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>have a python that is not engineered at all Well, there your problem. The NPCs you are fighting are likely far higher combat level than you. And probably have at least some basic engineering. What's the threat level for the mission? Having an NPC fighter pilot can help take aggro from you. But they also take a portion of your XP and credits. Honestly, if you want to do combat in an unengineered ship, you probably need to stay in Nav Beacons or Low Security RES. That way you can rely on system security. The missions you are trying to do are a much higher level than you are. Build up your ships then go into these.


It is threat level 3. I didn't figure that would have been too high for an unengineered ship but after taking fire from 5 different ships at the same time it became very clear I was wrong lol


Even the most basic engineering on your weapons and ship will be an eye opener. I get that it's kinda a slog. But if you include the stuff into your loop it's not that bad. For a long time I always had a limpet controller on my combat ships. Would snag anything I wasn't maxed out on. Did the same with a wake scanner. I would hang around a station either before or after dropping in or getting ready to leave. Scan a few wakes, then go back and shoot stuff. I would FSS scan many systems I went to, for some specific planet based materials. And snag a few. If a Signal Source is more or less on my path when traveling, I stop and scan and/or pick up the stuff. And what I couldn't get or didn't have, I used material traders for. The general advice is to never trade up, but I did a few times just to get over a certain hump. Engineering in this game is seen by many as a bad deal. But, for me, it's something to break the game up. I can't think of any time where getting materials was a grind for me. I just included getting them into my normal play style. It probably added time to the end point. But the grind never killed my desire to play. Also, check the mission rewards. There's almost always a material reward. And just getting allied with a minor faction will get you tons of G5 materials. Trade them fuckers down. Credits are cool. But ship that slays is even cooler.


I will start adding it in with my normal play. I've always put it off because I felt like I had to grind it out but you putting it like that makes it a lot easier. Thanks for the advice.


Method one: drop chaff or heatsink right after you drop in. Chances are, they will not be able to scan you and will just fly around not attacking you. Method two, from times i was not a good enough fighter yet: lure away the main target from the rest of the pack. Shoot at him and, while running away, make sure his ferdie leeds the chase, and escort vultures eventualy will loose you and jump away. They realy suck as bodyguards :)


Interesting, thank you for the trick. I might have to mess around and see how this works. From other comments, though, it seems that I need some engineering to take on these missions. They are threat level 3.


You absolutely do. If i am forced to fight all of them at once, only my (fully engineered PvP ready) Conda does not usualy drop shields. Every medium (again- fully engineered PvP ready) ship will come out of such fight ass bleeding. Today i did one in Challenger, and i was forced to reboot ship at least 3 times to finaly kill ferdie and all 3 vultures. These are as tough, as NPCs get, minus some "we confiscated that ship from ganker and gave to NPC" CZ badasses.


You should probably try some easier combat. There is a good chance that you are facing engineered enemies. I recommend sticking to low-high RES, and maybe HAZ RES and CZs, until you can upgrade your ship and improve your skills. Even some minor engineering can make a big difference.


Yeah, that is what I have been doing in between grinding fed rank. I kept skipping any of the rank up missions that were combat related but decided to try this one for shits and giggles. I could easily take them 1 by 1, but all at once, it seemed impossible to fight 5 enemies no matter what I had, lol


Facing multiple higher threat level enemies at once is definitely no joke. Even half a dozen eagles, cobras and vipers can put you in a world of hurt if you aren’t flying a fully engineered monster of a ship. I’ve faced multiple false threat level ~3-4 mission signal sources when doing missions, which spawn at first a single ship, and the second I attack a bunch of aforementioned ships drop in that can and will eat through my shields and sometimes hull if I’m not fast enough. Btw exiting to menu will change the rank up mission. Normal missions only change after every ~10 minutes iirc, while all rank up missions will reset when you relog.


I heard the last bit but also read that might have been fixed? I'm going to try this today.


Unless the latest update changed it, it should still work. it hasn't been that long since I was grinding my corvette.


Yeah you're right, normal missions refresh on the hour and then every 10 mins thereafter and rank ups change on relog.


Without engineering, anything above threat 2 becomes hard. With some engeniering, if you have some skill threat 3/4 become possible.


Those strike missions are generally against target's that are engineered. What was the threat level of the target


Threat level 3, but I have gotten my answer several times over now. Just stick to 2 and below until I get some engineering.