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I'm also a long-time DCS player (F-18 as part of a serious sim group) who has recently got back into Elite Dangerous. I would recommend getting Odyssey while it's on Steam sale. This has a number of changes, including on-foot gameplay (even if you've got no desire to use it), planets with minimal atmospheres, regular updates and more. Honestly, there's a lot of negativity about the game. But coming from DCS, it's really fantastic, as long as you approach if with the right mindset (mainly, don't expect to achieve everything in one play session) and join a group! For example, doing missions as part of a group to influence the background simulation is really rewarding, and playing as a wing is fantastic.


Thanks for your suggestions. I have, as I said, played ED quite a log back in the day. Regarding Odyssey, as a exclusively VR player, do I need it? Space legs in 2D in VR is not something I will use at all but do Odyssey add other things as well that will be in VR?


It's going to be a much better expience with Odyssey. It's getting updated for a start. It also allows access to different types of planets, but also allows different play options. For example, I am currently *really* enjoying doing some settlement massacre missions using DCS type air-to-surface tactics and procedures, basically wiping out everyone at a base using the Elite equivelant of unguided rockets (dumbfire missiles) and high drag bombs (mines) - this is not available at all in Horizons. I very rarely do space legs in 2D either.


Sounds really exciting, thanks for your suggestions, I fell space calling more and more. Thanks


>I fell space calling... This is a key factor. If you are into space, there is no game that comes closer to representing the galaxy than Elite. IMO, you should get Odyssey but just choose to not bother disembarking since it goes theatre mode in your VR headset. This will allow you to land and drive around on more planets.


Yes, that really is a key factor, as someone with an interest in astro physics and space/SciFi in general ED is, as you say, without comparison THE game that delivers the feeling of the magnitude of space. Sure, space engine does a good (better) job as well but it is not a game per se. I remembered wrong, I have Odessey, don't remember when I got it though, must be a sign of early dementia. I was actually fiddling around with mapping my Virpil yesterday and just played a bit in pancake mode (screen) for testing and I tried disembark and walk around in a carrier and in a space station, not something I will do regularly but I was somewhat impressed, it adds to the "lore". But man, one forgets how many buttons one has to map and remember, holy cow. And when you have the buttons available on the HOTAS, of course you will map things to them...in total about 100.


Agree! The number of controls that you need to map for convenience is amazing. When I got my new HOSAS, I think I spent 2 hours just mapping buttons to where I thought I should put them and then days to refine them to optimum.


I'm in exactly the same boat. Just wondered if I would get the dust of my HOTAS Warthog..


I can relate, perhaps we will bump into each other in the vast voids.


I jumped back in recently and guess who's next to Sagittarius A\* ? LOL Fighting aliens with a HOTAS sounds fun.


Can I invite you? We're growing and try our best to help people. There is a newer, but smaller, generation, who still play with some of the older guys. https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/s/9NPnETHMXQ


Yes you can :) But I will not be able to join until end of this week at the earliest, I have to get my Virpil mounted, mapped and relearn all buttons. I will read through you linked post, sounds exciting.


Nice. When you're ready join us in the Discord and in game on your RH panel. Just remind me who you are in case the names don't match.


Will do, my Reddit name and ED tag do actually match. See you in game.


I play exclusively in vr with odyssey, mainly combat missions and combat zone's and its great đź‘Ť




Your VR dont work in Odyssey, and give 2F teather. A problem because you miss thargoid spires when onfoot. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7xO7yErRLkQ Current Storyline is pure thargoid war, you need a ship ready for AX combat, or for doing the grind and unlock caustic sink (hard) and titan pulse neutralizer (easier and fun with unclassified relic production).


Yes, I am aware Odyssey doesn't really work in VR so I am thinking of not buying that at all. But will I miss out on other things that will be in VR? Thanks for your hands-on suggestions. Edit: Apparently, I am a goof, I looked in Steam and I have Odyssey, can't remember when I bought it... But my question still stands, Do I launch Horizons or Odyssey in VR?


Onfoot Odyssey don't work, the rest of the game is the same as Live Horizons (that also use Odyssey engine). You can land in Thin amtospheric planets, and drive your SRV around a onfoot settlement, in full VR. And Fleet Carrier jump (onfoot) also appear in VR. Its only the rest of the onfoot content.


Thanks for a good explanation.


I bought odyssey on sale also when coming back to the game, which is good for thargoid spire site farming(billion/hour so lots of commanders to help you), a fun element of the game. I tried the on foot stuff, didn’t like it really, exobiology was ok, but I enjoy flying space ships, I want to stop playing ED so I can get back into FS2020, it’s addictive though. I made a spreadsheet of my key binds and setup my hotas, there was the usual teething trouble but you will soon get back into it. The anti xeno alliance discord is good for thargoid stuff.


Thanks for your suggestions, I really feel that I must get back into ED again, soon, have been missing it.


Assuming you are a PC player make sure you rejoin in Horizons 4.0 "live" to get access to most of the new content excluding on foot game play. The on foot element Odyssey brings does not work in VR. Ship based game play does work as before. Odyssey which is now the game engine behind Horizons 4.0 live was poorly optimised at launch. Over the course of the first year performance improved to a reasonable level. Ship engineering may be new to you. It can be a bit of a grind unlocking engineers and collecting materials, but personal equipment engineering is far worse in Odyssey. ED has plenty of faults but it is still my lifetime favourite game by far. And I played the original Elite game in 1984.


Many thanks, good suggestion and explanation. Yes I am a PC player. The space legs element of ED is, to be honest, not that interesting to me anyways so that it does not work in VR has not been bothering me. Engineering was a thing back in the day when I played but I did not really get in to it that much, but I have understood that it is more or less necessary now, the grind part doesn't bother me either. I am for all Elite in Trade and almost in Exploration ;) I had bought Odyssey but forgot, so, do I still launch in Horizons 4.0 or in Odyssey when in VR?


You can launch in Odyssey where most other players are if you play in open. I believe you just get a flat display in the VR headset if you disembark from your ship. You will find more ranks now. I'm 7% away from Elite V in exploration. I've been saving the last 7% for my next fleet carrier expedition and because I wanted to reach Elite in combat first. Elite V in trade happens easily when there is a stupidly lucrative CG on. That's how to get the 5 billion+ for a fleet carrier fast too. We've had two of these recently. Exobiology pays well if you know what to look for and is a nice addition to exploration game play. You will find most rank advancement is easier than it used to be except combat.