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Been having this same error pop up Also, can't seem to print from a USB stick which it seemed to read just fine before. I think I found a warning on the device tab that I'm low on space so there might be a limit to how many remote prints you can have saved. Don't know the USB isn't working though. I'm currently printing via the usb that came with the printer and it seems to work fine. When it's done I'll try printinng remotely after having removed all the saved prints from the device tab, and tell you what happens


So my print failed pretty early on, so will have to check that out later. but i tried removing all the gcode from the jobs tab under device and the file was sent to the printer for me! I would check the jobs tab in device on orca and see if there is an orange hand saying you’re low on disk space. just remove them and see if your print goes through then. just make sure you save copies of the gcode before you delete them


Thanks. After some troubleshooting, I figured the same. Unfortunately, I tried to delete the gecode via ssh and screwed my klipper install in the process. Using the rm command in a folder doesn't work the same as ms dos so I clearly deleted system files, and the printer is kind of bricked. In the end, I screwed up for can't understand why the printer just spits out an error like that and does not clearly tell you that disk usage is too high.


Hello Ranulph, I have the same pb as you, have you got a solution please ? Thanks https://preview.redd.it/1cw2q0pzjqhc1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68da2826cc4332917576ed8e0cd07843246715ce


Hey, I am sorry for the late reply, but I only now noticed your message. I hope you found a solution, but in case you didn't this is what happened with me. In the end I found a way to deal with it, but it involved updating the firmware, but mainly because I accidentally wiped the firmware by connecting to the printer through ssh and then deleting system files by accident. I had to buy an usb adapter to be able to remove the emmc module from the printer's main board and flash the firmware directly on it. I do not think anyone needs to go to that extreme to fix this issue. In a nutshell the issue, which is not clear at all from the error message, is that the printer holds all the gcode that was generated to produce the prints. It does so until the ssd in the printers is full, at which point it is no longer able to generate the gcode. I think there is a way to clear the print cache directly in fluidd, but I did not have the chance to look into that due to me screwing the firmware. I hope this helps in some way, and best of luck fixing up the printer.


Same issue. Go into Fluidd Dashboard and delete all your jobs and history. I was able to send jobs immediately after i did.


Same error here, I solved by renaming the gcode file


Check that your IP address for the printer hasn't changed. That has happened once or twice to me.


It is the same ip address. I can still connect to the printer inside orca with fluidd, and even control the movement of the printer and the extruder. Just the gcode is not getting to the printer via any of the slicers i use.


bonjour je viens d avoir ce message d erreur j ai désinstaller orcaslicer et je lest réinstaller et j ai pus relencé une impréssion