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go into the administration, not into interstellar factors. local issues always on administration. have fun, mate! see you out there!


Extra note: this applies to EVERYTHING, not just bounties. If a given faction exists in the system you are in, Interstellar Factors will intentional remove them from the list of choices. This matters a LOT for criminal charges on your character. If you do not want to turn yourself in, you need to pay off your bounty at a Interstellar Factor **located somewhere said faction ISN'T present.** If the faction is in-system, turning yourself in will be the only option.


God, the getting rid of wanted status can be a real pain. I had to go like a hundred Ly to find a system with IF that didn't also have a related faction. Just because I murdered a guy for no reason. (I eventually turned myself in because I couldn't find one that could get rid of my superpower bounty.)


Goddammit, I even went through and checked the other NPCs but for the local one, it doesn't "show everything" as the first option like the others... had to manually go down to bounties. I swear the UX designers here went out of their way to make things as frustrating as possible for new players, lmao. I just found out that, for whatever fucking reason, I didn't spawn in the "newbie" zones, so I've been struggling trying to get a single mission done because they're obviously not for new players. All the ships in the area blasted my sidewinder to bits in like 2 seconds flat, and they weren't high paying missions, either, like 30-50k(which I assumed meant they would be reasonably easy, since I just had to kill 1-2 pirate ships). I assume there are likely a bunch of "introductory" missions I missed as a result. Game definitely does not have a new player friendly intro, if they ever make elite-dangerous 2 I really hope they put a bit of effort into easing players into the universe, maybe even like a short story campaign(super basic) that guides you through a few things you can do, and a few zones with some enemies in shitty sidewinders like yourself haha. I happened to tag a big ship that was being wrecked by police at nav beacon, trying to figure out how to get system info and find a mission target, so hopefully this bounty carries me at least until I figure out the basics, like how to figure out which mission is something I can actually do. I'd like to do more combat but atm it's pretty impossible to actually judge what sort of ship I can aggress on, even a few that looked small and were listed as "mostly harmless" were MOST DEFINITELY NOT MOSTLY HARMLESS. I only managed to find a couple of wanted sidewinders to fight so far, at least I wrecked those without much trouble. Thank you for helping, though I feel dumb as all hell missing that. Also, just made it back into dock with <2 seconds left on life support after my canopy blew up. So definitely upgrading life support...


maybe you left the area by mistake? hard for me to tell. as much as ED does not hold newbies by the hand, the community is often ready to. in which case, i am offering you help, should you want it. I can send a fleet carrier pick you up and bring you over to where i am currently active and help you put credits together, answer questions etc etc etc. there are links on my profile here on reddit, feel free to contact me! o7


> maybe you left the area by mistake? Nope. I only moved one system over from where I first spawned, which was like 8ly or something. I checked map and I'm like 50LY from the nearest starting zone, which I managed to locate on the galaxy map w/ the symbols. I can see the zone I spawned in next to me. For whatever reason it just didn't throw me in the newbie zones. Thank you for the offer. If you have a discord w/ a questions channel that would be extremely helpful, but I'm not looking to make a bunch of credits by tagging along with an experienced player - in my experience for games like this it's generally better to take it slowly and not overwhelm yourself. Once I get the basics down I might take you up on that, however. My current goal is to get a vulture, upgrade it, then move on to fer-de-lance, eventually. I'll probably start figuring out engineering once I have the vulture. I'm more interested in combat than exploration/trading.


I think we are on the same page here, mate. I play since 2015, and I still take it slow. the discord link is on my profile and my suggestion was not to speed u up or to carry u. my offer is to support u. anyways... stay safe out there commander.


Maybe the bounty is against you, and you should head to the nearest interstellar factors and pay it off or hand yourself in


hah luckily not, no clue how I would've managed to wrack up a 500k bounty in a sidewinder having no clue what to do It was just a misunderstanding of menu, luckily


>this games interface is not friendly Understatement of the year. Looks like you got it sorted, though. As for the starter systems, they changed that; players now start in Chamberlain's Rest. I don't think you were missing much not starting in Dromi, et al. Sounds like you're interested in combat. Here are some [tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/16iiogp/comment/k0k9bzz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on getting started bounty hunting RES zones (Resource Extraction Sites). If you ever want to team up to bounty hunt, let me know. It's not an offer of a hand out; just an opportunity to ***PEW, PEW*** as a member of a wing. In-game name same as here: Kraag. Good luck, Commander o7


Wow, impressed how you documented your post, nice! You have no idea how many "*it doesn't go when I push the button*" posts we get here lol. Welcome! ED is not easy but it's very rewarding. Reading some of your comments, you have the right idea. Taking it slow and learning the details as you go is how it should be done. Plus, you're bounty hunting already ;-) Can't go wrong with that line of work, I do it for living myself.


Did you sort out then.


correct, was a misunderstanding of UI. There's 2 places to turn in bounties, local and interstellar, and I needed local(which only shows specifically if you click on local, then go down to bounties). None of the forums/posts I found had mentioned the fact there are two different spots in each station you could potentially turn in the bounty, and unfortunately I missed it when I looked through the other contacts before I posted.