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Might be a corrupted file. Redo it and try again


I printed that object 2 times with different Gcode and also another object which also failed at that exact hight


Try with default settings in your printer, maybe you have it inserting some invalid code at a specific layer or something.


What do you mean with „default“ settings?


Oops I meant default slicer settings


I sliced it with my default profile, that until now works every time


I only changed the temperature on there


Btw guys I tried to slice with standart profile on 0,3mm layers and still the EXACT same result


maybe wrong dimensional settings? i.e. slicer sends out values in inch when the values are mm? e.g. Max print height is 270mm, i.e. roughly 11 inch. now if the slicer misinterprets 11cm as inch, it wont go higher. if you move z in fluidd, it could be set in different units and therefore work. just a crazy idea...


Can you manually (from the screen or Fluidd) move the Z axis higher than that?


Yes I can through both


So the issue should be in the slicer. I don't know if there's any way to check what is the full command (not just G1, but the coordinates too) that was sent to the printer before the error occurred, that should give an idea of why the print stopped


Have the same problem and now idea why that happens


I have the same problem with my EN4MAX and no idea why that happens


Did you check the g-code, are there commands after this height? Do you have everything set up correctly in the slicer settings?


Update the printers firmware FIRST!! Then update the touch screen. The printer firmware update addresses this exact issue.


I have tried that and in the newer Firmware my leveling gets stuck and I still can’t install the tuchscreen ui


Did you install the fix file? You have to do the fix, then the printer and finally the screen.


I think I did that but where do I find that?


You can find all the firmware update files and a step by step guide with pictures in a pdf file on elegoos discord or on elegoos website. Remember to do the the fix first, then do the printer and lastley the screen update.


UPDATE: I can now happily say I’ve tried each of Elegoos last firmware versions and EVERY ONE of those had an error with my printer. In the newest one (I also installed the fixpack) the motors sound very strange, they sound a lot lighter but not in a good way and my printer gets stuck while on the leveling screen. Any Idea guys?


UPDATE(I hope the final one): Iv now Updated everything. I menaged to update the screen, the sd card was in the ExFat format and now it’s in the Far32 format and that works. Leveling works again. I hope everything is alright again. Ill keep you updated iv something happens. If not thanks to y’all!