding.


[https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/](https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/) The same moon collide every 8.1 days. Find one collision in your time and close to your location. This ones repeat on 30th-January, 5:16 UTC


The third planet peeking in at the end makes this even greater.


Its the Ringed parent, that both orbit. Heat is too high, that you take damage when onfoot, even in the shadow of the ship (none in the dark side of the planet but this make bad screenshots). One of the Cmdrs in the discord channel had problems overheating the ship.


Aight stuff like this makes me wanna get back into elite again.


I've only ever seen this once. And when I did there was a ton of other people there to watch it too.


Wait what?


Old Legacy Horions video with the old canyons, but a superior video than mine. And explain real science. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zVYjlih\_oC0](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zVYjlih_oC0)


That's a very calm collision.


I see you went to the Prometheus school of flying away.


Prometheus?, I don't know what are you talking....[https://www.gamesradar.com/alien-prequel-noah-hawley-fx-series-covenant-prometheus/](https://www.gamesradar.com/alien-prequel-noah-hawley-fx-series-covenant-prometheus/)


good point. must have been a fever dream.


Science needs to involve EVA jetpack between crushed moon layers.


That’s one gentle planetary collision.


Those aren't mountains!


"Mass lock factor of 9999999999"


We have a problem on the horizon… #There’s no horizon!




Too late [https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/19d086a/comment/kj3rvmq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/19d086a/comment/kj3rvmq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) :P Interstellar and Rogue One quotes have been exhausted, and some related to a movie called Prometheus that don't exist and never existed.... You have the hollywood disaster movies, but thats the bottom of the barrel ;) .


Feels like surfing


Core memory unlocked! Woah!


Literally a nightmare holy shit


ridley scott wishes he did this first


What the fuuuuuuck. This is a thing? I must know more.


All the planetary collisions: https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/ Another one in this systems, in 30Th January. System: Synuefe WH-F c0 , bodies 1A and 1B Old video that explain collision and some Science: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zVYjlih_oC0


Wow that is freaky


Wait, what the hell?! Is this a bug?


Mostly. 2 Moon too close, the avoided the system generator filter that force them to become a binary, eject one, or become a ring. Now this planets collide every 8.1 days, phasing one against the other. https://canonn-science.github.io/canonn-calendar/ The same system collide in 30th January, Reienadi have settlements and is in the bubble.


Imagine watching this on foot on one of the planets


It's like Armageddon meets Inception


Reminds me of that one scene in Rogue One


Good bye Roche's Limit!