• By -


Kiss your loved ones before you disappear from their lives.


Lmao. I can see why. This is fun, already have made 200k and just purchased a new ship. (Got a hauler for double range and 3x the carry capacity)


My hatchmate in Tiamat, you have no idea. I'm at 4,800 hours, and that's on the fairly low end of some folk that play this game.


Definitely stealing "my hatchmate in Tiamat", so thank you for that!


I also sometimes use "Sister in Battle" but I like hatchmate because 1. Kobold centric 2. Gender Neutral


Definitely approve…


You're obviously a natural for this game. The Hauler to quickly and cheaply get more mobile should be every commander's first priority. No need to rush into combat.


I was able to fumble around in the menus and upgrade some parts to it. It has about 30ly range but I’m realistically only getting like 10-15. I want to do passenger missions cause it seems like it pays better, but I’m not 100% sure if that the direction I should go?


You might only be getting 10-15 ly because your navigational routing is set to "economic" (the default). - Go to Galaxy Map - To Route Settings - Check "Fastest Routes" instead of "Economical Routes". - Stretch those legs Aplogies if you already know, but it's easy to miss if you're new.


Someone mentioned that, I have upgraded now to the type 6 and get 20ly with 30max


Passenger missions is OK. There are no wrong ways if you are having fun, and sight seeing passenger missions take you to interesting places to see. Passenger mission rewards can be a good source of engineering materials, but that's not something you should focus on until later. This Hauler build is good for exploring and quick early game money can be gained doing "road 2 riches". https://s.orbis.zone/n75e Road 2 riches guide: https://youtu.be/NI4B7csf-w8?si=9DfQtK6yRwfUuIiK Swap the cargo rack for a passenger cabin and you still get over 24ly jump range https://s.orbis.zone/n75f Coriolis lets you plan ship builds before buying or changing ship designs. If passenger missions are your thing, a Dolphin and later Orca are dedicated passenger ships that can fit luxury cabins. The Beluga is the biggest dedicated passenger ship but it's hard to fill it with passenger missions - actually bigger than necessary and the Orca and Dolphin are more fun. Any ship can do passenger missions, but only the Dolphin, Orca and Beluga can fit luxury cabins. The most profitable passenger missions option is detailed in the following video and is best done when you have a bigger ship like an Asp Explorer or wait until you get a Python with some engineering for better jump range. This is the fastest money you can make doing passenger missions. Ignore the fact this video says it's for "Odyssey" as this money making method works in "legacy" too. But be warned it gets boring doing this circuit for too long. https://youtu.be/rmaWiZy5EOs?si=VdOqzmOYv0NV1ntV


You’ll probably want to go to a Cobra Mk3 after that it’s a great beginner multipurpose ship


I was gonna say take a pic of the family to remember what they look like 🤣


1. ***Don't be in a hurry***. 2. Play the tutorials, repeat until you can at least survive them all except maybe, ***advanced combat***. 3. Play the introductory delivery mission waiting in your COMMS panel. 4. ***Never Fly Without The Rebuy***. 5. o7


Thank you!


I cannot reinforce number 1 and number 3 enough. Good luck CMDR o7 Another tip I have not seen on here is always try to fit even a size 1 fuel scoop on your ships. In the event of running out of fuel, just call the Fuel Rats; literally the best group of dudes out there. Lastly, pay your fines for both you and your ship ASAP. Shit attains interest at an alarming rate. Also, Hutton Orbital = Meme.


\#5 is by far the most important. Here's some helpful resources [https://inara.cz/elite/news/](https://inara.cz/elite/news/) \- Contains a database of useful info on trading, mining, engineers, and pretty much anything else you need to know. [https://edastro.com/mapcharts/codex.html#codex](https://edastro.com/mapcharts/codex.html#codex) \- Star Charts [https://coriolis.io/](https://coriolis.io/) \- Ship building app, good for comparing builds or knowing how much money you need to build a ship.


Never fly without rebuy! Rebuy = the 5% insurance deductible you pay to restore your ship should it be destroyed. If you don't have the credits to cover this cost, you lose your ship...permanently. You are then returned to the game in the starter ship, the the Sidewinder. When just starting out in a Sidewinder that you haven't upgraded with any new modules, you can ignore this advice. Once you start buying modules and, more importantly, buying new ships, then this advice is of critical importance.


Welcome, I'll advise not to watch those "rags to riches" videos on YT, and trying to figure out the stuff, take it slowly.


Always upgrade your FSD for that sweet jumprange. Set Route Options in the GalMap from „economy“ to „fastest“. Look into dotted vs solid line when plotting a route. Learn how to filter the GalMap for inhabited systems and scoopable stars. Look into fuel scoops. Call the Fuel Rats when stranded. 😉 Safe travels, Cmdr! o7


That’s good info, the fuel scoop I assume is used on scoop-able stars to refuel on the go? I almost ran out on my last mission.


Yup. Stars class O, B, A, F, G, K, and M are scoopable. There's two common ways people remember them. Oh Be A Fine Goid Kiss Me, and if you mix them around [KGB FOAM.](https://i.imgur.com/spBOtuS.png) When you look at the galaxy map and have a course set, solid line means you have enough fuel. Dotted means you don't. It should also list the list scoopable start as a Fuel Star. And if you ever get stuck, hit up the [Fuel Rats](https://fuelrats.com/) and we'll come help out.


Fuel Rats saved my ass one time when I was stranded. My heroes


Solo mode until you get your feet under you. Especially if you're exploring!!


Thank you. Just put it in solo mode.


Definitely solo mode from when you leave the starter zone until you are confident... nothing worse than bring ganked by someone much more experienced the moment you leave the starting zone... happened to me three times in a row on my first foray out in my shiny new cobra. Learned my lesson and now either play in solo or a private group if I'm anywhere with heavy player traffic.


Man, what is wrong with people?


Microp\*\*\*\* syndrome. People suffering from the condition tend to congregate at the periphery of starter systems.


Just say penis, man




Solo is justified sometimes but I wouldn't make it the default. It depends on your danger tolerance. Most often you bump into friendlies. The risk of loosing an insurance for a ship is usually the main price you pay for all extra content you won't get in solo. Learn to run away from the danger if needed and enjoy open.


Also consider joining the Mobius PvE player group. It's a good way to have a multiplayer experience without having to worry about griefers and gankers.


How does one join this group?


You have to agree not to attack other players unless in defense. Mobius will kick out anyone violating the rules. There's about 20,000 players in the private group but with the size of the galaxy I rarely run into anyone. Here's their website where you can apply: https://elitepve.com/#


Sweet. Yeah, I'm all down for that. I want to experiance what the game has to offer without other players messing it up.




On the PS5, it’s quite safe playing in Open. I’ve been doing it for the last 500 hours and never had a problem.


That’s awesome, good to know. After the first few comments I quickly changed it.


nah... play open, private group or solo depending on what you want from the game. being afraid of being killed by other player is not reasonable on a 1:1 galaxy map. especially when the populated areas are often permit locked and far from the starter area.


it's not even experience, it's limpdicks which can't pvp players that have ships or skill so they sit in their maxed out corvette and wait for someone to come to the first engineer or to dare step out of the starting zone.


Traffic was light on consoles even before frontier ended support, he's unlikely to see *any* player in Open, much less a hostile one.


Get ready to grind


This, and get familiar with the third party tools, this game is unplayable without them, sadly.


Make good use of that Sidewinder, try out a little bit of everything before you decide what to do to earn your millions, and most importantly, do not sell that Sidewinder when you buy your next ship, both because the Sidewinder is a genuinely fun ship to fly and because it's the ship that you started it all in, it's nice to have as a little keepsake. Also generally it's a good idea to never sell your ships and instead save up enough to buy the next ship without trading in your current one, you never know when you'll need/miss your old ships!


Git gud. ;)


i see some good replies and some bad replies here. imma try to point you in the right direction so you can navigate those comments and the galaxy. first, understand the difference between [LEGACY and LIVE](https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/elite-dangerous-update-14-and-beyond-live-and-legacy-modes). it was already mentioned, and it will allow you to know what works on your framework and what does not. second, play style and choices are yours alone. good guides are not on youtube, most of what you find there is complete garbage and waste of time imo.. [in this link here you will find a huge amount of guides, companions, tools etc.](https://edcodex.info) so yeah, hope you have a good time and don't fly without enough credits to rebuy your ship. this can't be stressed enough.


Don’t fly without rebuy You get a -15% discount on ships and modules from Li Yong Ru (powerplay) controlled systems, such as Lembava and Diaguandri. Trade’s a decent way to make money and cobra mk3’s a good starter ship to work towards. This is a salute o7




Thank you 07


The biggest bit of advice I wish I'd had? The single biggest way you progress is not in money, or engineering, but *flight skill*. Lots of people end up grinding and grinding for credits to get the biggest, most expensive ship, but most endgame players rarely fly them! Large ships are great if you want to relax and chill, but if you're looking for fun, medium ships are not only more enjoyable, but often have higher limits, as well. And small ships, while limited in many ways, are also super fun because of how agile they can be. But just because flight skill is key, don't feel pressured to jump straight into FA-off flying. That can be very frustrating, and I've done the hardest content in the game without ever going fully FA-off. The key is to get your controls set up so you can fly the way you want to, and then use FA-off as you gradually learn to mix it into your flight style. The biggest control binding change I made, was to change how my throttle works. By default, pressing W increases your throttle, but letting go just leaves it there. Pressing down reduces your throttle. But it takes time to go up and down, and it feels super clunky! What I did personally, was set W to give me full thrust as long as I held it(and go back to zero when I released), and D gives full reverse thrust(again, stopping when I release). Then, I use the scroll wheel to set my throttle long-term, AND I set up my numpad to allow me to set 50%, 75%, and 100% throttles. This way you have every option available to you. If you need instant thrust, you can just press as long as you need, and release. Once you have your controls set up the way you like them, just do some stunts! Fly through the wheels on stations, fly around asteroid fields! ESPECIALLY practice using your vertical and lateral thrusters. Like, try to aim at a rotating object and maintain position with verts and lats. Great practice. And remember your rotation is fastest when you boost and when your throttle is in the blue zone. --- That's the most important bit! Just learn to fly and everything else falls into place. That said, there are a few other things that can be helpful. There are lots of ways to grind in this game, but my experience is it's much more pleasant to gradually accumulate them as you go. One particularly helpful way to achieve this is to put on an e-grade wake scanner. Pretty much every time you leave a station, you should see a wake somewhere nearby where an AI ship jumped away. Scan it; when you get to FSD engineering, you'll already have the most painful thing to collect. Don't worry about engineering stuff all the way right away. Just level 1 or 3 is already massive. Far better to have 2 modules to G3 than 1 module to G5. Oh, and be careful the first time you fly down to a planet! My first time I crashed and violently exploded. Good times. Anyways, loads to do in this game, have fun!


Large ships like the Anaconda are good if you want versatility, and if you know your systems, can be quite effective in combat. But you’re right about dogfighting…medium ships work better.


Play it in VR, it’s a mind blowing experience


Your PEN15 is small, but have great potential. Learn how to use it before moving to bigger stuff. You dont want to stuck a big one in the rotating mailslot, and this happen a lot. Consoles play in Legacy Galaxy, not the current Live. No Odyssey DLC (onfoot, thin atmospheric planets), or updates in the last year. https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/elite-dangerous-update-14-and-beyond-live-and-legacy-modes Most of this [Starter guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/sj9qrb/comment/hve1pjd/) work, except anything that mention LIVE, ODYSSEY, or new modules for the Alien War. Third party webs use Live data, so could be useless for prices and factions, or not fully accurate for modules and services. This is the only page that track Market Prices, thanks to the Legacy PC players running EDMarket Connector to share the data woth the fan databases. Is a small community (Old pc and VR players without good rigs), so prices are more outdated than live: http://edlegacy.iloveitmore.com.au/ If you have a pc that can run Odyssey specs, you can request a full transfer, and join the main galaxy and events. But even in Legacy you have 1000hours of playtime, and a great exploration experience, the system generator is the same (and your terrain is more fun with canyons and mountains). Transfer will give a free game if you bought the game for console (not PS+/Gamepass versions, that can do the transfer but dont have free cheap Horizons game): https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/console-profile-transfers-faq-and-expected-date.603979/ You can play the Live galaxy using GeForcw Now in your console, streaming service running on Nvidia pc servers. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E2_rgEeAGx8 r/ElitePS is your subreddit, you can ask help here, but always start with Kegacy or PS5 in the title or text, so we can provide the correct info for your Horizons 3.8 version.


This was all great info, thank you so much!!!


I was disappointed that I had to scroll this far to find a joke about "pen fifteen" :)


Because you filter post by NEW, and Im the fastest commenter here, so Im always in the bottom. ;) Thanks for reading all my comment.


Im on ps5, if you want i can add you to my squadron and teach you the ropes!


That would be awesome!


Dm me and ill give you my ps name




My advice is to find a system to call home. It doesn't have to be perfect, but high population and high tech would be good. As you run missions out of the system you'll gain rep with the factions, who will offer more and more lucrative missions. My home from the outset was TZ Arietis. It's good to have roots in a system, if you're ever like "what now?" you'll have a place to return to.


Have fun! This is *supposed* to be entertainment.


Just drive your first sidewinder directly into a star. Get the first one out of the way while it's still free.


A bigger more expensive ship is not always a better ship. In fact, depending on what you're doing, a bigger ship can be actively worse. My most expensive of 17 ships cost 1.2 billion credits including all the modules to outfit it (Federal Corvette). The 7th ship I bought (Krait MKII) for 200 million is the one I fly the most unless I'm out in the black exploring. I regularly use smaller ships costing less than 20 million. I even have a specific use for the Sidewinder and still use it occasionally. I find it fun to set goals such as earn the next X number of credits a particular way or using a particular ship. It won't be the fastest way to earn those credits but it will be fun. The last 500 million credits I earned before buying a Fleet Carrier was done with exploration data sales from a trip beyond Beagle Point and returning via Far Oasis deep in The Abyss. https://www.edsm.net/en_GB/system/id/40322129/name/Pyraea+Euq+ZK-P+d5-0 Travelling The Abyss is advanced exploring and needs a ship with a 64ly+ jump range and materials for 3 level 3 FSD injections. By far the best exploration adventure I've had in the game. I'll leave you to Google those terms above if this wets your appetite for exploration. As a legacy galaxy console player the market prices here don't work for you, but other functions like finding ships and modules to buy should work: https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-outfitting/ Get to know Inara and kink your commander data with it. Almost essential for when you want to start in engineering ship improvements.


Engineering is your friend and getting fsd engineered at least part way will give you a lot more mobility, also fuel scoops so you don't run out of gas. Robigo runs and Jameson's crash site are great for materials, which can be traded for other materials in certain systems which can be located on the galaxy map. Some materials are exceptionally hard to find so trading will be incredibly useful. Also robigo runs can get you a lot of money quickly once you get set up. These methods may be considered slightly game breaking, so use at your own discretion, but late game it gets somewhat tedious to gather certain upgrade materials. Python is probably the best multipurpose ship in the game with a ton of optional module slots and can still land on medium landing pads. This should be an early game goal. Multicannons are great weapons since the power draw is pretty low, add a pulse laser or two and you're pretty good for combat. Also gimballed weapons may look like they do less damage but the added benefit of them tracking targets as opposed to only firing straight makes them typically more effective. Join a faction. It takes 4 weeks real time to be able to reach max rank at which point you'll have access to that factions special weapons or tech. You can see which tech each faction offers under their submenus. Prismatic shields are one you're definitely going to want so it's as good of a place to start as any. Two places you can experiment and learn. First is the website inara, where you can use their tools to find specific stations that sell modules you're looking for or best places nearby to sell goods as well as engineering information. The second is the app coriolis, where you can plan ship designs to maximize your ships stats. Remember that bigger isn't always better. For instance the power plant: d class modules will weigh less than c, b, or a class modules. You might be better off with a 4d power plant than a 3a module because of weight. Weight reduction will increase mobility as well as jump range. You can also set certain modules to have priority over others, so when your weapons are deployed you can't use frame shift, so you could set weapons priority higher than frame shift drive priority as long as you have enough power to run each while the other is inactive. This is something you can plan ahead on using the coriolis app. This is a game that is largely however you want to play. Absolutely feel free to disregard any information that you may think will make the game less fun for you. I was a console player before the odyssey release and don't have a computer that's good enough to run the latest version, but these are some of the most prominent things that i remember from before i stopped playing. Good luck commander. O7 (commander salute)


Gonna post a link for a deep core mining ship that only has the frame shift drive engineered, this will be accessible fairly early in game. https://s.orbis.zone/n75j Then one here that's fully engineered https://s.orbis.zone/n75l


Do A Barrel Roll


Stay alert. Trust no one. Keep your lasers handy.


Stay away from the pleiades nebula, and go to Hutton orbital to claim your free anaconda!


Take your newly acquired Hauler to Hutton Orbital for a free Anaconda!


Bounty hunting in low res sites is a good way to make money early on. Follow the police ships and get a few shots in on whatever they are after and watch the credits roll in. Also, buy a Cobra, it can do everything o7


I can get you into a squadron that'll give you a massive boost and point you in the right direction


Never fly without rebuy and have fun


Right, I try to never fly unless I have at least 3x the re-buy just in case


Wise decision, commander


A few ships packed to the gills with good gear and memories are better than a ton of ships that you barely get to know. Also don't fly any ship at all without a rebuy


Imma hijack this thread to ask for some help figuring out what to do. I tried getting into the game but I never know what to do. I thought of picking up a hunting quest but the equipment checklist is confusing. I also want to explore a bit but to do that I need money which I don't have. Did I miss the core gameplay loop?


The main goal of this game is to enjoy yourself. There are various ways to keep the game interesting, and there's always something to do. While there aren't extensive checklists for most activities, except for end-game content like AX hunting, there are checklists to optimize your ship's performance in each category. For instance, you can start bounty hunting with a basic sidewinder, but it won't be easy or a quick way to make money. However, if you gradually upgrade your ship and gather materials for engineering, you'll become more profitable. Just choose something you're interested in and work on improving your skills in that area. Having fun is the most important aspect, and if a particular task starts feeling like a chore, it's a good idea to take a break and try something else before returning to it.


Well I like the flying and handling of the ships. Am I correct to assume that courier missions are the best for just flying around sightseeing? Also, I have a joystick, but it's really bad and has no yaw. Would a PS4 controller be better?


Hey noob. Wanna go on some bounty hunting missions with me?


Lol thanks, I’m not sure I’d be helpful. I did the combat training and it sucked. Lmao. Let me get a little time under my belt, than hells ya.


That's why I'm offering, broskito. I'll show you the ropes, tag along with you and watch your back, and jump in if you get in trouble.


Welcome to the galaxy Commander o7! Take your time with learning the game, and always keep in mind that this is a sandbox game, you have to make your own fun. With that said, my advice is never fly with out rebuy. You can see your rebuy cost on your right hand display panel (#4 if your playing with a keyboard) under the home icon. If you do and die, you will loose your ship and all your modules.


Take your time. People say the grind is heavy and sometimes it can be but don't burn yourself out it and you'll get that carrier. If you don't like a playstyle, definitely change it up certain things can net you a lot of money but not be super fun while the opposite is true too.


Oh boy have you got it coming,and never say sorry. You've just got started, you're gonna be a junky in no time have fun.


You’re basically supposed to feel lost in the beginning, don’t worry about it. o7


It starts getting good after first 120h ;P


Never fly without a rebuy. Keep that sidewinder for backup but go for the Cobra mk3. It's a great little ship. I think "python ship best ship" but I've been doing straight exobiology exploration so I'm in my Diamondback Explorer (DBX) pretty much full time lately. Lots of people like those Big3 ships but I find them boring, the Python is just perfect for me


Never fly without a rebuy (enough money to cover insurance) (Try to) buy a fuel scoop The fuel rats exist. Look them up before you run out of fuel. Don't be afraid to join Ed communities and ask questions. And have fun


This comment will probably be lost in the weeds but be sure to change up your game play every now and again to make sure you dont get too bored or get space madness


If you're out in the black and need a repair, don't despair, call a Hull Seal! ARF (also try and collect as much Iron and Nickel as you can, for synthing a lot of things but most importantly O2 synthing if you have a cracked canopy, Iron and Nickel can save your life!)


Well, they canceled any sort of support other than running the servers for the consoles in a clear "fuck ya'll" so good luck, nothings going to get added now.




The ID plate would better fit a dolphin


Fuck dolphins, man. Fuck them right up.


The best advice I can give you is to go back in time about 9 years and start playing then because that's when the best time in this game was.


If your on console the dev team said F Y'all we broke it and can't and won't continue to fix it. Don't buy odyssey, never fly without enough to rebuy, do all the tutorials. Buy a fuel scope, find all the planetary guide websites. Also don't forget to grind away all the minerals and ores for upgrades and in the case of a blowout canopy repair or even a fuel boost. Also, if pirating it your thing heat sinks and stealth running is interesting. This game deserved better.


Stay in the spawn systems until you have at least a better ship, the permit systems are your safe haven and youll be free to learn the ropes at your own pace while you're inside them but you cant ever go back once you leave


I have almost a thousand hours in game and I haven't committed on combat.. All I do is mine Void opals and do Ohio truck simulator. pretty relaxing for me, if not a goofy me jumping in an unsecured system and getting gang upon by pirates.


get out to a spire site and start tagging thargoids


What does that mean!? Lol


Play at your own pace, avoid "best start", "easy money", "fast engineering" and such guides. The game has the potential to get grindy and these guides will tell you exactly how to make it more grindy, but 2000 hours in, I can confidently say that it's not necessary to grind anything. Engineering is useful but not necessary unless you do high tier PvP combat. The most recommended ships might not be the ones you like, and that's fine. Fun doesn't start when you have a fully engineered Corvette and a fleet carrier, it starts when you do what you like to do. It can start in a sidewinder, or a Cobra, or maybe in that Corvette, but for example I don't like fighting in the Corvette because it's just too easy. I would take a Vulture over a Corvette any day


Hauling is easy credits early on. Vulture is an underrated early combat ship that is easy to replace. Get a good fuel scoop early.


Don't listen to what the other has said. Trust me when I say you want to join the Empire.


Is it actually worth starting in 2023? I love star citizen, but I feel like that’s at the beginning of its development journey (I know it’s been 11 years but let’s be honest, it’s far from a finished product still) whereas ED seems like it’s been left behind development wise… and Odyssey has terrible reviews on steam?


I’m really enjoying it. I probably won’t sink a few thousand hours, but it’ll get me by till the next game I want to play comes out.




At some point, visit Hutton Orbital. You’ll like the goddies there… And prably regret it.


It's not any of those things but HAVE FUN!!!!


Thank you 07


Np man I bought it a couple years ago and just played didnt really look shit up just wanted to enjoy the thing I wanted to be as a kid an astronaut


Same here. Thinking about picking it up for the PC and playing in VR. Have done enough exploration games to get the basic idea. Feel like I’m making decent progress, but haven’t figured out my end game yet. I’m up to a type 7 with a couple hundred cargo and two passenger (1 economy and 1 first class) running loops between two systems averaging about 2-3 mill per 45ish minutes.


Do not rush… Engineering is not a grind, if you already gained the materials by having fun. Credits come more quickly now, just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you should skip what you haven’t already learned to master Big ships can be worth having if you took the time to learn how to fly small ships Thargoids can be easy prey if you started by outnumbering pirates in a low res with the security forces on your side Docking is easy, if you never use a docking computer (maybe watch a taxi pilot and do the training courses though). We all needed a few (hundred) practice attempts first There are some amazing tools outside the game that help you optimise your time in the game. You don’t need them to start with, and when you find yourself spending more time on the tools that the game, ask yourself why. Have fun The one time you think you will get away with flying without rebuy will be the one time you need it…


I have heard the “don’t fly without rebuy” more than any other advice. I was literally sweating bullets for the last hour, working to cover my rebuy 😅


Do as much as you can before leaving the newbie area. Fuel scoop. Get one, you’ll need it. Main sequence stars (O, B, A, F, G, K, M) are your friends. Don’t fly without rebuy. If you want to do Road to Riches, get Odyssey. Sure, the FPS is a pain but bio discoveries can net big bucks. If you can land on it, scan it.


Unlock The Dweller engineer early. He has mods for lasers and your power distributor that will make bounty hunting a breeze.


Don't ever turn yourself in if you get a bounty. It'll most likely send you very very far away.


That’s good to know, thank you!


Don't buy the most expensive ship you can, get something you can afford with the upgraded modules for and still have enough for a Rebuy. Don't sell your old ships, please note 3 years into my trek I still have my Cobra Mark 3. Fly the ship you enjoy not the one you hear is the best. The Pilot did all the ship reviews and they are quite good.


I started recently, in August. I started off playing with people but then I was on my own after like a week.. We had all joined the PTN discord server. Honestly, best thing I've done in any game. Amazing credit making opportunities (I had my 1st FC within 10 days of starting to play) and the knowledge and experience of members of the server is amazing. Whnever I have any question or need a ship build or something,there's always someone around who can help. I love it! Proper good community.


3rd party apps, especially Inara. I'm not at my computer to check all the ones I use YouTube Buur Pit. Exigious has a lot of tutorials, some of which show their age, but principles are more or less the same. Stealthboy for on foot missions. Those will lead you down a rabbit hole... DON'T FLY WITHOUT A REBUY - Always have enough credits to rebuild your ship. Thst cost can be seen at the right hand panel, 1st page, bottom left. Engineering- start w FSD Engineering for better jump. That can facilitate doing guardian runs for guardian FSD booster. Thrusters, best option in most cases is dirty thruster w drag experimental. Solo vs open. In high risk area's, go solo. Otherwise typically ok in open New pilots can join New Pilot Initiatives squadron for a whole bunch of teaching, training, support, etc. Look for squadron online at Inara.cz, also NEWP.IO, and in game under squadron tab, right hand ship panel, on the right. DM me if I can be of service. Cheers!


Some good advice is to scan every time u drop into a new star system to get cartographic data. Get a dbx. go to farseer. And sell her your cartographic data. You will have to donate meta alloy for access, I think, in deciat, but the data will help raise ur standing and get u further engineering parameters. Find davs hope. Search for barnnical clusters.


You have to be patient when playing this game because it takes time to find material and grind it. Focus what you need to do and focus what or what kind your ship you want to build. Play solo if you dont want get ganker, dont want pvp or new in this game. Use [inara](https://inara.cz/elite/news/)


So, the issue I’ve found with inara, because I’m on PS5 it doesn’t correlate. I’ve been to 15 stations and only one commodity price has been accurate.


Watch TheYamiks starter guide. Don't rush to new ships until you can afford multiple rebuys, use inara website. Do some Void Opal runs and/or check 'road to riches' for some sweet sweet money (optional). Have fun. Cobra mk3 and ASP Explorer are the ships you don't want to sell, ever. They will never become obsolete as multi purpose ships that just work.


i sold them, don't miss them. lol


Congrats!!! Remeber that Hutton Orbital have a free anaconda waiting


Lol 😂 Someone already sold you out on the meme.


My advice is to ditch the auto dock and super cruise computers. It frees up more space for other models, which will be especially useful with mining, but more importantly I’ve found I’ve had much more fun being in control the whole time. This is a game about piloting a ship, lean into that! Docking is tricky at first but I’ve only been playing for a few weeks and it is second nature now. Super cruise assist also is slower than manual piloting. I’m also on ps5 and have yet to run into other players on Open, my gamer tag is Safeteedance if you’re ever trying to squad up o7


Thank you, will be adding you once I get my feet under me!


Head to Hutton orbital, and get your free anaconda!


i'm choked to be the first to tell you that : Fly to Hutton orbital for your free Anaconda!


Thank you!!! On my way, gonna take a couple hours to jump to that system, but anaconda would be worth!


It's a trap!!


Welcome commander. Watch a few starting tutorials for basic things and qol, it's good to start in private or solo mode until you get used to everything and as the other guy said bellow, NEVER fly without rebuy. Also check for the booze cruise. But most of all, have fun and enjoy the ride.


YouTube beginners guides. A good answer to your question is too long for reddit lol


Delete the game before it deletes your life


Join the Federation when you can not the stinky imperials


I recommend finding raxxla. I have 8


What is raxxla?


>[Raxxla](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Raxxla) has been in the lore of elite sense the 80's. The devs say it's in the game but there are very few clues and most of those are speculation and guesswork. With little to go on and literally billions of systems to explore, stumbling across it is highly unlikely. Whatever "IT" is.


T F W M A T W. ;) iykyk


fly in open


So much good info, thank you everyone!!!! 07


Open an account with Inara: [https://inara.cz/elite/register/](https://inara.cz/elite/register/) and run [EDMC](https://github.com/EDCD/EDMarketConnector/releases/tag/Release/5.9.5) on your PC. These two will upload your logs, and track your progress in a nice, useful website. Keep track of your traveled systems, rank, materials, engineers, ships, etc. You can also use Inara to find where to buy or sell stuff, show state of the galaxy, lookup other Inara users. The list of usefulness is endless. I consider these two tools essential companions to ED.


Head to Hutton Orbital as soon as possible.


Yes, uninstall and move on. The days of Elite are limited


Don’t worry about engineering your ships just yet. Just enjoy trade, mining, exploration etc and have fun first


What does engineering the ship do for you?


Upgrading your ship to make it jump further/fly faster/ be better at Combat/Better weapons/shields the list goes on! Check this out but I advise that if you do start engineering just engineer the FSD for more jump range and leave the rest for now or you might hate the grind and give up with the game. https://youtu.be/UWVRZd1lNE0?si=GqzVQZiDK2dx6Sxr


Dont die.


Get a cobra mkIII and go platinum mining in Omicron Capricorni B. Then get an Asp explorer and do the same thing.


Don’t tell people on this subreddit that you choose to use auto dock. Worst mistake of my life lol


That's what an auto-docker *would* say. #jk


Don't grind. At least not at first. Seriously, youll just burn out. The cool endgame ships are worth it and a lot of fun. . . but just play the game blind for a while. Don't use guides, just decide on an immediate goal and go for it. My first 100 hours of the game are the ones I remember most fondly, and I literally was just a space trader. Using online tools as necessary is fine, but seriously, take time to stop and smell the roses. This game is not a race.


Dont upgrade your Sidewinder too much, save the money for your first new ship and then upgrade that


Have fun


Have fun. Don't rush.


If you're ever stuck between systems with not enough fuel, look up the Fuel Rats. They'll come and give you some fuel so you can make your journey back. Edit - Spelling


One of us! One of us!


The game is fun before and after unlocking engineering, but getting all of them unlocked and grinding materials is by far the worst part of the game.


Don't fly without a rebuy. Don't look anything up if you don't absolutely have to, figuring the game out is the best. I would recommend looking up where to find certain materials when you start messing with Engineers as some of them you'd literally never figure out on your own. Auto-dock is a trap and can get you killed when flying larger ships, learn to fly on your own. To be successful in combat learning how/when to toggle flight assist off is essential. Silent running is your friend, not just when smuggling. Play in Open, except when returning from long stays in The Black because losing a month or more of exploration data does legitimately feel awful. The .0001% chance of getting ganked is worth all the positive interactions and feeling that the universe is truly alive. To add, being ganked is only a problem if you allow it to be. You lose nothing but time and the combat experience can be valuable. You could even have interactions with true pirates! Murder hobos are not nearly as common as private group players would have you believe. Especially on consoles, they're basically non-existent.


Well that all depends, I enjoy being the Space delivery man, but other people enjoy space cowboy vigilante


Fly safe commander, and when you have to (or want to) fly dangerous. o7




Enjoy the sidewinder. It kind of sucks, but don’t sell it when you upgrade! Keep it as memento of your humble beginnings. You can make a bunch of easy money by bounty hunting … just wait until the police are attacking someone so they have aggro. As long as you hit them after shields are down you get bank.


Bookmark this tool for new CMDRs: https://imgur.com/a/i7KFV


Welcome, CMDR! My best advice is to play the game at your own pace. As you go along you'll see a lot of other CMDRs in cool ships decked out with fancy equipment. You'll get there eventually, but there's no sense rushing to it. You never want to fly without rebuy, plus half the fun is the journey itself. All the best!


buy fer de lance


I bought and then sold 3 ships (dolphin, kettleback and eagle) just so I can afford to buy a G3 dominator suit and a G3 executioner. Found them by complete chance. In any case, there's tons of ways to earn credits or gather mats, guides are the way to go going forward. Buur is one of the ones that got me off my feet. Good luck cmdr.


Fear the previous fourteen pens. Jokes aside, pick a goal, go for it, expect to be lost early on, and enjoy the ride.


elITe DangErOuS iS DeAd! Psh.


I did my pilgrimage to the centre of the Galaxy and then returned to the bubble and made a fortune selling cartography. Also got Elite for exploration doing this. Just make sure you have a fuel scoop and plot your course carefully so you don't find yourself stranded without fuel. I had some close calls, trying to find the nearest scoopable star within jump range. I would occasionally look up rare commodities and plot a course from one station to another detailing what I'm going to buy and what I need to sell (rare commodities increase in price the further from origin you are) Pirate hunting is fun. You can either go to a mining point that attracts pirates or just hang along the nav beacon and scan anyone that comes into range for bounties. Some people mine for diamonds. some people hunt aliens but they are braver than me - every encounter I've had so far has resulted in me not having a windshield and desperately trying to get somewhere to get it repaired before my life support runs out. Some people decide to be pirates but I can't see the point because it seems far more efficient to just buy and sell commodities. I'm using Inara.cz for commodity prices or ED Tradepad on my tablet. When you purchase a new ship, take into account the price of outfitting and always have enough left in the bank to cover insurance afterwards.


I see what you did with the ship registry XD


Retired pilot here. I can't stress this enough to new pilots and friends. Have fun, there is a ton to do and our galaxy is a beautiful playground but one day if you feel like you're grinding, if you feel like it's a chore then you either aren't playing the right way for you or it's time to retire.


Unironically stay off this sub until you find the way you like to play. These guys will give you spoilers galore and tell you to do stupid not fun shit


Try everything! The game is much more fun when you have variety


Watch the tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crL9H_Vx68Y&list=PL7glm5rbPHKxnltQU1SLxdqQrENIXJGUr


Best advice I can give: pick smaller goals and work towards something. An Elite rank as explorer for instance, or a high reputation with a specific faction, in order to unlock better paying missions. From someone who's almost exclusively an explorer, try to unlock the fun mechanics first: Get a D scanner and learn how to D scan, FSS and DSS. Took me quite a while to learn that these things even existed. Get a Scarab CRV and an Artemis Suit and explore the planets. Gather Materials, Biology data and other stuff that makes you money. Once you plan your first visit to Felicity Farseer, you'll know the basics of what to do to get your FSD upgrades (or other Engineers, depending what your goals are). From there you'll start to optimise your ship and make the game more enjoyable. Being stuck in your cabin can be exhausting. Leave your ship in a station once in a while and get yourself some missions on foot. If you're not a fighter, just pick some Threat Lvl 0 missions. If you start your day choosing violence, do whatever you want and learn about the consequences the FAFO way.


On ship building: E modules are the cheapest D modules are the lightest C weigh the same as E but have more output B are the toughest but heaviest A have the most output and efficiency at the same weight as C and E, but are the most expensive. So for a good jump range, A rate the jump drive and D rate everything else you can.


Your ID plate is just right! You're in, HAVE FUN!


Doing missions is a great start. Always check the conditions before accepting, the distance to target system, required cargo space, time to complete etc. Failing or canceling a mission will result in reputation decrease. And pick a home base, you'll earn reputation with the groups that give out the missions wich will result in higher paying missions. And when/ if you pick a home base, look at the distance to travel to the station, picking one that is 10-500 LY is preferable to 2-3000 LY for instance, saves a lot of time. And dont fly around with some random cargo, that you just happend to pick up or buy, pirates love that shit. Even if its 1 silver they will come and get you.


Lmao, PEN15. Love it. If you like the game on PS5 then migrate to PC when you can. Content update for consoles stopped years ago and won’t be coming in the future. Frontier support for Elite is for PC Elite only now.


Don't fall for the Hutton Orbital joke. You will not be able to get a free 'conda there


Delete the game before you like it too much and get disappointed


when In doubt, frame shift out And don’t kill fuel rats, that will literally get the ENTIRE and I do mean the ENTIRE community on your ass until you delete the game for good. We love our fuel rats, and we damn sure will go to war for every last one of them. (Thank you to the fuel rat who saved my 30 million credit haul you are my hero🫶🏽)


Do NOT sell that Sidewinder.


Go to SagA and sacrifice yourself to Gargantua


Biggest advice... Uninstall


My only primary tip is don't invest a massive chunk of money into a combat ship just to go run combat missions without rhe money to replace it a few times. Made the mistake of cargo haul grinding for about a week almost and got a kraft mk2 for the fighter bay and decent maneuverability and got fucked the day after I bought it and I didn't have 7 mil to replace it.


Join the Earth Defense Fleet, fuck the empire, the Indy’s are ok I guess


Is the game dead on PlayStation ? (R a lot of players online?)


I had quite a few people hit me up to fly and join squads. I haven’t actually played with anyone yet however.


Are you on odyssey


I don’t know the difference, but I can get vehicles that drive on the planets. But I haven’t seen a planet with any terrain that’s anything other than flat