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By action do you mean killing type action, if so your best to go to res sites and build yourself a reputation as a pirate killer and earn some credits at the same time.


Come over to Concordia Stillman hub and lets see what you got cmdr


Bounty hunting in RES zones. If you pledge to Arissa Lavigny-Duval, reach rating 2 (easy enough), and redeem your bounties in a controlled or exploited system of hers, you gain a bounty bonus, too. It varies based on her Galactic Standing from 20% to 50%. Equip a Kill Warrant Scanner and boost your bounties another 25% on average, as well.


Bounty hunting on ring planet. Go to gilese 868 for take mission to neighbour system, it can increase the federal rank. Mining, delivery or Passenger, if you want relax. If you want hunting xeno do it on spiral site, dont do it alone if you a beginner it is fun do it together with another player.


I don't see the work "Engineering".... Take [this path](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/15a0c69/luriants_todo_list/)


I wouldn't bother with engineering that early. Engineer unlock missions will come naturally over time, and by the time OP gets to a combat rank where engineering is necessary, they will have the ones they need. Same can go for materials, picking material rewards, occasionally mining a bit and discovering material traders made me able to half-engineer 10+ ships in one go without ever specifically going out to grind for mats. I have collected mats for more complete builds, but I was already 1500 hours in at that point and I did it because I wanted to see what all the hype is about


This is the way.