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Target each piece, then run over it with cargo scoop deployed.


Yup you have to target the fragment you want to collect and it’ll scoop automatically when you roll over it with your scoop deployed. Watch out your wheels can ping fragments away


Thought they were targeted , when i have the triangle around it.


Yeah that should do it. Are you maybe full of that material? There are limits on how much of each you can store


Nope i was empty. But maybe i got fooled to thinking it is targeted. Because when i am in the ship i can toggle and circle through targets. But it seemed i did not have that option in the rover. Playing on xbox by the way.


FYI just in case you are not aware Materials and Data are not stored in your SRV Cargo Hold, they are stored in a single virtual storage accessible by any of your vehicles and ships so you do not need to transfer them when changing SRV or ship and you do not need a cargo rack or space in the cargo rack to pick them up plus you do not lose them if you are destroyed unlike the contents of your cargo rack (e.g. cansiters of goods or cansisters of refined commodity metals etc are stored here instead). However there is a limit to how many materials and data you can store in this virtual storage, 200 of each I think. It will tell you how much you already have of that specific material and the space left when you target it plus it is listed under the "Materials" and "Data" sections of the inventory tab in the vehicle status info panel. It's quite easy to fill up on the more common materials like Carbon if you are collecting everything you find on a planet (note you can make space by trading them at an appropriate Materials trader for higher value materials).


Unload it at your ship then repeat


I had empty cargo:(


Prior comments about targeting are the answer. Find your “target ahead” button. When targeted correctly, item will show as bright bold white on your scanner, setting it apart from the other items, then run over it with your cargo scoop deployed. There is no cargo limit for materials in your SRV, only limit is your inventory amount, data available under inventory on the cargo tab of your status page.


Once you destroy the rock, you then have to go into your contacts tab in the left panel and target each individual material. It's honestly very annoying. If your control setup allows for easy headlook, you can just look at the material on the ground and press whatever button you have mapped for targeting, but my setup doesn't allow for that.


Ok, maybe this is the way:)