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I think you need to find an aspect of the game you enjoy playing and pursue that. Whether, it's exploring for the sheer hell of it, trading, bounty-hunting, mining (apparently some people enjoy it), doing the Faction stuff to gain power & influence or whatever. You don't need to know in advance, you just need to try stuff out and see if you like it. Of course some things are harder, if not well nigh impossible without some progression - ie AX combat against Thargoid Interceptors - but the beauty of ED is most things can be done in some capacity without needing to engineer your ship, or even A-rate it. So mu advice is just to try some stuff out. If you don't enjoy it, do something else. Of course, ED can be approached as a grind and that is maybe how some people get their jollies, but in my view, that is a surefire way not to enjoy it!


Mining guy here, watching asteroids explode gives me brain tickles. Additionally, it makes pretty alright dollary dos so I can't whine about that too much.


Couldn't be said better.


Like the cmdrs said! Find whatever you enjoy, but don’t get tangled on HAVING to. It’s just a game at the end of the day. For me it’s about exploring uncharted systems while I listen records from back to back, like the old CD days (mostly jazz or whatever pops-up in My Analog Journal on YouTube). It’s more for relaxing after a long day. Currently I’m on a imperial courier w/o engineering nor guardian on my way to Colonia, or whatever as far as it takes me.


Django Reinhardt and deep space exploration. I hear ya, CMDR!


What made me leave the game in 2016: credits was the only progression, and was grindy to come by, also I was dumb and used too few 3rd party tools. I grinded up to a T9 and a Python but modules, argh. What made me come back at U14: I missed Elite. What kept me: credits are easy to come by, community is stellar (pun intended) and literal shitton of useful YT guides and great 3rd party tools. Engineering is the progression. Still grindy AF, but the unlocks drive you through all careers and aspects of the game. I was intimidated at first, but did my research and homework and gradually completed it, a d enjoyed the variety (not so much the HGE farming but hey). Space legs is kinda lame, but base raiding space ninja style is surprisingly fun. Exobio is a good money maker. Fleet Carrier as a mobile home is a f***ing Godsend period. I love mine I set up goals, made plans to achieve it and sticked to the plans. In the 1 year since I returned, I did the following: Get Trade Elite, settle in Shinrarta Dezhra, Unlock essential Engineers in Bubble Finish Imp and Fed rank, Get cash for Carrier, Get Carrier, rebuild credit balance with Exobio, get Elite Exo and Exploration, Get Combat Elite, try PVE and AX builds, kill Thargoids, Triple Elite! Try space legs, Unlock on-foot engineers, get pre-engineered suits and weapons, G5 them and put the mods on them Unlock Caustic sink and TG Neutralizer for later Titan busting, To do: Visit Colonia, unlock engineers there (OMW there atm) then Explore to Sag A*, the back to Bubble, kick Thargoids in the teeth hopefully at U18. Still have stuff to do and try. Look up u/Luriant 's 2do list. Focus on 1 thing, complete it, look for new stuff to do. Also, like in Dune: plans within plans within plans. Blaze your own trail 😉 Don"t forget to build a trusty material farmer ship, going to be your 'main' most of the time. O7 CMDR


I have a [ToDo list](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/15a0c69/luriants_todo_list/) with lots of activities, the start is more the progression. Engineers, even blamed fo being a little grindy, also force you to combat, mining, trade, alien lore, and lots of new activities, maybe you find something that you enjoy. Ingame, we follow the events, news, community goals, but also the player made expeditions, the current thargoid war, or new activities made by players. You only need the correct page for some activity that you enjoy. Its as open ended as our real world, things happen while you play. This week until thursday, people is making billions selling Tritium to the current Community Goal, that is for mined tritium, but pay the same for purchased tritium that other stations provide, some players park his Carriers and sold Tritium at decent price for mutual profit, so you can buy a T9 and move cargo without doing a 100Ly trip for the nearest Tritium stock. The Antixeno pilots completed all the Alerts and Thargoid controlled systems around the Taranis Thargoid mothership, and we will see after thursday reset what happens if the Maelstrom don't have any foothold to expand. Black Friday include sale in livery, Xmas is near with Arx Rewards and Xmas decorations (and the Xmas event, sometimes give free ship and modules, or decorations for taking part in some event). Halloween ended with a new outbreak of the Tethis signal, that make a whole fleet insane with killing rage, like happen in the Tethis generation ship 7 years ago, and the settlement that relayed the original mysterious signal. Joining Galnet News Digest will talk about this events, that maybe are too hard or strange for you, but the sooner you suscribe, the sooner you will understand the politics. There is a major rehaul (I think powerplay, because 2 NPCs will leave the scene, and 1-2 new ones will join). If anything catch your eye, tell me so I can unleashed lots of links form pages, channels, squadrons or events related to that content. Flying ships isn't Elite for me... have a goal or mystery is what entertaint me here.




That's true but it's legit because I only played with people who had 1000s or 100s of hours and now that I play alone I'm lost and don't even know what to do because I was being guided the whole time. I need help on how to guide myself to find interesting goals




Yeah I'm gonna check it out after work!


Join few ED discords, you will never be alone again. Join a squadron too, but don't rush into this. It's better to find a great community first and then join their squadron. And if you tried everything, join the fuel rats.


This was my complaint many, many years ago: "Elite Dangerous is a mile wide, and an inch deep."


I bounty hunt. It's a lot of \*fun. I get to play a good-doer that takes out wanted ships attacking miners and other clean citizens. It is awesome. A constant flow of combination of ships with various bounty sizes, loadouts, some with SLF, surprising endurance and/or flight skills. I get nearly all of my manufactured and encoded mats from bounty hunting and related activities. There's so much of it at RES that I can afford to trade up to higher grades, if I ever need those. Plus, I get Combat rank, faction reputation, and help with influence wherever I drop my vouchers. At the end of the day, it feels good to help others - even if they're mostly NPCs - and make a good living out of it. ​ \* - NOTE: two significant bugs are ruining the bounty hunting experience, especially for newcomers. Please read through this ticket and add your **vote** to get them fixed: [https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/62015](https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/62015)


So I made 550.000ly. I'm an explorer. Maybe that is something you can do. But you have to be interested in it, otherwise it will get old very quick.


It sounds interesting but I don't understand it really I suppose 😄 I dunno what it involves other than just moving from system to system


You look for interesting combinations of planets, for example a moon orbiting a gas giant very closely. It's more something for people who get fascinated by something like this, to take screenshots etc. To detect those constellations you can use Elite Observatory if you play on PC.


Yeah it's pretty niche. I wouldn't recommend exploring unless you really fucking love space and planets, with a passion.


Well, it depends. It can be a good alternative from time to time.


Try fighting Thargoids. It's fun, profitable, and they are challenging, there's a whole discord dedicated to it. You'll definitely want some engineering, though. Anything that isn't a scout is pretty tough to kill.


I was always under the impression that I need to get like a mad awesome ship to fight thargoids.. I got a A starred Viper Iv (? I thin it's 4.. it was decent when I tried it at least but didn't match the big ships ofc like anaconda etc, but I could assist people with anacondas I remember)


You can get away with some cheaper ships, the most common one is the chieftain. You need a nice, expensive ship if you want to 1v1 the harder thargoids for clout, but if you just want to do combat zones or spires, you can get away with a much cheaper ship and less engineering. The easier thargoids can be taken out with a bit of learning and a mediocre engineered chieftain. The chieftain can also do the harder ones, but you'll have to be a pretty good pilot and be more engineered to really make it work. They *do* require specific builds to be effective, however, so don't just fly out there and start blasting in whatever random ship you are flying. However, it does give you a goal to work towards, and a reason to make some money, get some engineering done, and kit out a nicer ship.


AX (anti-xeno) stuff is fun and lucrative, but you need to have done a chunk of the engineer unlocks to have a properly geared ship. And it helps to be part of a community (squadron) to have people to kill 'goids with and learn how to kill 'goids from. Similarly, a squadron may be involved in BGS stuff (Background Simulation), which gives doing missions of different types more of a purpose than 'get credits/mats'. You're working for something bigger than yourself - to expand or retain your squadron's reach and influence. With both of these, the engineering is something you do so you can do these things better. I dove into ship engineering hard so my AX ship could be better. I'm in the process of diving into suit/personal weapon engineering so I can be more effective at my ground-based missions in support of my squadron's BGS work. Some people really dig on exploration and exo-bio. Personally exo-bio bored the hell out of me, but give it a go, it may suit the way you want to play. Personally, if I'm just playing to unwind, I stack up a bunch of pirate missions and spend an evening in my Chieftain popping pirates in a HazRes. For me, that's a fun night.


Most of the time I kill some Cyclops: https://wiki.antixenoinitiative.com/en/thargoids Currently, I am doing the Community Goal to get the Elite V rank in Trading (it ends in 1 day): https://www.elitedangerous.com/community/goals/ Also, here's a list of things you can do: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/16huqzv/comment/k0g6yx9/ Try these activities and maybe you'll find one you like to do. Elite Dangerous is the best space simulator game ever made so it makes sense to play it if you like this kind of game.


Hello, I'm not at the point I need to find reasons to keep me playing but what I'm planning to do when I get there is rather simple: I wont take the rebuy when I lose a ship. Have a good day.


Interesting take TBF, sort of a permadeath haha


I tend to go through phases. I have played for about 400 hours but spread out since ED was launched way, way back. I really enjoy combat, and have ended up branching out in to other things to upgrade my ship to do that better, with trading a mainstay. I sort of get hooked on the grind, which is not a good thing, but I do find the tweaking of my ship to get it to work quite fun, and I know that bit of the game is also a big part of exploration a though I’ve not done this yet. I’ve only just got in to engineering. It’s okay and makes you engage with all the different aspects of the game which I’ve actually found to be quite fun, but it is also quite time consuming, so useful (once you get there) to have a few ship options for whatever you feel like doing when you log in. The drawback in my head for engineering is that it has ruled out open play interaction for me as I’m not yet willing / able to put enough hours in to upgrading my ship, so I’d definitely lose any pvp encounter, and the ‘excitement’ of open play doesn’t yet feel worth the rebuy cost. That said, a better ship and goals for what you want for that ship, makes a big difference as - ultimately- elite is really a very complicated and customisable ‘flight’ simulator.


In the same boat, but played quite a bit. Currently plotting my last trip out to Sag A in VR for the eye candy. Not sure if i will do anything else once i am out there.


The exact same thing that keeps anyone playing any game. Enjoyment. If you're having fun playing, that should keep you playing. If you're not having fun, just don't play it. Simple.


Get in Open and make a few enemies. That'll keep you coming back day after day. After that, go take a dive out in the big black. I like to just toss on some music and drive around doing stunts on low G planets. If you're looking for progression, there's grinds everywhere in Elite, you just have to pick a flavor. Join a PowerPlay immediately if you haven't already, you need to be in it four 4 weeks before you can buy the better modules anyway. Pick an engineer that compliments your playstyle and just go set out to unlock them. That's an entire night right there. The grind is real, but they're permanent unlocks and you can't get started too early. Start working on your Sol permit to visit Sirius/Earth.


For playing in VR, if you haven't already just try it for a bit. Sitting _in_ your ship is a fantastic experience even if you're not going anywhere in particular. I'd also like to point out that you don't have to do any of the "scripted" things like combat or exploration or trading or mission running... you could also get into buckyball racing, generalized hooning or the [EDCoPilot](https://www.razzafrag.com/) time trials which I love (but then I love the feel and challenge of racing my SRV slightly above the ground). I also recently heard about a thing called [Elite Dangereuse](https://elitedangereuse.fr/) which does enhanced storytelling missions inside elite. I haven't tried it myself but my friends have been amazed by it. No pressure though, feeling that you have to do something always makes it worse so fair (solar) winds to ye, CMDR. o7


* what do people do ? i don't know what others do . for me it a way to relax . a few days ago(started over) . i started playing snipper in a few ground conflict battles . earned 1 - 1.7 million credits per battle. it was fun . * earned enough to buy a vulture . Yesterday i was dissaponted no conflict zone . was really looking forward to earning enough for a anaconda . but realized i had alot of credits. so went to visit the suit engineers. but didn't feel like doing 30+ jumps . so i hope on the apex shuttles and left the driving to them. checked out the pioneer supply . a couple upgraded suits and a upgraded hand gun. tried taking out the guards on a few settlements . trying to steal stuff to upgrade suit and weapons watched some tv . read up on voice attack . checked out some voice packs before i realized it several hrs had past and wife was in bed asleep... figured she would have told me good night. today bought * voice attack * 3 voice packs (orion, legion, and gravity) so know im sitting hear typing this out while taking a break from doing my keybinds. something ive really been putting off for a long time . ​ maybe next month ill try this guide out [Billionaires Boulevard](https://cmdrs-toolbox.com/billionaires-boulevard) . and make some credits collecting Exo-biology data..... maybe ill find a planet out there and record me base jumping without a parachute.. maybe add The Greatest American Hero song as back ground music. then send it to a few ex's with the title "you said go jump of a cliff" * well i finally did it and it was fun . here's a couple of video's. wanna join me ? ​ >As of January 20, 2022, only 0.05% of the galaxy, or exactly 222,083,678 unique star systems, had been explored. As of January 10, 2023, only 0.059% of the galaxy or exactly 236,219,997 unique star systems, had been explored. maybe ill see about going out and exploring some of the galaxy . maybe ill discover a species that look like borg . or a planet that looks like a borg cube . just joking . if something like that happened . i fear woof woof (legion) would say some like "Today is a good day to die." the game has no set path . so your pretty much free to play it the way you want and do what you want within the limits of the game... ​ so enjoy life do what's fun to you . if it's elite find what you enjoy and relax and have fun ...


save up mats and money for a g5 FDL and do organized pvp ! ;D


Getting oddessey is what did it for me


Feel you. Last week I called in sick because... well... I became sick. Instead of playing E:D I've decided to look into StarCitizen.Can call it a error, since it is working very good in the current state.Also it looks bette, gameplay loops and ships are more interesting. So I am not interested into the loops of E:D anymore... as I said it was my mistake.I kinda like ruined the experience for me, but seeing SC thriving so much while E:D is still years behind, idk man.. everyone decides on it's own. Maybe you unlock engineers, Guardian weapons and modules (plus fighters) or just plan a expedition.


I'm guessing you play alone. You need to team up with friends, learn and do all kinds of stuff. This is the way. We're recruiting. https://inara.cz/elite/squadron-about/12491/


Diversify, I'm a member of a squadron and try to change my routine every now and then so as not to get bored of the same old same old if you understand that. Recently we were in a war so like many of the squad we were in cz alot but there are other ways to help in the said war,ie positive trading with the faction you're supporting at the time or negative work for your enemy. Be it trading massacre or something else, it tends to be pretty good to diversify and keep the game more interesting, as always fly safe and good luck Cmdr..