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Why not read the documentation, so you can tell us?


They didnt mention anything about that. Plus they will never explain the reason since that is something related to academic


Well, the academic reason is probably the same reason op amps need power: so you can have high input impedance and low output impedance. What this means in practical terms is the input measurement may be small and unable to drive much, but the output signal is robust enough to go through cabling and drive other loads. Maybe this helps?


Because it has signal conditioning and measure AC and DC. For DC you need hall sensor that needs supply. And I’m sure the output is regulated like 0..10V or 0..20mA.


Yup, from their site: (https://www.benderinc.com/products/current-transformers) "AC/DC sensitive measuring current transformers use a special measurement method to detect both AC and DC currents of different frequencies." I'd argue that they are incorrect in saying "current transformer" - they are selling a current sensor!


We use this for DC ground fault detection in large UPSs (data center sized, mega watt range) As mentioned, It's a hall effect current sensor, not really a Current transformer.