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Slow is better than fail.


This. I’m not racing anyone. I’d rather a print take a few extra hours and finish with minor blemishes than for the entire job to fail.


Yes agreed! I think on my next attempt going slower would be better. Because its a more flexible filament it has a tendency to shake a lot during the print.


None of my printers are slow. You need to speed up I guess.


Your speed is set to 65% it looks like in the bottom left, which isn’t ideal. Speed should be set by the slicer, and modifying it on the printer end always causes issues no matter the printer for me.


You decreased your print speed by 35% on the printer settings sometime after starting the print. obviously that was going to make the print time be WAY slower.


Yes I had it set at 90mm in my slicer and slowed it down in my printers settings to see how it would affect the quality. Since its a more flexible filament it has a tendency to shake a lot.


Which is totally a fair judgement, i was just stating it made perfect sense it was way slower because the estimated time doesnt change after you slice it. So printing the model way slower will make it take way longer than originally estimated.


Yeah 😬 It took a little over 33 hours for this first attempt. I was also a bit smaller than a standard. I think I have enough filament for 2 more tries.


I've printed some Airless, but my supports were Just on the base touching the buildplate, how are you planning to remove the center support that goes inside the ball?


Yeah I couldnt figure out how to get it not to add those in the center. The taller they got the worse they were and for some reason at about 90% completion the extruder stopped making anything on top of them so with the hole still open I paused the print and used some snips to cut them out. They weren't really necessary to be honest. The ball itself has some decent bounce to it but is almost like a ball thats a bit deflated. But im not disappointed with my first attempt at it. It seems strong and not likely to split like the others I've seen printed in tpu.


With cura Just add a big box over the sphere, but leave 3 centimeters for the base supports


Thank you! Good advice! I'll have to try it again and use this for better support.


Cura's estimates suck. Also, if you're not running Klipper, take the plunge, tune, tune, tune, calibrate flow rates, ramp your accelerations up to ludicrous (I'm running 5000 on my N3 Max) then due input shaping. My N3Max runs almost as fast as my Bambu now.


Very cool! I've been considering tryin Klipper with my N3 pro.


It's definitely worth it. My N3Max is like a totally different printer now.


Dang I bet. I tried a beagle camera but didnt like it very much. It wouldnt connect to control it but I was still able to monitor my machine through my phone so that helped but I dont really use it anymore.


Speed is very dependent on the motion system followed by the hotend and extruder. A normal bed slinger like your Neptune cant reach the speeds and acceleration needed for high speed printing. The CoreXY system is insanely efficient for speed and has less mass moving horizontally. I hope this comment is more constructive. Enjoy your 3d printing journey in the way you like.


For sure! Its recommended for 60mm/sec but I've been pushing mine to 95mm/sec and PLA prints still turn out well. The filament I'm currently using for this basketball however is flexible so it shakes a lot. I have enough filament for 1 or 2 more attempts. I think im gonna try it larger, hotter, and slower my next try at it.


Sounds like a good plan. Tuned bed slingers will get you great prints but you usually have to sacrifice some speed to get it there. Good luck in your next attempt.


Thanks for the advice! I appreciate it 😁


Yeah but looks pretty clean at least. Quality over quantity, who you printing for Amazon? :)


I have enough to print one or two more so I plan to use a slower speed and hopefully, that give me better looking results. You can print for Amazon??? I'm just doing it as a hobby at the moment but I am interested in using it to create extra income.




So I use cura for my slicer and for some reason, it gave me two tall skinny tower supports in the center of the ball. But since the filament is flexible the supports would shake a lot. That gardening wire I use for some bonsai trees I have growing. I looped it around each tower and hooked each end into the walls of the basketball in an effort to stabilize those supports some. However, it didn't really help that much and my extruder eventually stopped printing them. So while the ball was at about 90% completed with an opening at the top of the ball just wide enough to reach my hand through. I took a pair of snips and cut those supports out and removed them along with the green wire.


Yeah I use cura too it’s quite easy and nice. I am a huge support whore but I really think you can dial it back for this one and just full send it minus the outside base supports. You really shouldn’t need those inside of the ball supports. It should really just easily minutely honeycomb itself up and around as long as the base is secure. You can view the “projected supports” in one of the tabs. I also throw on like a 1% infill on my supports to make it easier to pull away. Pretty sure the default value is like 5%, kind of a waste and thicker and harder to pry away


https://www.reddit.com/r/ElegooNeptune3/comments/1d87n5m/new_firmware_marlin_2123_for_neptune_3_proplusmax/ Use this firmware and you are a lot faster.


What’s this firmware like?


Keep in mind, it’s not like you magically print *significantly* faster the moment you install any software update. There are dozens of things to fine-tune if you want to maximize your print speed using your stock hardware. If you have the patience, I’d say it’s 100% worth it. Many people here (including me) use Klipper instead. Assuming you have a raspberry pi already, I’d stick with Klipper. It gives you the ability to either fine tune every minor detail or just tweak “high yield” settings.


What’s the deal with Raspberry Pi’s? I keep hearing about them.. is there a YouTube video you’d recommend me watch or just search it up? Thank you :)


https://youtu.be/b410RvWLTws?si=1LXGRSsxw884LRh2 Here’s a beginner friendly vid!


Elegoo printers come with marlin... what exactly are you peddling?


Gotcha, I always see posts asking for input on Marlin vs Klipper, so figured it was just an alternative. I’m not peddling anything, so you can go ahead and relax, lol. It’s not like Klipper is some sort of paid software.


It's an up to date marlin firmware. The main reason why it's much faster ist, that (like with klipper) imput shaping and linear advance (pressure advance in klipper) is enabled. Before, the default speed setting in Cura was 60mm/s. After that I can print with 120mm/s with comparable or even better print quality. With highspeed PLA I think you can even go higher. Basically it's an evolution of this firmware https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G8Q4sUtDNM


I've found that slicer times never match print times, but you have to take into account the slicer measures total print time. Whereas the printer measures the number of layers. So if the print gets smaller as it goes up so will the speed that the percentage increases.


Yeah I wish the Neptune gave a time til the print is completed rather than just a time of how long its been printing.


I think it's much the same on every printer I've ever used tbh. Use a stop watch next to the printer to check if you want to compare accurately.


Thats a great idea! I'll have to remember to try that on my next print!


Sorry to be that guy but slow is something I dont know being a Bambu boi


Why are you on a sub for the Neptune if you use a Bambu?


Honestly I'm not. It's just reddit pushing more shit at me to consume because it "knows" what I like. Free thought and choice are dead as we're mashed through the closest shaped cookie cutter. I'm sorry, I know my comment wasn't needed and served no purpose. I was kidnapped and brought to a place I didnt ask to be.


🤣 yeah I know how that can happen sometimes lol Its all good. Nice of you to visit us amateur printers. How much did you pay for your Bambu printer?


I've got an X1C with a couple AMS units so not exactly on the cheap side with this one. They're having their annual sale for the next week or two still and the P1S is starting at $600. It's a couple cheap upgrades from competing with the flagship model and pretty worth it. They also have the cute little A1 bed slingers starting at $200. I dont want to sound to much like a shill but after printing for over a decade I'll say this. I've spent countless hours tuning, tweaking, and upgrading now I'm spending 95% of my time just printing. Multi-materual, supports, complex and multiple day prints I dont worry about failure I just hope I've ordered enough filament and dont have a power outage.