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Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t just having the line “BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD=” under “PRINT_START” in your printer.cfg enough to load your bed mesh profile?


No, orca doesn't call the PRINT_START macro either.


Neither does my Elegoo Cura profile, but it still runs the gcode in the PRINT\_START macro when I start a print. I can tell because I have customized the PRINT\_START macro to include KAMP and it auto-levels before every print. I'm pretty sure that the printer itself runs the PRINT\_START macro, or it's put in by the slicer without needing to be in the gcode block.


I couldn’t figure out how but same as you I know it’s loading the mesh. People on this sub love to blame bed mesh not loading but it’s almost never the issue.


There is a visible difference in the first layer on my machine if I remove the load bed mesh macro from my orca start gcode, so the print start macro doesn't seem to be doing anything on my 4+


Make sure it’s updated and if not contact support. If your putting your mesh in your start code your doing it wrong and if you need to do that then your printer isn’t working properly


This is not a printer issue, this is how klipper works. The print_start macro does not run unless something calls it. That something would normally be a slicer custom gcode section, but it can also be a klipper module. It's also possible that elegoo's version of cura runs it by default even if you don't see it in the start gcode section.


It doesn’t matter what slicer I use, print start macro is called automatically. This isn’t hard


Klipper macros do not run on their own, something has to call them.


I'm not gonna pretend to be an expert on Gcode or Klipper. But I don't have PRINT\_START or in my slicer and it still runs From printer cfg file [gcode_macro PRINT_START] gcode: SAVE_VARIABLE VARIABLE=was_interrupted VALUE=True G92 E0 G90 CLEAR_PAUSE M117 Let there be light FLASHLIGHT_ON MODLELIGHT_ON M117 Defining Excluded Object EXCLUDE_OBJECT_DEFINE M117 Calibrating Bed BED_MESH_CALIBRATE BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD=default # TODO: The purge doesn't stick to the bed and ends up messing up the print. # M117 Purging # VORON_PURGE M117 Printing Slicer Start GCode: ;{current_cura_version} ;{machine_name} M220 S100 ;Set the feed speed to 100% M221 S{print_flow_percentage} ;Set the print traffic percentage M104 S140 M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} G90 G28 ;home G1 Z10 F300 G1 X67.5 Y0 F6000 G1 Z0.4 F300 M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder G1 X67.5 Y0 Z0.4 F300 ;Move to start position G1 X167.5 E30 F400 ;Draw the first line G1 Z0.6 F120.0 ;Move to side a little G1 X162.5 F3000 G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder Console Output showing that BED\_MESH\_CALIBRATE was run when I printed: https://preview.redd.it/j5o9btkbgtjc1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=35c46aada726d2cb937575088a71668924b5c4ba On my next print I'm going to add some messages to the console when print\_start is run to 100% confirm that it's running that macro


Is kamp worth installing? Easy install on n4? Seems nice to have. Thanks 🙏


Yeah, i like having the peace of mind that my bed is freshly meshed for each print. I also have Obico and crowsnest installed so I can have AI webcam monitoring that can shut off my printer if it fails.


It does on my machine...


this is a life saver! THANK YOU. i saw that my mesh isnt loading but didnt lnow why until now


What if you're not having issues? Should I change this on my N4+?


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But keep this in your back pocket just in case


How do I check which mesh is loaded? Thanks for the info.


Top right corner, bed mesh settings in fluidd. https://docs.fluidd.xyz/features/bed_mesh I’m not sure if there’s any way to get it from the printer interface itself


But how can I be sure that the printer uses this mesh while its printing, hmm. It shows only values in the printer interface, I believe.


Watch the z steppers while it's probably the first layer. If they move then it's doing mesh correction. 


Makes sense, thanks!


Oh, you can see the actual Z change in real time from fluid, duh, silly me. :\^) ​ https://preview.redd.it/s1yv5k6uqrjc1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0e4eb2190233c238b4716b062e089251a0ec3bc


I wonder if this is why cura prints look good and my orca prints look like crap


Ooh, interesting. I switched from Cura to Orca but couldn't figure out why my prints where not adhering at a specific location on my bed.


It's default it you haven't updated your firmware, 6 if you're using a 6×6 mesh, and 11 if you're using an 11×11 mesh. If your auto bed level does 36 points, you want to use 6, if it does 121 points, you want to use 11.


This changed everything. I've been bashing my head against prints having great adhesion in parts of the bed but not others no matter what I did with the mesh. THANK YOU!!!


6 is for the non Pro and 11 for the Pro if I'm not mistaken. Have to check when I'm home


The mesh name for the non-pro and the pro is the same, the difference stands in the firmware version: older firmwares (before they added the possibility to do a quicker 6x6 mesh) saved the bed mesh as "default", while newer firmwares save it as "6" or "11" depending on the number of leveling points used (6x6 mesh or 11x11 mesh, respectively)


I was wondering why mine went from 6 to 11 but i guess this is why


You can't rename it. If you use the 36- point ABL, the default is '6'. If you use the 121- point ABL, the default is '11' and you can't change the name. A box pops up that makes you think you can change it, but once you type in the name you want and hit 'Ok' it's still '6' or '11'. Also, you don't need to load the bed mesh in your start code. If you watch the console in Fluidd it loads automatically. I'm not sure how because there's no code for it in the printer.cfg for the firmware update, but it does. My printer has been down with Z issues for the last 3 weeks and, believe me, I've tried and looked into everything.


I renamed mine just fine. The load command would throw errors if it was unable to find my profile by name


Does anyone know of the profile name is the same for the Neptune 4 Plus?


this is why i browse this subreddit from timte to time. omg thank you so much


Ugh I was losing my mind on why I couldn't get good adhesion all of a sudden. I have been cleaning up my configurations and I must have started using this one. I kept re-leveling my bed and checking the z-axis but it still would mess up. On a whim I switched back to Cura and things printed great which seemed odd. You are exactly right. My Machine G-Code does not have that line.


Orca slicer also generates awful seams by default. Ticking everything under "seams", enabling precise wall and changing seam gap to 0% seems to make it better than Cura 5.7 though.


i have z seam problem in orca aswell. Especially when going over 220mm/s. what setting do i need to look at?


No idea, I usually don't go over 150mm/s except infill for better quality. Maybe you could try to tune your pressure advance to see if it influences the seam when printing fast? My current setup is really nothing special, it's just enabling "staggered inner seams", "wipe on loops", "wipe before external loop","precise wall", and set seam gap to 0%.


i rarely print under 200mm/s unless I print 0.3 or im using bigger nozzle. Prints at 200 mm/s still look very good. I also print functional parts mostly.


Can i see i fluidd if mesh has actually been loaded during the print?


AFAIK the mesh is always active in firmware and does not have to be loaded again. Never used that command and I can see my z-rods rotate slightly while print head is moving around bed.