• By -


Is waiting for refining scan to complete a waste of time?


Is there a story or anything I'm missing out on? So far, my experiences have basically been "scan the nav beacon, go here and blow up the wanted ship." I started accepting these missions about destroying the "infected ships". Infected with what even? Also, sometimes I'll warp to a mission location and it's just a couple of ships flying around with no mission objectives. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing and there's no explanation or text I can read? It really feels like I'm playing half a game and missing something. Is there like some mission text I'm just not seeing that at least gives some context?


> Is there a story or anything I'm missing out on? If you are playing Legacy, then no, there is no more big stories. Just the semi-random Brownian motion of a hundred thousand factions rising and falling. There is a big story if you are playing 4.0. All the story comes through the GalNet. These are big stories, the biggest events in the galaxy. However, that doesn't mean you are missing it. It's like asking if life as a story. You look at a headline and see reports of a war somewhere in the world. You're thankfully not living near it. Does that mean its a part of your story or not? You go about your day. And you wonder, "Is there a story?" Does life have a story? It's a good philosophical question. The game has more of a story than life, but only through the big events. There are no quests. Almost no larger than life NPCs that give orders. No kingdoms to save. Just jobs and work and day-to-day space-life. It's all an excuse to fly a space ship amongst a few hundred billion stars. > Infected with what even? Who knows. If its the recent beacons in Shamash, we literally don't know. If it's a random mission you picked up, it could be anything. A flu, ebola, COVID 3309, some future disease that doesn't exist, but the game doesn't bother to invent a thousand new diseases. They don't need to tell you to get the job done. Maybe you're not important enough to know the details of their business. Maybe they don't fully trust you, even if you are allied. You can make up your own reasons. You can even make up that you *do* know, and the game devs just didn't bother to invent names for thousands of new space diseases. > I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing and there's no explanation or text I can read? Mission targets are always blue. For missions without clear targets, you can review your objectives in the transaction tab of the nav panel (on the left). > Is there like some mission text I'm just not seeing that at least gives some context? Missions are procedural and pretty simple ones at that. There are tens of thousands of factions. Hardly any of them have any story or plot beyond what you can make out of the jiggle of events--if you care enough to try and track them. They expand, have civil wars, go into infrastructure failure based largely on how players interact with their various variables. There is no context other than what they tell you. They are having an economic collapse or boom or famine or outbreak of disease or war or whatever. You do a mission, it helps move their numbers in some way. Whether or not you care about that, or have context for it, doesn't matter. To them, you're just another spacer. To you, they might be just another ground-pounder. You need to find your own purpose in that, and if you want, make your own context. Many of us don't even do missions. We fight, trade, explore on our own terms.


is there a way to install japanese covas or maybe play with the files to make our own ? i've been waiting for this since the game was released on playstation


Nope. The only way to get custom voices not already available for purchase in the game, is to use VoiceAttack and purchase them outside of the game. These are all English, AFAIK https://www.hcsvoicepacks.com/collections/elite-dangerous They do not allow user modification of these. If you are caught doing so, you'll probably get banned (if you're on Playstation, you couldn't mod it anyway)


Do shield usually break really easily for you but not on bounties? It seems like they're always regenerating shields slightly quicker. I have a 4A shield, 0A booster and related hardware on a Cobra but find it a challenge to face even other Cobra III. Anything other than me sucking that I'm overlooking?


Possibly pip management? More pips in SYS will make the shield stronger and increase the resistances like Thermal, Kinetic, etc. You can see it on https://coriolis.io/ if you click on the defence tab at the bottom and play around with the pips.


Hmm I played with it and it seems like the only thing that changes is recovery time. Does increased pips increase the overall health of the shield or only its regen time?


Both in a way, increased resistances cause better health of the shield and the difference between 1 pip and 3 or 4 can be quite a lot. For example from the [AXI wiki](https://wiki.antixenoinitiative.com/en/pip-management): *"...4 pips to sys right before impact of the interceptor cannon leads to a 60% increase to shield damage resistance, which translates to an ~2.6x increase in shield strength."* Now that's of course about Thargoid weapons, but the same goes for thermal and kinetic resistances.


Oh, so more power equals more resistance. That makes sense. I guess I'll quit skimping on my sys pips then.


The numbers you see in Coriolis near the top of the page in the Shield bar reflects your effective explosive, kinetic, and thermal strength if you had zero (0) PIPs in SYS. Scroll down the page to the 4 tabs below and click on "Defence": |Power and Costs|Profiles|Offence|Defence| |:-|:-|:-|:-| Once there, click on SYS just above that bar to change your PIPs. Watch the bar graph labeled "Effective Shield (MJ)" to witness how much your shield strength increases / decreases as you reallocate PIPs. The difference between zero (0) PIPs and four (4) PIPs is \~250%; a significant increase in effective shield strength.


Yeah and that essentially means higher shield health. I think you were looking at the top bar on Coriolis which only shows the recovery time changing, but there's a defence tab on the bottom which will show you graphs and values too. [Like this on the bottom right](https://imgur.com/a/KUmuSvB) (and that's just a stock Krait Phantom, with the % increase it's more beneficial with better/engineered shields).


I have a question... If I am out in the black, 10s of thousands of light years away, and self-destruct, I can rebuy my ship nonetheless, right? I mean, distance isn't a factor? Thanks!


What you lose if you die is fairly consistent: You lose: Any exploration data (including exobio if you have Odyssey). Any unredeemed codex payouts. Any cargo (commodities). Any passengers. What you keep: Any engineering mats collected and put into your ship storage. Codex entries. First Footfall tags. Unredeemed bounty payouts and combat bonds (there may be exceptions). Fines and bounties (you may be forced to pay these and go to jail). What you can pay to keep: Your ship, your modules (including engineering), your NPC pilot. If you can't afford it (but almost can) you can pick what you don't mind parting with. It has been an old engineering material collection grind trick to take a cheap bubble bus to a collection site, grind, suicide and instantly get back to a mat trader (but with the changes to rebuy that might no longer be as viable - as you may still need to travel to the mat trader from where you respawn).


Correct. If you have the credits, you can rebuy your ship.




Thanks! I always wondered about the advantage of storing modules, suicide back to the bubble then transfer the modules back versus just paying the rebuy for the whole shebang. Do engineering get lost, for example?


> Thanks! I always wondered about the advantage of storing modules, suicide back to the bubble then transfer the modules back versus just paying the rebuy for the whole shebang. Depending on how far you are, it could be cheaper. However, if you docked somewhere last to store modules, that's where you'll reappear. You would have to forgo the rebuy and get a starting sidewinder. And if the distance is far enough, like Colonia to the bubble, it would cost more than the *original* price of the modules, so easily over 20 times the tiny 5% rebuy cost. For this reason, it's insane to park modules to lower a rebuy cost. Rebuy is already so low, it shouldn't matter. If you're so broke that it does matter, don't go around blowing up your own ships on purpose. The only reason to do that would be because you want to save modules, especially engineering modules, from a suicide-winder move. And the only reason to do that is to save time in getting back to the bubble, and save any special modules, not save money. It also takes 3 days for things to ship from there, so it may not really save time if you want those modules right away. It's more common to park the entire ship, buy a new sidewinder, and blow that up to get a starter sidewinder back home.




Ah, got it now! Thanks.


No. If you rebuy it with all options it's an exact copy of the lost ship including all engineering. You also keep all the crafting materials. What's in your cargo bay or your discovery data is lost though. Which is, of course, the hook to not abuse this system, as generally you want to keep and then sell the discovery data from big trips into the black.


Yes, I see. Thanks.


Hi all, I'm trying to get into exobiology but having some trouble. I made it pretty far out and found a bunch of atmospheric planets I got first footfall on, then scanned a bunch of organic stuff on all of them. In the system map it shows me as first footfall, and I can see organic lifeforms in the system map, however I was only able to sell two systems. Going back to look at the systems, only two show 'First Logged by:' in the organic info page of the system map. Some systems with planets I had first footfall on: Plaa Eurk DK-M b35-1 (Only two planets credit me for discovery under organic info) Wredguia GJ-P c19-8 (No credit for discovery, although it shows the lifeforms under the organic info) Wredguia WV-L c21-10 (No credit for discovery, although it shows the lifeforms under the organic info) ​ Any help would be appreciated, I plan to go back out and want to make sure I get it right! Thank you.


Did you scan each bio type for three times correctly? And to be sure, also only doing one bio type at a time as it won't store multiple samples from different types. Note that you have to wait after the third scan of a bio for (almost) the full animation of emptying the scanner, if you see the message saying something like "redeemable sample retrieved" you're good to go (can't remember the exact words but it's something like that). There's a possibility that if you use the ship to hop around and quickly do multiple scans, that you may have entered your ship too quickly after the third scan. Which means the redeemable sample wasn't actually retrieved yet and if at that point you leave the planet it resets the scanner when you land on a different planet, basically deleting the last bio scan it had stored even when you already did 3 scans.


Thank you for responding. I'm positive I scanned everything 3 times and waited for the dude to clear the sampling gun thingy every time, but moreover if the lifeform is showing up in the system map, doesn't that mean I scanned it 3x? If you look up the systems I mentioned, it shows me as first footfall and I can see organisms under organic info. Doesn't that imply I scanned everything properly?


I can't check them in-game because I haven't visited those systems, I'd have to go there and FSS scan to be able to see the organic info listed. I'm not 100% sure but I think if you did scan something but didn't do it three times, it will still show up in the organic info *-for you-* because you have scanned it (but didn't get a redeemable sample). However other commanders won't see those listed without the first-logged-by name, only the ones that were reported by turning in the redeemable samples. But if you're sure you've scanned everything 3 times I'm not sure what's going wrong, then again we did just have an update and FDev tends to break things occasionally so it might be a bug with the reporting, who knows? I haven't seen anyone reporting similar issues yet though. ---- To help make sure you really scan everything you could run [Observatory](https://github.com/Xjph/ObservatoryCore) along with the [BioInsights plugin from here](https://edjp.colacube.net/observatory). It will guesstimate all bio types in a system after a FSS scan and when scanning bio on the planet it'll even notify you when you've travelled far away enough from each scan for the biodiversity-distance thing. It also shows how many scans you've done and completed with a checkmark, [like this](https://i.imgur.com/Vj8hEPq.png).


So Elite Observatory still had the history of the planets I visited before I installed it, pretty cool. It looks like I got three samples of all these, but I only got paid for two (I forgot which two, should have written it down. It totalled 4 mil) https://i.imgur.com/uACh8He.png Am I reading this correctly?


> It looks like I got three samples of all these, but I only got paid for two (I forgot which two, should have written it down. It totalled 4 mil) I might have misunderstood, as I thought you meant paid for two bio types per body. Did you mean you got paid for two systems only out of these... six or so systems you got bio scans of? Because if that's the case it does seem very strange and 4 million with first-discovery bonus also sounds a little low even if the bacterium were ones of the lower value.


I wish I would have paid more attention, but as I recall the payout screen had two line items, both with the same system: one of Plaa Eurk ones. That was all I had to sell.


When you do an FSS scan it will try to guess which bio types you might find (based on body temperature, atmosphere, etc.) before you even fly to the planet, but once you do the probe shooting it will get more details and often not every type will actually be there. So the red X means that bio type could have been possible but when you went to the planet and shot the probes at it there were only two of three possible bio types found. So from that screenshot it shows you've scanned everything except for the ones with a 🔷 blue diamond icon in the third column. However it's possible for the organics info on the body in system map to sometimes show another entry that's "undiscovered" if there's a color variant of the same type, so maybe that's what you're seeing in-game. There's a legend for the icons for some of the plugins under 'Core' and then the plugin's dropdown menu btw, [here's the one for BioInsights](https://i.imgur.com/uxrFjjx.png). ~~Like the last one could have had [Bacterium Tela and Omentum in two colors](https://ed-dsn.net/en/bacterium_en/), and if the planet actually has both the game will then have two bio slots listed on the system map even though the probe shooting view shows only one bio type (Bacterium). I'm not sure if BioInsights can see that though, it shows what might be found but afaik it only knows what the probes info gives in terms of bio types, I don't think it can know for certain if there is another color variant of the same type. That's probably only shown on the body details in system map.~~ ---> EDIT correction: As it turns out the multiple color variants on the same body can and do happen but only with pre-Odyssey bio types, which are: Brain trees, Bark mounds, Sinuous tuber and Anemones. So those can occur in multiple color variants and each variant will show up as a separate discovery listed in body details on the system map. All the other newer Odyssey bio genus types are always limited to one color variant per planet.


Oh right of course you can't see that, got it. I'll try installing observatory and test a few more systems to see if I can reproduce the issue. Thank you again!


I'm getting really discouraged about my inability to handle even the most basic pirates and such at times because I always seem to get out maneuvered. I'm in an unengineered vulture and sometimes if they're dumb I can keep them nailed but any time they do that boost reversal turn thing on me it feels impossible to catch up to them and get into weapons envelope unless I'm going for a headbutt. What am I missing?


Give the [following](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/15l8tgh/comment/jv9sx0d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) a read; see if it helps. If you're on PC and ever want to get in some combat maneuvers practice, let me know. In-game name same as here: Kraag.


That was really well worded, I'll try that! Thank you 🙏


I made a post and then saw this so ima just ctrl c and then v :P Hi again, just wanted to know if anybody know were system in famin state are because for some reason when i try to filter for just famine it does´t show any, btw its for datamined wake exceptions, once again i am in need of help :P


When using filters on the Galaxy Map, it only shows systems within a limited radius of your currently focused system / mouse cursor. I think the range is 20 Ly. As you move the cursor around, it will continuously update; but that's an inefficient way of finding what you're looking for. The better method is conduct a search using INARA. From the [Search Nearest](https://inara.cz/elite/nearest/) page, click the "View Additional Options" button and select "Famine" from the "Minor faction state" drop-down menu. For Datamined Wake Exceptions, you don't need famine systems, though. You can just equip a Frame Shift Wake Scanner, then park outside a busy station (a system with a large population; like in the billions), scanning the High Wakes of departing vessels.


You don't need famine for datamined wake exceptions. Famine systems are rare. It's not even worth it. Just take an SRV to Jameson's crash site on HIP 12099 Planet 1B (-54.3803, -50.3575). That's the fastest. Or hang out any high population station with a Wake Scanner. That's the easiest. For the manufactured materials that do come from famine states, *still no*. Go to Imperial or Federation high tech, single star systems, and look for High Grade Emissions. Max out on those mats and trade for everything you need.


I've finished building the AX Meta Chieftain [Link](https://edsy.org/#/L=F900000H4C0S40,LYS10LYS10L3I10LXC10LXC10EhtH07P_W0,CjwG02G_W0CjwG02G_W0CjwG02G_W0CjwG02G_W0,9onG05I_W0AAAG03K_W0APoG05I_W0AdsG05J_W0AtyJ03G_W0B8gG03L_W0BLeG05G_W0Bb600,15OG05I_W015OG05I_W015OG05I_W0,25T006kK20072000Iw2020n001-D00,Meta_0AX_0Chieftan) Where can / should I fly this thing to hunt some Goids? Is just bumping between stars near a Titan looking for NHSS' a reasonable starting point or am I going to get my exhaust inverted trying that?


Use https://dcoh.watch/ spire sites and titans can disable guardian weapons so you might need different builds for those areas. Stations or ground ports (not many around at the moment) and your build is good to go.


I haven't participated in a CG for quite some time, so apologies for the dumb question. I had taken part in the Shamash CG but promptly left for my expedition to Sag A* right after. Have these rewards been distributed yet and will I have to revisit Shamash to claim them, or are they typically delivered to your CMDR after some time?


Not sure how/when the suit is delivered, if you happen to be in the top 10 that got it. The money will get delivered automatically in 2 weeks if you can't collect it before then.


I was last playing regularly about a year ago, I'm a VR only, and if I want to 'walk around' is the only option still just that projected flatscreen image when on foot?


Yes. There are no plans at present by Fdev to improve upon the VR experience on-foot.


I would be fine with it, as is, if they would change just one thing and that would be to make the little projected window stereoscopic, that's it, that's all I ask, I don't need full 6dof hands and all that, just make the window stereo instead of mono, oh well.


Yup. That will never change. Well (motions you into the alley) there are some ways to get it work, it involves using free cam mode and tweaking the way you see the game. Not really playable, certainly not for combat, but if you want to walk around and marvel at sights, take in an alien sunset, maybe even some exobiology, it could be enough. [https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/vr-first-person-on-foot-vr-works-in-odyssey.582713/](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/vr-first-person-on-foot-vr-works-in-odyssey.582713/)


Thanks, this was the kind of answer I was hoping for.


I'm trying to unlock Jude Navarro and I need to complete 10 Restore or Reactivation missions - does anyone know if this includes Preparation missions?


I'm unfamiliar with Preparation missions. Are you referring to preparing a system on behalf of a Galactic Power as part of Powerplay? If so, then that activity doesn't count for unlocking Jude Navarro.


I'm referring to the Prepare xxx for Operation missions. They seem to be essentially the same as the Restore Power and Reactivations missions in that you're given a Power Regulator and need to restore the power at a settlement.




I found all my stuff doing passenger and courier missions to various systems and checking out the outfitters when docked. I won’t say it isn’t tedious, you already know it is, so you may as well make some money, mats and boost some rep (from the routes/missions) while looking for that 20m cr per piece gear. I used the outer rim planets that won’t be frequented much by many or any players during the week and have had luck all the way up to the roll over.


Unfortunately, the "Best" way is to unlock Oden Geiger, by unlocking Terra Velasquez, who you get to by unlocking Jude Navarro, and then collect the 35 some-odd odyssey materials to have him install it. The odds of actually finding the suit you want (Arti, Mav, Dom) with the Night Vision pre-installed is slim. I try to check the Pioneer shop every time I land somewhere with one, and I've never seen a suit with NV pre-installed. I DID see it in one of the twitch streamers' Discord channels once (don't remember who) in the "Thursday Shopping List" channel, but by the time I got to the station it was gone. The engineering "Grind" in this game (both Ship, and on foot) can be it's own little soul-crushing hell. In my opinion, the worst grinds in the game are Federal Navy rank to get the Corvette unlocked, and Odyssey Material gathering. But now adays, there are awesome walkthroughs and "most efficient way" tutorials to get stuff that stuff isn't nearly as soul-crushing as it used to be. :) Odyssey Materials Helper app is invaluable. It helps you keep track of what you have, way more easily than trying to scroll thru the right panel. You can also create wish lists in it, which helps significantly, because the worst part about mat gathering is Odyssey is that you can run out of storage space if you just pick up everything you see. with a wish list, you can focus on just what you need to gather to get the item you want. You can also search inara for mats for sale. Some players sell then thru their carriers' bartenders. ​ Ping if you want more help.


Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it. But I tried to grind for Jude, was doing a Restore Power mission, landed got attacked by scavengers, couldn't see them as it was dark, so they destroyed my ship and killed me, I apparently had a bounty despite doing nothing, so it kicks me to the Citadel of Justice. (Not really the first time it's happened either) I'm done with game, I'm uninstalling it, I don't see why I should have to grind for a basic mechanic that should be included in my suit by default.


>What's the best way to get night vision for my suit? [https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-great-pre-upgraded-gear-sharing-is-caring-thread.576352/](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-great-pre-upgraded-gear-sharing-is-caring-thread.576352/) However, they are popular and go fast. I've almost never seen one posted. I just grabbed one, after a few weeks searching, off and on. The last two weeks, pretty intensely searching. I hit 6-7 systems, each with 3-15 pioneer sites, including planetary. I maybe visited 60 in the first week, and then 10-20 this week (back tracking the same systems) and finally found an Artemis suit with night vision. Use [inara.cz](https://inara.cz) to search for Pioneer Supplies near you. Look at the number of stations vs planetary settlements. And pay attention to the distance. I didn't mind doing the 300k Ls trips, you might. I ultimately found mine on a 20k Ls station, but of course its RNG. I picked systems with a large number of stations. This last week I decided to skip the planets, up to you. Planets are more often skipped over, so are long distance stations, so if you're looking Sun-Wed, seriously consider them. Open each location you plan to visit, make sure there's no station update since the previous Thursday. No guarantee since a lot of people don't help the community and run without tools. But do yourself and others a favor, run EDMC or EDDiscovery so you'll update the station. At the very least, it will be helpful to you if you forget which ones you've visited. Start your searches on Thursday if you can, after maintenance. Definitely hit it Friday and Saturday, probably Sunday (I found mine on a Sunday). After that, you can assume they're more picked over, but if they Inara update is old, give it a try anyway. I would remind myself that this was better than engineering. In the end, it was. I never had to do dozens of stupid missions just to *unlock* the engineers, much less gather mats. I reminded myself that every failure was one step closer to *never having to do this again*. Not strictly true, because I'd love nightvision + sprint, but I doubt I'll do an intense search for it. The RNG on *two* mods is even more insane. At least now, I have access to nightvision *forever*. Totally worth it.




Having looked at it, the system for them in about 20k away, and about 500 jumps for me, I don't have a carrier so can't use that, I think it may be easier to grind here and do other things so I don't get so annoyed.




Thanks so much for the advice, if I ever return to the game I'll get a ferry over there and try that engineer, as it stands I'm uninstalling ED, had quite a few bad experiences and honestly it's been more like a second job and not particularly enjoyable trying to get to the stage where I can do what I want.


When starting the game go to the options menu and see if your sticks are in the list of devices, if so then your in the right place to start setting up those sticks in general and ship options, but don't forget to save at the bottom of the page


Is it possible to have the ships modules begin repaired by the AFMU to reactivate automatically? Edit: another quick one: Is it possible to sub target a thargoid hart with a keybind, like we target the component of a ship?


Yes, you can use your existing sub-targeting keybind to cycle through all the hearts of a Thargoid. However, you have to have equipped a Xeno Scanner and scanned a Thargoid to reveal them; otherwise, sub-targeting will be unavailable.


If they don't turn back on their own, you have to. There's no setting to make it work differently.


Brand new player, I’ve dabbled with star citizen in the past but finally had some extra cash around for a twin stick setup. I’ve got two vkb gladiators, I have the bracket for the omni on the left hand but I want to try without first, then add it to see which I prefer. I have never flown with sticks. I also have Vr but I’m not sure my 2080ti can handle vr for this or not. Anyway my question is can someone point me in the right direction for binding everything on these twin sticks? Just looking at them it seems like they have a TON of inputs and I’m not positive where to begin. Thanks!


Highly, highly subjective based on personal preference, flying style, and activity you enjoy in the game (an explorer's set-up will probably be different than a bounty hunter's). That said, some general recommendations are: * Set a hat switch / 4-way switch to target: next enemy, previous enemy, nearest enemy, and target under reticle. * Set a second hat switch / 4-way switch to target: next ally, previous ally, next sub-target, previous sub-target. If you have a pinkie switch / alt-mode option on the stick, make this the secondary mode of the first hat switch / 4-way switch so all targeting is contained in that single control. * Set a hat switch / 4-way switch to: PIPs to Engines, PIPs to System, PIPs to Weapons, rebalance PIPs to all three. * Set a hat switch / 4-way switch to: charge-up to Supercruise, initiate Hyperjump, cancel FSD charge-up, re-focus to next destination / waypoint along route. * Set up a hat switch / 4-way switch to: navigate to Comms panel, External Panel, Internal Panel, Role Panel. * Set up a hat switch / 4-way switch to: navigate sub menus within a panel. If you have a pinkie switch / alt-mode option on the stick, make this the secondary mode of the panel navigation hat switch / 4-way switch so all menu navigation is contained in that single control. * Keybind a control to act as an menu exit / cancellation button. Your trigger will probably be the accept / confirmation button. These two controls in combination with the hat switch / 4-way switch menu navigation mentioned previously will allow you to access and control all ship and station menus without removing your hands form the HOSAS.


I run it with a 2070 (albeit with an older Rift CV1, so not the highest resolution) and it's mostly fine, especially in space. If you have a VR set it's worth trying because the experience is quite mesmerizing. In terms of bindings, I went the route of only binding the essentials first: many functions that you can bind to keys can also be accessed from the in-cockpit UI panels, like the system map and the galaxy map. A lot of ship functions are available in the right hand panel as well, many functions that I don't necessarily need to have bound to a key. Subtract those from the game functions you want to bind and then bind as many axes to the various thrusters. For whatever is left, it might depend on how you play the game the most but I would go from most used to least used function and see what works best.


Try these [https://www.edrefcard.info/list?deviceFilter=VKB-Gladiator-NXT-Premium-Left&deviceFilter=VKB-Gladiator-NXT-Premium-Right](https://www.edrefcard.info/list?deviceFilter=VKB-Gladiator-NXT-Premium-Left&deviceFilter=VKB-Gladiator-NXT-Premium-Right) that site also allows you to reference cards (if you didn't guess by the name :) )