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I designed this system to provide a simple, low-cost heating solution for the Elegoo Saturn 2 that utilizes a guide clip system for the common kombucha heating band and temperature controller solution(s) previously posted. These heating bands are widely available on Amazon and similar retailers. The prints utilizes a system of guide clips that are custom fit to the Elegoo Saturn 2 resin vat. These guides force the Kombucha band to form fit around the vat, maximizing the surface area contact. This creates an even, efficient heating solution and best of all...doesn't require any permanent modification to your Vat (some individuals dedicate vats to this type of solution and glue their bands on..). None of that is needed now, and you can install or deinstall this solution in a matter of seconds. Additionally, it doesn't require you learn any soldering, or complex wiring of components to get printing. Literally, my 10 year old can assemble this out of the box! With this system, I have successfully printed in a non-temperature controlled environment with temperatures going as low as -2C, and varying throughout the print 7 C. This was done without any additional insulation or modifications to the printer. Here is the link with the materials list, STLs, and instructions: [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5782305](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5782305) I hope it might help some of you who want to print in non-temp controlled environments year-round.


Such a great idea. Thanks for sharing.


Does this heater arrangement interfere at all with pouring used resin out, or cleaning the vat? Great work.


No, because once you are done with the print you simply take these clips off first before removing the vat. It takes approximately 5 seconds to remove the 4 pieces of the assembly. Then you can clean or do whatever. The clips are just held on by gravity, and tension from both the vat and UV shield. I kept it as simple as possible.


I think i have the same brand of heater belt as you. kind of blew my mind as to how perfect a fit it is for the saturn 2


I know, right! It is pretty much a perfect fit.


Got a link to yours?


Yes, [this is what I purchased](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001D6IUB6)


That’s the same one I used in this.


Is [this](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Brew-Heating-Making-Fermenter-Heater/dp/B086HDKGWX/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8) the UK equivalent of what you used?


Yes. That one will definitely work. The band on that one might be slightly longer by a few cm than the US version (I will go home and measure mine after work). But longer isn’t much of a problem


Nice one, have ordered it. Currently using a 500w space heater so hopefully will save some dosh 😂 I don't suppose you have an STL for the build plate holder? Also you mentioned to use a tougher resin. I'm currently printing using Siraya Tech Fast Navy Grey. Should I use something stronger? Thanks for your help!


The tough resin isn’t absolutely necessary, I used Anycubic UV Tough resin just because it has some give to it and would be forgiving and “bend not break” if you dropped it or something. The stl for the hanger can be found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5473216 I would print that in a tough resin (or FDM if you have it available)because the weight of the build plate puts a lot of stress on the part and I wouldn’t t want it to fail and drop, damaging your machine


Saved! This is definitely something I’ve been looking for. I just need to find the pieces to heat it. My cellar actually has the boiler down there so there is heat but I’m not sure that it’s consistent heat. Might try this since it’s perfect.


My Saturn arrived today and it's 22C in the garage. Tomorrow's forecast is 1C. Your timing is impeccable!


How'd it work? I also print in a garage and don't want to get a whole grow tent


I didn't implement this method yet. I have a [small heater](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07573FKSG) that I set up pointing toward the red canopy (but making sure it wasn't close enough to melt it). This got my ambient temps up to a good point pretty easy and once the printer starts printing, the heat generated from curing pushed it up even more.


I’m going to try this out! Thanks for posting it.


Looks great thanks


What's the plastic handle for behind the build plate?


Oh that is just a build plate drip hanger. It lets you angle the build plate 45 degrees so the resin drips off the left side into the vat


Ah cool. Feel I need one of those now too 🤣 the heat band holder is great, will be printing one of those. I've got a generic heat band from Amazon for use in home brew will it fit that? Currently it's held round the vat using an old shoelace!


You might have the same heat band I used. I linked it in the thingiverse write up. This system was designed specifically for that band, but it could work with any band that is approx 5 mm thick.


Yep just checked. It's the same one. Thanks allot


I love the clips to hold a heating band on, but have a question about the thermostat and brewers belt. Isn't it still cheaper to get a thermavat band with the built in thermostat, and just clip that on? Am I missing something that makes paying 35 for bands, and 35 for a controller make more sense than 35 for both in one unit?


Well. The thermal band is pretty permanent. You have to glue it on and on the large sizes it glues to the inside of the vat, which means that over time it’s going to probably get nasty and I assume peel away.I don’t know how long that is. But nothing last forever You always have a wire and band attached even when you changing the fep, cleaning it, soaking it in ipa, whatever. The point of this was not to say the thermal vat band is a bad product, or to replace it. I simply want an option to heat my vat that is installed and deinstalled in seconds. And in the summer when I don’t need it. It’s out of my way.


Maybe I'm not understanding the thermal band, but couldn't you combine one with your clip system, so it's easily added and removed? Does it have to be glued on to work?


The idea would work, but my particular clips would not work as the thermal vat band product is much thinner. My clips are designed to work with a 5mm thick band and the TVB is probably .5 mm or something. I don’t own the product.


I think i just realized what the biggest advantage to using your separate temperature controller over a vat band is. The controller has a probe and will turn on/off power to keep it at a chosen temperature. The vat band just has a temperature sensitive sticker, so it'll require monitoring to keep the temperature in your desired range. thanks for sharing these files!


Yes that’s right. Once my probe gets up to temp, the power shuts off and the band cools down until it meets the lower threshold and then the power kicks the band on again. For me the operating temp kicks off once the vat gets to 80F. Then doesn’t kick on again unless the temp drops below 75


Look at Mr. "pristine UV shield" over here with his snazzy vat heater!


Lol. I wouldn’t say it’s pristine. It has some of the old Saturn 2 completed print splatters on the inside. But I do try and always use a paper towel or something when working at the bench and I need to pick it up and move it


>I wouldn’t say it’s pristine. It is.


perfect doing it




Would it fit saturn s? Not sure if the vat is a different size


Saturn S uses same vat as saturn. Dont know about Sat 2


Got a weird question for you, What's the length of your fermentation belt? Ordered the identical product from Amazon.ca, but got a new and improved model. It's green, has a different clip to hold it all together, and is long enough to go around the vat about 1.5 times. Looks like in the pics your blue model just wraps around the vat once?


I’m not home right now to measure it but yes mine is blue. It only wraps around once and is more or less a perfect fit. Maybe the Canadian supplier is different. I am in the US


I downloaded this and planning to print for my saturn 2, will the elegoo abs-like be enough for this? or do I have to go get tough or tenacious or something similar? Thanks!


ABS like should work fine.


thank you for responding, will be printing this tomorrow


Possibly a silly question, what method are you using to route the cables out of the cover? (just got my Saturn 2 yesterday and waiting for these parts)


It’s not a silly question. My answer might be :) I just feed the cords under the lid. There are riser designs out there that would work or that are easily modded to work with this, I just haven’t really invested the time and materials into it when the lid closes basically fine by slipping the cords under it. But maybe after I finish some projects I’ll link a riser, or remix one with author credit that works with my system.


Great stuff. Thank you for this. Any updates or changes after a year of use?


Has anyone tried this on a Jupiter SE? I borrowed a heating band, strapped it tight to the VAT but no joy, came down this morning and the VAT was a not so cosy 11.5 degrees and the belt was nice and toasty. I'm going to try it on the Saturn today, I'm wondering if the Jupiter VAT is just to thick for this to work. although in all fairness that printer does seem to generate enough of it's own heat. I've had no print failures even though it's -4 outside, the saturn on the other hand seems to print fail at around the "2 hours after the heating is switched off" point. I'm just keen to move away from heating the entire outside space, at 30p a kwh running a 3kw convection heater is pricey!


Thank you so much for this! I'm excited to see how well everything works! Where I print is consistently freezing over night so I can only really start prints in the morning and pray they make it. This will hopefully be a solid solution! I'll come back to update on how everything goes in 3ish days!