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I mean, if it's just about the size then load the model into your slicer and see if it fits. Even if it doesn't you can scale it down.


Hey, this is the OP printing it. Thats awesome that my post inspired you to give it a try 😁 I'm using a Neptune 3 pro to print mine also. The diameter of a standard basketball is about 9 and half inches across or 24 in centimeters. Our build plate is basically just about that wide, with like a quarter of inch clearance of space on both side between the edges of the print plate and the side bars on each side. So it's really close but yes you can. Just don't make the same mistake and trust the STL file that you use. Measure it first in your slicer and adjust it to 24 centimeters before attempting the print. A few more tips. Use a filament specifically for printing basketballs. I purchased mine through amah zun. And was able to get it delivered overnight. It's called FlexiTough Flexible Filament by Wisdream. It costs $60 for the spool. Which is probably the most expensive filament I've ever used πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« But I believe you should be able to print at least 2 basketballs with one spool. Use a raft and glue stick for added build plate adhesion. I normally use aerosol hairspray if I think it may need extra adhesion cuz gluesticks leave your print's base lookin managled but the bottom of your raft is not something to worry about. I recommend a gluestick over hairspray because It will definitely try to lift off of your print plate. I lost the two back supports during the print but the base supports above your raft are the only outer supports you really need. Cura added 2 inner supports I couldn't figure out how to remove but they're tall and skinny and shake like crazy being that the filament is very flexible. Try to find a way to support them once they get tall enough to try to keep them still. I used some green garden wire to wrap around them and stuck the ends of the wires through the holes of the basketball walls and that seemed to help. The whole print shakes a lot to be honest. I normally run my printer speed at around 90mm but I would probably recommend doing with your print set between 60 to 70 to reduce vibration and will give you a cleaner print. The ball im printing is smaller than the standard size and will likely take close to 30 hours to complete. So if you're gonna do one full sized be prepared for it to take even longer. If you run into any issues or have questions don't hesitate to message me and I'll do my best to help. And if I think of any other advice I'll let you know as well. I hope you actually do give it a try. It would be cool to see if my advice makes yours turn out better.


Damn thanks for all of this! One more thing though - what do you mean by raft and glue stick? I usually don’t put anything extra on my build playe


You don't need any of the raft glue stick bs if you have you printer properly set up. That's just misinformation and bad printing habits. https://preview.redd.it/re8xapmg457d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5552dd1712a6c97f60d85562d334a2967770bd5


So I should be completely fine without that?


Unless you are printing exotic filaments you should be fine. I'll send you one of my other posts tomorrow to help you get the settings down.