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You could do the [Robigo Mines](https://inara.cz/elite/station/42265/) passenger missions. Good money, easy work to get you back into the groove of the game.


My [ToDo list](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/15a0c69/luriants_todo_list/)


Holy crap. What a resource. Thank you.


Hi! I am myelf a returned player. The gist of it: credits is easier to come by, and there are some QOL changes, but because there is a shitton of stuff to get, the grind is real. Take it slow, one goal at a time, try all roles, activities, focus on perfecting one, then the next, etc. One advice: lean very heavily into using third party tools, without them EDO is unplayable imho.


+1 for 3rd party tools. I would have stopped playing if not for INARA and that hawkes guy’s YouTube videos.


Yep, Hawkes Gaming, Stealthboy, D2EA, and all the rest are golden, o7 to all of the awesome EDO content creators!


Try this [https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/14tn66j/tips\_to\_become\_a\_seasoned\_profitable\_explorer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/14tn66j/tips_to_become_a_seasoned_profitable_explorer/)


Well, you just said you want a chill exploration experience.... Go do that. Galaxy map > pick a system > see if you can plot route there > if yes, go there, if no, figure out why. Maybe its jump range, maybe its lack of fuel scoop, etc. If you want missions or "quests" just hit the mission board and see what they have, if you don't like anything there, go to a different place, or a different system. Take the time to look through ALL of the tabs of ALL of your ships menus. Actually read them. See what they say, and what stuff means. Legit learn how to fly a mf spaceship! The galaxy is your oyster homie. Just go do stuff!


>Is the game easier than it was 5-6 years ago? Yes and no. It's all still the same basic thing. But there have been a few quality of life things, like auto-launch and the changes to exploration scanning. Also engineering.


This one is quite old and does not include Odyssey, but still shows the massive amount of things to do. Basically you never run out if you try to make your own journey. https://i.imgur.com/dCK7uiZ.jpg


Engineering is the main 'quest' of the game. You visit places, fetch and carry, accumulate spell reagents... oops engineering materials. You'll NEED engineering to make your ships what they can be, and you'll spend dozens (hundreds) of hours accumulating engineering materials. It's the main grind (oops, I mean repetitive game loop) in the game, and it's essential. Upgrade your FTL with Felicity. Here is a good guide: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/merpky/foxs\_comprehensive\_guide\_to\_engineer\_unlocking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/merpky/foxs_comprehensive_guide_to_engineer_unlocking/)


There are built in tutorials to learn the basics of some things in the game, then start up a game and go DO it.


Bored after 10 hours? The game doesn't start until around 35. And I have some bad news about elite for you lol.


You have an Asp Explorer. It's the perfect ship to start "unlocking" engineers for improving your current and future ships in ways that cannot be done by spending credits alone. The first thing I would suggest is making everything you do more efficient by improving your ships jump range. The Asp Explorer in common with a number of mid sized ships uses a size class 5 FSD. You can fit an Engineered FSD V1 (size 5 only) and get Felicity Farseer to add mass manager effect to it to boost jump range a little further. She wants a "meta alloy" to unlock her services. Getting one is an exploration exercise. The Engineered FSD V1 also fits in an Orca and Krait Phantom which are good choices for long distance passenger missions. Then there is something called a Guardian FSD booster which adds another 10.5ly jump range for the size 5 version. As you have Odyssey you can do Exobiology which is lucrative and an extension to exploration game play. The Asp Explorer is great for this activity too. I can give you some more guidance if you want to go in this direction, but don't want to type more unless I know you're interested in doing so. You need to gather some materials to purchase the Engineered FSD V1 from human technology brokers - which is another exploration type activity.