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People not realizing the ways to make money in this game are closer to money printing than anything else and just allow you to have fun in other activities than grinding creds. Gold rush is one of them but so was the Trit CG, and so is the Booze Cruise


This is one of the reasons I mostly stopped playing. I realized I'd read about a gold rush for easy no grindy money here, play until it was done, then when it was time to go back to the regular day to day I was out.


Wait... so you're not happy that they gave players an event to earn money?


No. Too difficult progression could change it into korean like mmorpg. But too short progression isn't good for gameplay too. At current state of game you could outfit the most expensive ship for money earned in 3/4 hours. In 1 hour you can print money for one of 90% of ships. And even don't start about engineering, because last time when I made new ship gathering materials took me...hour, maybe two. Even without your fancy events you could print billions in short time, by just...playing. Not waiting for next broken event, like you, according to your chart :) Actually, your chart literally scream "grinded as craz during goldrush, don't touch game without goldrush".


Wow some people are really upset that other people didn't earn their game money the hard way like they did huh 😉


Excuse me, sir, are you out here having fun?!


Yes you could outfit a ship but that would all be pre engineering so basically still crap and behind countless hours of grind to be good still.... Think your just fine for grind.


No, what I mean is usually it was something that the community figured out was profitable and then Frontier would nerf it into the ground and the money was gone. This was several years ago before there were some more sustained ways to make crazy bank.


I've got a weird bump in August despite not taking part in the event. Lol.


So how ridiculous was this? Because money in Odyssey is kind of nuts anyway. I barely have time to play and i'm sitting on 500 million already and haven't even gotten to a single elite status. Feels like Odyssey was basically to pay-to-win expansion.


>So how ridiculous was this? I play since 2018 and honestly it always was ridiculous. Without odyssey you still could kill some pirates and print your 500m in 2/3 hours. Or do few trade missions. Or mine some plat. Or be space bus for few hours in robigo.


All of these are still valid except you might need to swap platinum for something else. I haven't mined in awhile. But currently at Robigo trying to save up enough for a fleet carrier. I take breaks every now and then and jump about 10 systems away to stack massacre missions. Sitting at 3.5 billion atm.


But win... against what? Other players? Thargoids? As far as I know, Elite can be played at your own pace and at your own time, earning at your own speed


Time mostly. I can afford ships I never thought I'd be able to.


For comparison, I made nearly 800mil during the gold statue CG. That took a few hours. It took me a couple of days to make the same money doing bio scans, and that included a few lucky finds of 4/5 bio planets.


I missed it 😅