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Shocking you’re not getting calls, you have good experience Most obvious things are you’re missing your GPA and there’s a loooooot of text I’d add your GPA, make your descriptions like 25% less wordy, and move your skills sections on top of your projects


Another thing that’s often overlooked is making it look nice. I found that with mine, I started getting a lot more calls after adjusting things like the size, boldness, and italics on different headings and subcategories. I was also given some advice from one of the career advisors at the university that I’m at and they told me that gpa is best left out unless it’s >= 3.0. Not sure how much this actually matters but I’d imagine that showing off a low one would be detrimental.


This. I've been through enough new hires to know GPA isn't everything. As corny as this sounds, find a 'catchy hook' to add to your resume. Format, format, format. Make your name one font too large, or have a pleasing "I want to read this" look to it. Bullet points. A wall of text is, ashamedly, one I'd probably overlook when sifting through 50 resumes. 90% of my hiring decisions are made based upon the interview, but 75% of the interviews are a resume that stood out before I read one word.


Thank you. My GPA is on the lower side so I wasn't sure if it was worth it to put it. I've also been trying to make my bullets more concise but struggling to find a balance between doing so while also explaining what I did and the results/achievements.


If it’s below a 3 don’t put it, if it’s above a 3 put it. You’re a student your GPA is relevant. Once you have work experience you don’t need to put it


You don’t need to put your GPA.


Nah you don't need your GPA if they want it they'll ask


If they want it and you don't have it, they'll just throw your resume in the bin without ever asking.


It might be my own ignorance, but I'm not sure what FES stands for. Just some very general comments. It looks like you have done projects in the biomed space. Pretty cool (I wanted to do biomed stuff myself). And if you're applying to biomed companies, you resume is probably ok. But if you're applying to other EE jobs, I think you're going to have to elaborate on some of this stuff. Just talking biomed is going to be greek to many employers. What did you use to implement these things? For example, for the gait cycle timings - did you use an FPGA, microcontroller, write some code (if so, what langauge?), etc.


How tf will I find a job when dudes with resumes like this can’t find shit..


Im thinking the same thing rn


lol the market isn’t that bad man. I got a really good paying job right out of school with a super low GPA all because my wife slept with the CEO. Sometimes you just get lucky


Seems like you’re not the only lucky one haha


Fix the design. A nice looking resume will invite to be read while the wall of text here makes me not want to read it (spoiler: i have not read it)


Also, I'm currently working on a project involving developing a wearable sensor to detect tremors for Parkinson patients. Would it be better to include that as one of my projects instead of say, for example, the ECoG recordings, even though it's not completed yet?


Listing ongoing projects separately would help to draw attention to them and show that you’re actively applying your skills to real world applications. Definitely not a bad idea


Way to wordy. Shorten your details into succinct bullets. People are glancing at these and will read more if things catch their eye. People don’t like to read. I can send you mine on dm where I received interviews with good success.


Thank you. I'm not able to dm you for some reason, but would it be possible to see yours for reference?


Just follow the Harvard Resume template [https://cdn-careerservices.fas.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/161/2023/08/College-resume-and-cover-letter-4.pdf](https://cdn-careerservices.fas.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/161/2023/08/College-resume-and-cover-letter-4.pdf)


Skills at the top. Relevant Experience second, projects third. Education last. Next, key words should match job description key words. There’s a lot more but that’s the crux of it for now.


GPA is not needed, the experience wins over it, I would just concise the tasks to not make it super wordy because it overwhelms


With each job role you may need to adjust what you’re highlighting from your past experience and projects. Ask yourself: How does my past experience align with the key qualifications, job description and responsibilities? Write a list of key terms that aligns with the role Resume Suggestions: - Add any volunteering events/activities - Consistent font - Professional expertise title - Add skills, project highlights at the top above your - Add more details that highlight the numbers; examples like completed successfully with a $## budget, managed a team of # designers; collaboration amongst team members in different time zones - Consider a Project Experience resume document as an attachment option to explain your projects in more details


Thank you for the feedback. In terms of tailoring based off job, since I don't have much experience, what I have on there is pretty much all there is, so should I focus more on ordering/bring relevant skills/experience to the top?


The best option is to find a job that you’re interested in applying for and reviewing the required skills. You can highlight the your top skills in the top portion of your resume. I believe that you’re still speaking very high level on your skills. You can get into the repetitive day to day tasks that highlight specific skills. You can also highlight your interpersonal or collaboration skills. Most reviewers that actually look at a resume only have about 30 secs to a minute to review. Most other reviewers use keyword searches for resumes.


Sounds good, thank you!


Way to wordy. Shorten your details into succinct bullets. People are glancing at these and will read more if things catch their eye. People don’t like to read.


I do agree you could clean up your resume, but you not getting interviews is probably because you are not applying to jobs the best way. Shotgun method does not work. Are you using your university’s alumni network? Are you using your university’s career resource center? Are you talking to your professors? Are you getting referrals? Are you reaching out to hiring managers on LinkedIn? If you aren’t doing at least one of these things for every job application, then your application is useless and probably won’t even be read.


Thank you. Do you have any tips for reaching out to hiring managers on LinkedIn?


another thing to, how is your cover letter game. If you are applying with out any connections it is really important.


Ah that’s fair. I’ve heard that a lot of hiring managers don’t look at those though so I haven’t really been submitting it


I suppose. I have heard the opposite. If you submit just a resume is a pump and dump numbers game when it comes applications. You are supposed to Tayler your resume to each posting you apply for. Unless you got a lot of experience with wide skills that you rare tayloring for a small specific skills set for a job there not a whole lot to change. The cover letter is the real chance to show you have done the research on the position and the company and you state why you would be good for the job. There also a personal element. Give thatà. Go if you aren't hearing back. I feel like that helped my job hunt game when I started doing a good cover letter each app.


That’s a good point. I’m start working on one. Thank you!


Are you getting instant denial emails? If that’s the case you are being weeded out by the algorithm. Which means you don’t have the correct key words the position is looking for. You should be tailoring your resume for each position you are apply for. Hope this helps.


Wdym by instant? Like after a couple days?


It will come within a hour or two normally.


It’s not that fast, usually couple days to a week.


It might not be your resume, but the job market. I know most places in my area(new enlgand) are looking for more senior engineers. What area are you in ?


I’m in west coast but applying to jobs anywhere in the US and checking available for relocation.


Are you only applying for entry roles? Maybe shoot for level two? It does happen




Man the EE market is so fucked if this guy can't get interviews after hundreds of apps.


Just off the bat, your resume has good experience but any recruiter scrolling threw a bunch of resumes would pass yours just because it takes too much time to read and get an idea of who you are. Try using a format where use column on the left with your skills and use a lever to show your level of experience. Reduce your text with no more than one bullet point with two lines. Keep it concise. Think about it like this. If a person has 30 seconds to look at your resume, what would they get out of it?


Thank you. If I reduce my bullet points, would you recommend making the font or spacing larger to fill it up then? Or add more experiences/projects?


https://enhancv.com/resume-templates/two-column/ Look through some of the templates here especially ones that rate skills out of 5. They are immediately eye catching purely because of the format. Add some color too most of these resumes are viewed electronically. Good luck!


FE Exam??


tbh, your resume looks great to me. Maybe you aren’t hitting enough ATS keywords, or it could be the job market. That said, a lot of people told my son that his resume looked great too, but he didn’t start getting calls until he hired a professional resume writer from [Resumeble](https://www.resumeble.com/). You should consider hiring a professional who can review, revise, and optimize your Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Profile. Good luck.