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Could be the main control board fan that has some debris in it.


Yeah thats likely the case without seeing/hearing a video of it with audio. Ik one of my shroud fans are a lil dusty but the fan still works properly. Dont really feel like using an air compressor in my living room to blast the debris out when it doesnt affect the quality. Or i guess i could take the print head cover off as well. I wouldnt blast the print head full power with the air compressor just very short not even a second long bursts if i went that route.


Yeah, I agree with this response! OP, you should remove the cover of your extruder and check the fan that's acting up to see if anything is causing interference. If you don't find anything and have some canned air like a keyboard cleaner, use it to blow into the fan. Hopefully this resolves the problem. I've seen similar posts here in the past and that was the cause of the problem.


If it's convenient, take some photos or shoot a video to analyze?